1.2.3! The white rabbit's guide to be an Ulzzang!


    Well hello there Alice, I invite you into the wonderland of beauty! Want to look like an ulzzang? But are having a few troubles? Well then this guide is for you!!! From pimples to clothes to diets this guide will give you abit more than the avergae knowledge! I hope you find this guide helpful, and please don't be afraid to suggest, request, and ask for points/topics you want me to talk about.

Truly yours The white rabbit,


          Please don't get too excited, no kidding, Ulzzangs all use photoshops just like any other idol and take crazy good care of themselves-so don't expect yourself to wake up looking like Lee Geum Hee, okay? Let's be rational. But don't take this as a discouragement! Always try your best and don't give up! And for your own sake, don't take it too..you know…hard on yourself to be like them, and it comes from personal experience I used to be anorexic ._. And it's beyond raisons( no offense if you like them)! Like no joke! I was anorexic once when I was 6, and more recently, whatever I'm okay now, hehe! But seriously I felt so frustrated and cried a few times, please just don't do it, nobody dear is perfect,I know you hear this sentence a lot but trust me you have to truly believe in it!(Which was something I discovered much later) But now don't be so lean on it , I mean we gotta try our hardest don't we ;) I wish the best of luck for all of you! Welcome dear Alice into the wonderland of Beauty!


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