Time of Dying.

I'm Not A Kid, Oppa.

          -Become a 23 year old beautiful, y woman in less than a minute!

SangHee stared at the page, with so many wild thoughts running through her head. 23? That's the same age as YongHwa oppa... Could this actually work? Was mom a witch or something? She sat there, seeing if this actually makes sense or this is actually true. 

"Holy !! Did mom worshiped the devil? Or did witchcraft?" She frantically said.

She thought for a second on what she said. She shook her head & tried to think straight.

"Aniyo~! SangHee-ah, don't be such an idiot! Pabo!" She snapped at herself.

-Steps On The Spell:

1) Make a circle, made out of salt. Make it small enough that only you can fit inside of it.

2) Turn to page 80 & grab something sharp, so you can prick your finger.

3) Let the blood fall on the page.

4) Repeat "Transformation of the gods, Do me good." 4 times.

**Note: Must be done at midnight. 

SangHee's heart was beating so hard, it might leap right out of her chest. Her body was telling her "NO!" But, her mind was saying "Hell to the ing yeah!" The words that YongHwa said to her earlier repeated in her head once again. The ones that shattered her heart. She LOVED him. He was the first boy that she ever laid eyes upon. No boy, has made her feel the same way she feels with YongHwa. SangHee knew HE was the one. No one else, Him. But, there was an 8 age difference & they were from different worlds. YongHwa is in the entertainment industry, doing music & dramas, actually doing something he enjoys & loves. He lives in a world where every single girl in South Korea throws themselves at him & they're all prettier than SangHee. Always surrounded by beautiful girls, making SangHee have NO chance with him. She, on the other hand, has to deal with emotional problems, school, her father's drinking, money problems, you name it. Her dream of being in a girl group like her SNSD unnies will never come true. No matter how hard she tries, it will NEVER happen. SangHee put the book on the floor & tied her hair in a bun. She glanced at her watch, 11:47PM. She smirked & looked back at the book. Do it for oppa. She made her choice.

"Leggo." She chuckled. 

           SangHee wiped the sweat off her forehead & took  a gulp of air. She stood up straight & stared at her badly made circle. It looked more like an oval than a circle. SangHee pouted at her fail & took another look at her watch, 11:54. She picked up the book & stepped inside the circle. It felt like a fictional scene in a horror film, where a group of teenagers tried to have a little fun, but it turns out dangerous & deadly. SangHee trembled in fear & her knees buckled as she pulled out her father's pocket knife. She knew what she was doing was stupid... & possibly dangerous. She could get killed or get herself into deep . 

"Father, mother, MinJu unnie, YongHwa oppa... Mianhae, but I'm doing this." She whispered to herself. 

The clock stuck 12 & it was time. SangHee opened the book to page 80. A page with multiple blood drops on it, her mother's. She removed the case & pulled out the sharp object. She inhaled & exhaled deeply. Just do it!! DO IT! There's no turning back! DO IT, GODDAMN IT! She stuck the tip of the knife into her index finger. She flinched & bit her lip. Plat. Plat. Plat. Blood dripped on the page.

"T-transformation of the gods. Do me good." She stuttered.

She clenched her fist & tried again. 

"Transformation of the gods. Do me good." She chanted.


The page burst into flames & light shone through the dark attic. SangHee covered her eyes & groaned in pain. 

"You did good, my child..." A droned voice echoed.

SangHee opened her eyes, but the light still blinded her. She squinted & a black, female silhouette was walking towards her. OMG! IT'S THE DEVIL!! HOLY ! HOLY ! WHAT HAVE I DONE??? GOD! HELP ME!! SangHee fell to her knees & tried to crawl away from the thing. Tears streamed her cheeks & regret took over her body. 

"Shhh, child. Close your eyes & go to sleep." She hushed.

SangHee hit the wall & the woman's hand touched her forehead. SangHee's eyes were getting heavy & her heart seemed to be beating less. She couldn't breath & her lungs began to burn. She looked at the woman, everything was a blur. But, there was something in her neck that shined... a necklace. SangHee tried to make out the details, the only thing she could make out was a white rose. The image of her mother popped into her mind. 


"A-MA!" Young SangHee shouted.

She sprinted into her mother's arms. Her mother chuckled & lifted her little girl up. SangHee wrapped her arms around her neck & burried her face in her shoulder.

"A-Ma! Saraghaeyo~" SangHee smiled.

Her mother smiled & patted her daughter's back. Her husband smiled at her from the distance, looking at his beautiful wife & daughter. 

"SooHye-ah, what would I do without you?" He sighed.

SangHee played with her mom's necklace, it had a white rose on it & it shined in the sun. She touched the rose & oohhed on how smooth it felt. 

"What a pretty necklace." She thought.


SangHee gasped & looked at her once again. Her eyes were closing & her lungs were on fire. She was dying, she knew it. The thought of dying never occurred to her... she didn't like thinking about it. She took her last gulp of air.

"A-Ma." She croaked.

As her world became darker & darker.




**** Thank you for taking your time to read this!! :D it means alot! GOMOWA~~****



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K-PopAddict72 #1
Chapter 1: I can't wait to find out about this spell book.