chapter 2

Invisible Land {HIATUS}

You woke up and got dressed for school you were already running late so when you got done getting ready you ran strat out the door lucky for you wyour step father did not stop you or do anything to you for being late but you knew he would get you after school.

when you got on the bus it was the same as yesterday the only problem is that you wanted to speak up but you were sooo shy so you kept quiet  when you got to school it was really bad the queens of the school jessica and her friends mocked you.

 the morning went by really fast then at lunch you stood in the line all alone jessica and her friends were getting up and jessica looked at you she started to smile and went to her friends and whispered to them and they laughed and shook there heads yes then when she was done she walked over with her plate of lunch still in her hands.

she said"Hey loser"

you just pretented she was not there then she got a little mad and said"When i am talking to you better listen" you looked up with a sad look but in your mind you just wished she would go away and you could get away from her.

She looked at you expeting for you to talk then she said"Are you hungry" but before you could say anything or stop her she dumped her lunch on you head and on your shirt.

everybady stoped laughed at you.You were so embarrassed you just ran to the bathroom with tears coming down your face.

You staed in one of the bathroom stalls till the lunch bell rang saying lunch was over when you got out you went to your class it went by pretty fast then soon enough school was over you ran out of the buliding as soon as that bell rang you ran to the park and staed there till midnight you decited to see if there was a shooting star and there was when you saw it you stood up and looked at the moon and the moon was full you looked around and saw it was pitch black.

that is when you said"I wish i could go to invisible land"

when you opened you eyes you looked around then said"I guess it didnt work then you saw a little sliver of a crack in the sky the winds picked up and you got lifted up into the ari and in the crack 

you opened you eyes and saw 7 eyes staring back up at you then you saw faces and boy 7 boy you thought what are they doing hear then one of them said"She is awake"

you got up quickly but lost your balence and fell but one of the boys caought you he had black hair and asked"Are you ok"

you shock your head yes and asked"Where am i?"

"you are in invisible land" the guy with the black hair said 

your eyes got wide and you asked"How did i get hear and i thought invisible land was a myth"

they all shock there head no to say thsi is no myth then one said with a cute smile"You wished you cloud come hear and we granted it we have watched you ever since your mom died and we just have been waiting  for the right time for a shooting star and you saw it and now you hear" he just kept smiling.

then you relized it was dark they took you to there castle then they showed you a room you could stay in.

"What is your guys names" you asked before you went to bed.

the guy with the black hair came up and said"i am dongho and this is kiseop,aj,hoon,eli,soohyan,and kevin" he was the guy with the cute smile.

lucky for you when dongo said there names and when he did they waved there hand so you would know who it was. then you said"Goodnight" and they said it back to you then you layed ther trying to think about happened to you today soon enough you fell asleep.

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