Battle at Amazon Lily



          Luffy and the crew were outside talking to the girls of Amazon Lily. They had to make sure everything was ready for the marines. At any moment they could pop up and destroy everything. That wasn't an option, not for Luffy. Taeil walked out of the palace with Pyo and Ukwon. Jaehyo stayed behind to assist in any preparations for the marines. Taeil looked at everyone playing games and having fun, they acted like it was nothing. Like they never cared that this might be total war. Pyo snapped Taeil out of his trance and kissed his cheek. Taeil giggled and kissed him back. They soon heard girls going "ooh" and "awe." When Pyo turned there were girls watching them show affection. One girl spoke up "I didn't know boys loved each other! That's so cute!" A bunch of girls began giggling and squealing over Pyo and Taeil. They walked past the girls, for some reason they reminded them of their present fangirls. A bell rang and everyone ran to certain positions. Pyo looked to Taeil and nodded, "they've arrived."
       Taeil had went ontop of the gate that over looked the ocean. Taeil's knees went weak to see a giant ship approaching. He pulled out binoculars and searched the deck of the ship. "I see him! I see him!" Ukwon ran over and took a look for himself. He was right, Kyung was on the deck of the ship. Waiting, prowling to find his prey. Pyo looked and gasped "it's Zico too!!" Usopp came over and looked, "oh no. Two scary dudes, and one of them is a shichibukai. Well...his captain is." Chopper backed away, "shichibukai!?" Boa came up to the gate and snarled "everyone in positions!" Taeil watched at the giant ship approached and let marines scatter over the island. Kyung walked off and laughed "come out come out wherever you are!" Taeil swallowed hard and sighed. "I guess it's time." Zico growled and cracked his knuckles. He looked to the gate and spotted a blonde ponytail bouncing in the distance. "I'll meet you there holke. I found my meat." Kyung went to stop Zico but he was already gone into thin air. "We need to stick together you idiot!" Taeil looked around to the ground "Zico's gone! He's just disappeared!!" Zoro looked and felt something turning in his stomach, "this isn't going as planned." Luffy looked around, "I sense someone coming!" Taeil started shaking in fear and he looked around nervously. "Zeahaha. You must mean me." Zico walked along the top of the gate and got closer to Taeil. " did he get up here already!?" Boa screamed. Robin looked at the blonde haired boy and started sweating"it's his devil fruit I'm supernatural." Zico walked closer and Taeil just kept backing away. "My father will be so happy. After you...I'm after StrawHat. I mean, if I can kill his brother, I can kill him as well. Am I right? Zehahahaha!" Zico his lips. "I can taste your blood now." Luffy charged and attacked Zico quickly. "Don't talk about my brother!!!" Zico grabbed Luffy's arm and wiped him away as if he was nothing. "Oh poo, I thought I was actually going to have a good fight." Luffy started coughing due to the wind being knocked out of him. Zoro readied his swords and charged right after Luffy. Zico just stepped aside and let Zoro run past him. As he ran past him Zico grabbed his hair and pulled him to the ground. Rock crumbled as Zoro hit the concrete of the gate. Taeil only stood in fear, no wonder he was leader. He was a beast. Pyo got in front of Taeil and let sand sworm his body. Zico looked surprised, "oh...I think I know you. From the Buggy Pirates correct?...what weaklings they are.." Pyo felt rage and hatred from Zico's words. Nami screamed "don't attack! That's all he wants!!" Zico smirked "smart girl. But it's true...those ugly pirates were only appetizers for the great battle to come." Taeil's eyes were watering and he looked at Zico "Jiho! Please stop...we're your friends!! Look at us.." Ukwon also got in front of Taeil for protection. Taeil didn't have any powers they knew of, so they had to protect him. Zico looked puzzled at the small mans words. "Friends? doesn't ring a bell." Boa held her hand up and let it go down quickly "fire!!" A ambush of arrows were aiming for Zico's presence. None hit. They seemed to go through his body like mist. "Oops! I guess I wasted all your toys. Did I mention I have a devil fruit, you are too stupid aren't you? It's the Yami Yami no mi. Aka....darkness." Luffy stared at the boy and growled. He was just like the man that took Ace to his grave. Rumbling from the gate caught there attention. Chopper screamed "the marines are forcing the gate open!!!" Kyung looked up to the top of the gate. He saw Zico trying to destroy the StrawHats quickly. "Aiya Jiho!!! Don't start the fun til I get there!!" Zico looked down and frowned. ", now which one to kill first." Zico peeked interest into Taeil and teleported to his position. "Hang on small fry." In an instant Taeil and Zico were gone. "Taeilie!!!" Pyo screamed. A faint scream was in the distance. "They're down there! In the village!" Ukwon exclaimed. The crew had no need to be on the gate. They all rushed down to the village. The plan was failing, all to do was let the Marines in and fight. As the crew made it down safely the gates opened. The marines piled in to the bowl that was the Amazon Lily village. Pyo ran to grab Taeil but Zico teleported again. "I can't grab him!" Ukwon looked over and let his body catch on fire. "Pyo! We need to fight and find Kyung! Leave Taeil, he can stand off against Zico!" Pyo looked to Taeil and growled. He went the opposite direction and started attacking marines that entered. Side by Side the StrawHats fought. Many blasts of punches from Luffy, thunderbolts from Nami and slashes from Zoro. Pyo let marines fall into quicksand and kept looking back to find Taeil. A sudden blow to the face had Pyo to the ground. He saw stars, he looked around to everyone fighting and observed their skills. Pyo looked up to see Kyung. "Well well well...just my luck. Guess you'll be first off my list." Kyung smiled and raised his hand in the air. Sparks started accumulating around his fingertips. "Say good bye pirate scum..." 
            Pyo opened his eyes thinking he would be dead. But nothing. Kyung was tackled on the ground by Luffy. Pyo quickly got up, "Luffy! Thank you! I owe my life to you..." Luffy smiled "just make me a nice meal! Listen we need to get your friend back, then we'll have him on our side too!" Pyo nodded and watch Luffy run back into battle. Pyo looked at Kyung on the ground, he couldn't leave him there. He reached out his hand, "Kyung hyung. I'm your friend...please don't you remember!?" Ukwon looked over, "no Pyo! Reasoning won't work!" As Pyo looked away to Ukwon he felt a shock through his body. Kyung held onto Pyo's hand an sent lightning through his body. Pyo fell on his knees, "ahh..." Ukwon looked over, "god damn it! Never trust anyone here Pyo!!!" Ukwon ran over and grabbed Pyo from falling any further. Kyung got up and brushed away the dirt. "I would never be-friend a pirate.." Ukwon had tears falling "WE'RE NOT PIRATES PARK KYUNG!!! WE'RE BLOCK B!!!" Kyung backed up, the atmosphere had went still. Bodies started hitting the ground. Kyung looked around "y-you..have haki?" Ukwon looked around and took deep breaths. "Kyung...I'm going to get you back, the only way I know how!" Kyung took a step back and watched Ukwon lay Pyo down. Pyo was still breathing but anything could happen, Ukwon had to hurry. He looked toward Kyung and smiled "lalalalala, lalalalala!" Ukwon kept repeating the Mental Breaker theme until Kyung got it stuck in his head. Nami turned to Luffy, "Luffy! Find Taeil, while everyone is distracted! Sanji go with him!" Sanji and Luffy nodded and headed toward the forest where they last saw Zico and Taeil. Meanwhile, Ukwon kept repeating the "lalalala's" and got louder with each one. Kyung was nervous, was this a power? A new type of haki? Then his mind started going blank. He felt his shoulders start to jerk and move. Kyung smiled and giggled, he started shoulder dancing and going along with the "lalalala's." Ukwon smiled and clapped, "Kyung!!!?? Please tell me you're back!" Kyung stopped dancing and looked around to the battle taking place. "Ukwon? What's going on? Where are we!?" Ukwon hugged Kyung and smiled. "Thank you...thank you..." Kyung patted his back and pushed him off, "where is everyone!?" Ukwon shook his head, "Chopper! Take Pyo to get treated! Can you guys handle the marines!?" Chopper went and dragged Pyo to safety with the help from some girls from the island. Nami nodded and so did Franky, "we'll be fine! Go find your SUPER crazy friend!" Ukwon nodded and grabbed Kyung, they rushed off into the forest. "I'll explain on the way to get Taeil and Zico, they're in big trouble." Jaehyo ran behind them and smiled "I'm coming to!" Blood ran down Jaehyo's mouth and he giggled, "I'm pretty tough, don't judge."
---deep in the forest---
       "I guess I'll dispose of you here..." Zico dropped Taeil to the ground and snarled. Taeil looked up and started crying. Was this the end? Please let this be a dream. Please, oh please let it be a dream. Taeil found himself staring at Zico and backing up on his hands and scooting backwards. "Don't be afraid, it'll only hurt, a lot!! Zehahahaha!" Zico grabbed Taeil's wrists and yanked him up. Taeil let out a small yelp. "Please Zico..please stop!!" Zico grinned and put his hand over Taeil's neck. He started squeezing. Taeil started screaming "stop!! STOP SOMEONE HELP!!" Zico could feel Taeil's vocal chords vibrate when he screamed. He wanted to yank them out, just to make him shut up. "HELP! PLEASE!! HELP ME!" Zico dropped Taeil to the ground, "shut your ing mouth you little !!" Zico hovered over Taeil's whimpering body and darkness filled his hands. Taeil looked at the darkness, that was the end, that was his life altogether, darkness. Taeil put his hands over his face as Zico stuck down. Taeil suddenly heard a voice scream "NO!" Taeil looked over to see Sanji and Luffy watching him die. But, for some reason, he was alive. Taeil looked up at Zico, Zico looked surprised and backed away. " can't be. That devil fruit should be gone!!" Taeil looked and saw a crack in the atmosphere. He backed up and touched it, it cracked even more. Taeil looked at his hands, did he stop Zico from killing him? Luffy smiled "sugee!!! It's WhiteBeard's devil fruit! You did it Taeil!" Ukwon and the others joined the show and watched Taeil. Kyung got closer and looked amazed. "So you're saying..Zico lost his memory? Like I did? I'm sorry I tried killing you, but why are we in the world of One Piece?" Ukwon just shrugged, "we'll talk later!" Zico growled and turned to Kyung, "Kyung!! Kill him! He's right there!" He snarled and darkness consumed his shoulder. Kyung shook his head "Jiho! I got my memory back, we need to get yours too.." Zico looked to the red-head "you're a traitor! This whole time you were a traitor!! I guess I'll do it myself!" Zico advanced toward Ukwon and Jaehyo and was fully consumed in darkness. Taeil got up and ran toward Zico. "No Zico!!" Zico felt his ribs crack, he looked down to see Taeil touching his ribs. His powers had spread and started cracking Zico's whole body. He went flying backwards and smashed into a tree. Taeil looked up and looked to his hands. "I did that? I'm cracking the is that even possible!?" Zico got up slowly, his hair untangled and looked a mess. "It's not!! It's never been possible!!" Zico felt his bones crack and ache. "Ack!..." Zico coughed up blood and let it trickle down his lip. "I guess I'm tasting my own blood today.." Jaehyo stepped closer, "Zico let us help you! We're your friends!" Kyung agreed and walked toward Zico, he held out a hand and smiled "Jiho...please." Zico looked at the hand and swatted at it. He growled and held his ribs. He continued coughing and hacking up his insides. "This isn't over...not until BlackBeard is king.." As each word left Zico's mouth his body was disintegrating into thin air, the last they saw was one white piercing eye. "He will be king..."
Was it good!? I hope so, I really tried on this chapter. Zico is such a badass, and yay we acquired a new team mate! PARK KYUNG! Options for next chapter:
1)The battle rages on
2) the marines retreat and they search for more members
3) park kyung chapter
4) Zico chapter
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Chapter 13: ill choose 1 (that sounded like pokemon in my mind while i was typing)
Chapter 13: im freaking fangirling right now!!! YOU A GENIUS FOR MIXING THESE TWO UP!!! i have nillili mambo playing on repeat while reading this im seriously freaking squealing!! goddamn this is genius! please update soon!!! fighting author-nim
Chapter 13: Jsvduxjdbxkdyehsvsjdhdjdj!!!!!!!!!!
Did zico die!?!?!?
Oh my gosh I can't wait for the next chapter!!!!!
I wanna know what happened to zico!!!!!
Great update by the way :)
Chapter 12: *dies even harder* I can't....this...too much for Me
To handle!!!!! That zico and kyung moment was!!!!
Omg too good fo words! Please I want to read when
The marines come :) I love this story with a passion!!!!
Chapter 11: Aw ma gawd! *dies* zikyung moment!!!! It is a
Must!!! I love this story soo much!!! I can't even
Begin to say my feelings!@.@
Chapter 10: Do zico next!!!! I.must read !!!!
Chapter 9: I just love Jaehyo here! Oh and I can't handle the
Wait for the next chapter!:) thank you spook much for
Making this story :)
Chapter 8: I can't go on!!!the amount of feels!!!!!!
I love this story soo much!!!!! I wanna see
Jaehyo meet them!!!!!!!!!I love your update!!!!
Chapter 7: Such a good update! I really want to see.about
Taepyo but then I want Moe zico but I want them to
Intros if the other members!!!awww too much!!!!
Please update.soon!!!! I just love this!!!!!