Chapter 3

of wax and young love


“It’s locked.”


Daehyun froze. The voice was unfamiliar. Balling his fist, he turns around. Okay maybe he shouldn’t have. No way.


“The place closes around 7:30; you’re off by 17 minutes.” Daehyun watches as the person looks down at their watch and squints their eyes, tapping at it.


“Y-Youngjae…?” the male looks up and Daehyun swears this is all a dream. The same life he saw in Youngjae’s eyes is still there.


“Yeah?” Daehyun blinks and his mouth is dry. He’s trying to process how a wax figure he saw moments ago is up and talking.


“You’re talking, and moving, and ALIVE!?” Daehyun shuts his eyes, he feels like a delusional asylum patient.


“Yeah well you see-”


“What is there to see!? You’re alive! You’re alive, oh my god I’m going insane, I’m insane...” Daehyun shakes his head, occasionally hitting it all while muttering to himself.


Youngjae shakes his head, chocolate locks flying about. “You’re not insane, a little overdramatic but not insane, no.” Daehyun continues talking to himself, walking back and forth frequently. “You’re a wax figure, how many talking wax figures are there?”


“Actually,” Youngjae lifts his shoulders up. “You’d be surprise to know that I’m not the only one-” Daehyun stops and lunges towards Youngjae, voice rising up.


“Only what? Huh? What are you?” his eyes scan Youngjae’s body and finally meet his eyes.  Youngjae shrugs and shoves his hands into his trench coat pockets.


“I’m Yoo Youngjae, a wax display, nothing more nothing less.” Daehyun shuffles his feet and nods at Youngjae. “Names’ Daehyun.” Youngjae smiles. And Daehyun does something that rarely happens, he smiles back.




Daehyun finds himself listening as Youngjae tells him his life story. “I never did board the train.” It slips out quietly but Daehyun catches. “What?”


“The explosion, I didn’t die in it because there never was an explosion.” Youngjae fixes his trench coat and plays with a dead string. “I had just paid for my ticket and decided to use the stations restroom. As I was leaving a cloth was placed over my mouth and…that was about it.”


“This doesn’t make sense-”


“It doesn’t have to.” Daehyun opens his mouth to argue but closes it instead. “You know him?” Daehyun asks as they stop in front of a wax figure much like Youngjae himself. He nods as a smile spreads across his face.


“Bang Yongguk born March 31, 1967, died at war protecting his country. I’ve seen him move once and that was only to fix his military badges.” Daehyun stares at the much older man. There are more of them out there, Youngjae isn’t the only one. He wonders if Youngjae is able to talk and move, why doesn’t he leave? Why doesn’t he just leave the museum? Why doesn’t he just leave with Daehyun?


Daehyun shakes his head as they stop in front of the scenery where he first saw Youngjae. Youngjae steps up and stands above the wooden bridge, getting into position. His eyes water but no tears fall.


“Not gonna miss me?” Daehyun asks jokily. Youngjae chuckles almost sadly and nods.


“No, I will. Sadly, I can’t cry.” He whispers, clutching Daehyun’s hand. “Now go lay down, Daehyun. I’ll be here.” Youngjae smiles as he watches Daehyun rest on a bench and let sleep takeover.



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NoKpopNoLife #1
Holy shet this is Night in the Museum all over again
Chapter 6: i like it. but it's too short. but i like it.. yeah it's short so if you wouldn't be mind, sequel please? because i wanna know what actually happened to youngjae...
jkmistygirl #3
Chapter 6: I kind of don't get it though. Although it ended nicely...
I probably don't get it cause I'm too slow xD
Daehyun knew why he was locked in the museum..?
And Youngjae....? Escaped from whatever caught them? he a different Youngjae..? xD Sorry ^^''
Chapter 6: And they live happily ever after!!!! XD
Chapter 5: 영재!! 어디가요????!!!! T____T
(Youngjae!! Where are you????!!!!)
what in the world am i reading that i just got addicted to o.O noo youngjae what happened to you.D:
Chapter 4: How I wish that Youngjae wasn't a wax statue... T____T
Chapter 4: wait how did youngjae died then omg
Im hoping to see a happy ending ; ;
Chapter 3: Okay.. This story is INTERESTING!!!!
I love it already <3
GeiSama #10
Chapter 3: i dont know..
Ugh okay i love it.