It's Only Natural



It's Only Natural

"And every second is electric, like a thousand volts

Nothing mentioned, my intention's only natural,"

WonWoo heard the latch of the door click as someone entered, but ignored it in favour of his book. Normally he wouldn't be so rude, but the teacher had demanded the novel be read by the following day, and WonWoo had only just started.
It wasn't his fault. Well, maybe it was partly his fault- WonWoo admitted that when it came to procrastinating, he was something of a professional. So what if he'd really had three weeks to finish the set reading for the class; he'd been busy. Besides, WonWoo was sure he'd get it done in one night anyway, just as long as no one distracted him.
As if on cue, the mattress the boy was lying on dipped slightly under a new weight, and WonWoo felt someone settle at the end of the bed. Arching an eyebrow, he drew his concentration back to the words on the page. Whoever it was could wait.
That's when he felt a warm hand make contact with his leg, causing him to jump slightly in surprise.
WonWoo's heart rate picked up slightly as he heard Mingyu's whine. Of course. Of all people to come in when he was trying to work, it had to be Kim freaking Mingyu. The one boy who managed to catch WonWoo's attention with the smallest thing- a murmur of his voice, a shift in his posture, the lightest of touches against the elder's hands or arms or thigh.
Mingyu was, in a way, captivating to WonWoo. It was this very fact that finally spurred the boy to look up from his book, and straight into the pouting face of the other.
"What?" WonWoo forced the question out around the way his chest had constricted the moment their eyes met, causing it to come off irritated and brash. The younger simply shrugged.
"I'm bored, hyung."
Mingyu's pout was on full display as he let out another whine, and the hand on WonWoo's calf squeezed slightly as if emphasising his point. WonWoo covered his face with the book to conceal the blush already burning up his neck and onto his cheeks
"Do something then,"
Because really, this novel had to be finished by the next day, and getting completely (albeit pleasantly) distracted by Mingyu wasn't the way to get that done.
"Like what?" The younger returned in a question that almost, just almost, seemed like a challenge. He knew his face couldn't be seen, but WonWoo rolled his eyes anyway.
"Go on the Internet."
"My laptop's dead."
"Watch TV."
"The others are watching it."
"Watch it with them."
"Hyung!" Mingyu wailed finally, waving his arm about dramatically. "They're watching some boring thing about sport!" He complained.
WonWoo simply hummed in response, realising that although his eyes had skimmed over every word on the page, he hadn't actually read any of it. For a moment, there was a gap of silence as WonWoo re-read the paragraphs and Mingyu thought up his next plan of attack.
However, much to WonWoo's dismay, Mingyu's next distraction plan was a lot more physical than the last.
"Hmph!" All of the air was knocked out of WonWoo's body as Mingyu settled himself on the elder's stomach, hands placed firmly on the pillow either side of WonWoo's head.
"Hyunggg! Do something with me!" Mingyu's tone was still childlike, but this time it was lighter. He knew he was getting on WonWoo's nerves, and was delighted by that fact.
"I'm busy." WonWoo kept his reply short. He didn't trust his voice enough not to waver or break, affected by the startling proximity of the younger boy.
"What's this book even about, anyway?" Mingyu leant forwards, twisting his head around to try and peer at the pages WonWoo was on. This brought the two boys closer still, Mingyu's face practically resting against the elder's cheek. From this position, WonWoo could feel the puffs of the younger boy's breath on his skin, and he couldn't suppress the shiver that raced down his spine.
"I would know if you let me read it." He muttered out around gritted teeth, causing Mingyu to let out a light laugh. There was another gap of silence as the younger straightened up again, and WonWoo wondered briefly just what he was about to do.
Suddenly, the book was seized from the elder's hands and thrown across the room. WonWoo watched mournfully as it landed splayed on a page that was probably not the one he was reading, but still made no move to shove Mingyu off and return it. One; because, hello, he was a procrastinator, he never willingly did work. And two; Kim Mingyu was quite literally sat on top of him. This was too good an opportunity to waste.
Mingyu kept his devilish grin aimed at WonWoo's face as he felt for the elder's hands, grabbing them and lacing their fingers together, and WonWoo almost choked on his own spit. He was sure his face must have been a deep red at that moment, and by the way Mingyu's eyebrow quirked interestedly, he'd probably noticed.
"What are you doing?" WonWoo asked cautiously, warily eyeing the boy on top of him. The younger boy just smirked, leaning down further and pinning WonWoo's hands against the mattress. 
"Just... just let me try something," Mingyu dismissed, leaving WonWoo even more confused.
However, in the next moment, soft lips were pressed against his, and he instantly understood. WonWoo could feel his heart beating a mile a minute as he took in the fact that Mingyu was kissing him. Kim Mingyu was kissing him.
And it was probably a good idea to kiss back.
WonWoo felt the younger boy smile into the kiss as his lips gradually began to respond, falling into Mingyu's slow, hesitant rhythm. Mingyu's lips were sweet and soft, molding perfectly with his own, and WonWoo realised, with a start, that this is what he'd been hoping for all along.
All those times he'd caught himself staring at Mingyu, noticing every little detail about the other's expression. All those times Mingyu had grabbed his hand, sending tingles racing up his arm. All those times his heart would soar, his stomach would flip, and he'd blush a deep red as soon as his name left Mingyu's lips. WonWoo realised now that this was all part of something bigger.
He'd wanted to kiss Mingyu. He'd had a crush on Mingyu.
When the younger pulled away, an infectious smile gracing his lips and staring straight into WonWoo's eyes, the elder couldn't help but grin back.
"That was even better than I thought it would be." The younger boy chuckled, resting his forehead against WonWoo's and letting their breath mingle in the gap between their faces.
“You thought about... doing that?” WonWoo’s jaw dropped open because maybe, just maybe, Mingyu had the same fascination with him. Maybe the younger boy stared in WonWoo’s direction when he wasn’t looking, too. Maybe WonWoo’s touch sent electricity through Mingyu’s veins, just as it happened the other way around.
The boy on top of him smiled, nodding sheepishly, and WonWoo was suddenly overcome with happiness.
When their lips connected again, WonWoo spared half a second’s thought to his abandoned book across the room, before deciding that he’d willingly be reprimanded every day of his life as long as Mingyu kissed him like that more often. 
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After almost a year, here it is. It's not one of the planned ones though //shot


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_random_kpoper_ #1
Chapter 4: Could you do one with Diwoo??? (DinoxWoozi)
isabel15 #3
Chapter 3: Oh my goodness
SeventeenCarrot #4
Chapter 1: This was cute but.. Poor book.
SeventeenCarrot #5
Chapter 3: This AU was super cool, I liked this fic a lot :)
tiarafishie #6
Chapter 3: Mingyu as a possessive master makes me blushhhh
tiarafishie #7
Chapter 1: Luvluvvvvvv
kkktmr #8
kkktmr #9
Chapter 1: Damn damn damn. I know these couples since then and shipping them since forever. But it's my first time reading this. What. Did. I. Do. In. My. Whole. Life?
I like the fluffinessssssss (is that even a word?)