the beginning

Invisible Land {HIATUS}

Ever since you where a little girl you had trouble fitting in and always misunderstood well before your mom died she read a book that people said was a true story it was called invisible land in the book it said 7 people live there and take care of the place and wait for someone to wish like this if you really try hard you can go there but only when the moon is full it is pitch black outside and if a shooting star fell just for that person who was ment to go to invisible land and if they accept your wish the will let you come to invisible land and live with them or you can stay for as long as you want and go back and come back.

 one on night when your mom was talking to you about how your step father is not that bad but what she did not know is he beat you every night just because he was drunk or just felt like it but when he was in front of you mom he would act like you where his favoret person in the whole world that night a tearable earthquack came and you mom had to go to gather some stuff that she did not want brocken

you yelled "DONT GO" befor she left

"I will be right back honey i promis" she kissed you on the forhead and left.

that day you lost your mom but the worst part was since your mom did not leave a will your step father got everything evan you.

{time skip}

"beep beep" you got up and turned off you alarm clock and got ready for school when you got down staries your step dad was in the kichen waiting for you to cook him breakfast when you got there your step father jeff asked"You cooking the food"

you rolled your eyes and mummbled"Of coruse i do i always do"

he heard a little bit and got up and walked over to you and asked"What was that you said" he said with a really angry tone. 

you paniced and said"i asked what do you want for breakfast"

he knew it was fake but thats when he got really mad and slaped you across the face you flew back alittle bit almost about to fall over but caought your self and grabed your cheak in pain.

he said"Now you see dont lie to me ok and this wont happen to you ok"

you shook your head couse that was all you could do you had to go to school so you went to the bus stop when the bus came all you heard where people yelling and saying to you you dont belong hear loser,go back to wher you came from,nobdoy likes you,and much more you just ignored them and sat alone in the back.

School flew by and the whole day it was like the bus but people would trip you and then say"Opps i am sorry"

but they never ment it they would always laugh when you fell and when they faked apologi and every day after school you would go to the park and sit and listen to music or read or evan write but when you got really bad couse jeff(a.k.a step father) would beat you for staying out for so long then he would send you to bed after you ate dinner and did your homwork.

you walked up the staries and got ready for bed than you started to cry really hard but you cept silent so jeff would not hear you prayed and

said"sniff sniff dear god please let my misary end and let me go to a better place aman"

then you looked out your window still crying to see if a shooting star was out so you could wish to go to invisiable land but it wasnt there like always you sighed and went to bed but you ended up crying youself to sleep like always.


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