Chapter 4

of wax and young love


A blinding light and shake of the shoulders wakes Daehyun up. There’s a rather large man in a uniform flashing his flashlight in his face. He shuts his eyes in irritation and groans.


“Hey how’d you get in here?” the man gruffly says. Daehyun shoots a look towards the far right corner. Youngjae is in the same pose as ever.


“I was locked in.” Daehyun answers honestly as the man grunts and lets him out. Daehyun smiles as he leans his head against a bus window. 




Its Sunday afternoon as Daehyun enters the museum. When he walks into Youngjae’s room there’s a family admiring him and his other acquaintances. He smiles and sits on the bench, taking out his notebook.


“Daehyunnie,” Youngjae smiles. He looks up as Youngjae slips his hands into his. Soft, smooth, and warm. You’d mistake Youngjae for an actual human. 


“You better get a good grade on this because I mean who else has their own wax statue cheating for them.” Youngjae smiles but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. Daehyun chuckles but it’s almost forced. 




“It well may be

That we will never meet again

In this lifetime      

So let me say before we part

So much of me

Is made from what I learned from you

You'll be with me

Like a handprint on my heart

And now whatever way our stories end

I know you have re-written mine

By being my friend...

Like a ship blown from its mooring…”


Daehyun stops as the voice dies down. With the black cloth covering his eye sight he has no route to go. Putting his hand out he grabs onto the wall so he doesn’t bump into anything.  He takes two steps forward, cautiously.


“Youngjae?” he calls out. Weight pulls Daehyun down as a body jumps onto his back. The black cloth is removed from his eyes and Youngjae’s grinning face appears.


“Hi,” Youngjae breaths out as Daehyun traces his jawline. “Hi.” He replies before capturing their lips together.


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NoKpopNoLife #1
Holy shet this is Night in the Museum all over again
Chapter 6: i like it. but it's too short. but i like it.. yeah it's short so if you wouldn't be mind, sequel please? because i wanna know what actually happened to youngjae...
jkmistygirl #3
Chapter 6: I kind of don't get it though. Although it ended nicely...
I probably don't get it cause I'm too slow xD
Daehyun knew why he was locked in the museum..?
And Youngjae....? Escaped from whatever caught them? he a different Youngjae..? xD Sorry ^^''
Chapter 6: And they live happily ever after!!!! XD
Chapter 5: 영재!! 어디가요????!!!! T____T
(Youngjae!! Where are you????!!!!)
what in the world am i reading that i just got addicted to o.O noo youngjae what happened to you.D:
Chapter 4: How I wish that Youngjae wasn't a wax statue... T____T
Chapter 4: wait how did youngjae died then omg
Im hoping to see a happy ending ; ;
Chapter 3: Okay.. This story is INTERESTING!!!!
I love it already <3
GeiSama #10
Chapter 3: i dont know..
Ugh okay i love it.