Chapter 9

Hateful Me

The surrounding inside the van was totally quiet for Myungsoo and Hani after they went into the van . Both of them didnt speak any words except for Youngjun who was excitedly singing to Nell song . 

She looked at outside the window , trying to enjoy the journey but seems like her eyes only focus on one spot only . Her mind was going somewhere . He dont have to do that anyway . She sighed when thinking of the scene that happened earlier before she and Myungsoo got into van . She changes her look to inside the van before taking glance to Myungsoo at the back sit . He was on his sunglasses and wearing earphone . He must be sleeping . She comes out with that conclusion by herself and then changed her look to the forefront . 

Why did she look at me ?? Myungsoo asked himself . He is doesnt sleep nor listen to music . He just pretending to do that . To be honest , there was reasons why he do that . He want to know Hani's reaction after what happened earlier . He wearing sungglasses because he want to look at Hani without anyone noticed it including Hani . 

" Okay , we are here ". Youngjun drive inside the entrace of Lotte World . " You can go now . I will be here after the schedule ended ". He dropped them off and leaves . 

" Ohh Myungsoo yah , you are here ", Siwan welcoming him as he saw Myungsoo comes into waiting room . Dongjun who was sitting beside him just waved to him as he was in make up session .
" Hyung !! ", Myungsoo give him a hug while his hand waving at Dongjun . " It has been a long time i didnt work with you ".
" You are right !! I miss you ", Siwan patted Myungsoo's back . 

After being make up and dressed by coordi nuna , they come out from the waiting room and headed to filming set . "Who is that ?? ", Siwan asked Dongjun as he saw Myungsoo walked to Hani to give his phone . 
" How do i know . Ask Myungsoo ", he looked at Siwan with annoying look .


The filming already started . What should i do now ?? She wondering herself while looking at her surrounding . There are so many people in Lotte World right now . Some of them were tourists and foreigner , while some of the are local citizen and not to forget , a large group of ZE:A and Infinite fans who were here to cheer for Siwan , Dongjun and L . Then her eyes were caught on a bunch of Infinite fans who were holding some placard of cheering messages . 

Myungsoo yah , i love you . Myungsoo awesome . L cool . She read out all those cheering messages . Then she changes her look to Myungsoo who is in recording . Im sorry for hating you . She release a heavy sigh as she feel guilty for hating him . But deep in her heart , only she know what kind of feeling that she have towards Myungsoo . 

As she chin up , she saw someone comes to her direction . 

"Annyeonghaseyo ", Siwan greet Hani .
" Ne . Annyeonghaseyo ". Hani greeted him smilingly . " You are not filming right now ?? ".
" Ne . It is not my part right now ". He raises his eyebrows .
" Ohh , i see ". 

From far , there is someone who is eyeing them . Jeez , what are they doing there ?? 

" L ssi ", Dongjun looked at Myungsoo with meaningful smile as he saw Myungsoo lose his concentration . What the hell you are doing right now ? Say out your line !!
Seems like he acknowledge his mistake , Myungsoo started to speak . "Im sorry , Dongjun ssi . Im just so excited . Okay , now lets move on to another corner together with Siwan ssi ". He finished his line .


" You have fun ? ", Myungsoo asked Hani and sit besides her .
" Ne ?? ", Hani looks confuse . Then she suddenly remember that she just had a conversation with Siwan . " Aaa . Yes . Im having fun with him ". She nodded . 

How come you ! Myungsoo staring at her . He feel annoyed after hearing that answer from Hani . " Water . I need water ". He said coldly . Then , Hani takes out a bottle of mineral water from her bag and give it to Myungsoo . Myungsoo quickly grabbed the bottle from Hani's hand and take a gulp . At this time , he really need water right now to put off his burning heart . He dont know why with another people Hani seems to be so friendly with them but why when she was with him , she really act cold . This is what makes him feel so annoyed . 

" This recording will takes a long time . It is okay for you to wait ?? ". Myungsoo asked her . 
" It is my job anyway . If i dont want to , i still have to wait until you finished . So dont makes so much NG ". The blunt words comes out from . "Because im so boring here got nothing to do", Hani murmured softly but still it can be reached to Myungsoo ears .

By hearing that , Myungsoo took out something from his bag . " Take this ". He gave Hani a rubix cube . " But , before that , let me messed up this first ". After messed up that thing , Myungsoo gave it back to Hani . 
Hani eyes fully widen . What the heck . " How should i do with this ?? ". She tried to play with it . 
" Play with it until you can solve it . Assume this as a challenge that you need to do while waiting for me finished the filming ". Myungsoo smirk to Hani . This is my revenge for you . He then stood up and went to the set as the director calling out his name . 

Yah , how to play this . I really bad in playing this . Seriously !! 


" Thank you for your hard work ". Finally the filming comes to the end . Everyone was doing well and gave cooperation . After bowing to the staffs and whoever involve in this filming , Myungsoo make his way to Hani . He is smiling alone as he saw Hani is on struggle in solving the rubic cube that he gave to her . How come you dont know to play this . He shooks his head .

" Still struggling ?? ". Myungsoo stood in front of her . 
" Ouhh . Are you done filming ? ", she looked at Myungsoo before changed her look to her surrounding . They're done filming ?? How comes i didnt  realized about this . I just too concentrate playing this thing ! 
Myungsoo just smiling . She is cute . The words suddenly comes out from his mind . " Call Youngjun hyung and tell him that we are finished ", said Myungsoo .
" Ne ". She then took out her phone and give a call to Youngjun . She put her phone on ear and lifted up her shoulder to support her phone while her hands playing rubic cube . " Oppa , we are finished . You can pick us right now ".

Daebak !! She is just into this thing !! Myungsoo's jaws dropped and looks suprised as he saw Hani in that situation . He giggling alone . "Aigoo", he sighed . " Let me do this . You really cant play well ". He took that thing from Hani's hand . " Let me show you how . Im good in this kind of thing ". Myungsoo praised himself .
" Really ? ". She look at Myungsoo and he nodded . "Okay , then teach me how". Hani nearer herself to Myungsoo . 

Myungsoo was startled as Hani do that . His heart beating faster . He trying to calming himself and concentrate on solving the rubic cube but failed . He is so nervous , his mind going blank and he cant concentrate . His hand was trying to solve the rubic but nervousness that Hani gives to him makes him cant do it well . Why im being like this ? Im so good in this game but why ..??

What is wrong with this guy ? He said he can play it well but why ....?? "Just said honestly to me . You really can play this ?? ", Hani asked him as she look Myungsoo is struggling . 

" Yah !! Im really good in this but i dont know why ....". Myungsoo try to solve it once again . Why i cant play this ?? He also didnt believe in what is happening to him . 
" Just forget about it . Youngjun oppa already here . Lets go back ". Hani stood up and walked to the van leaving Myungsoo at the back . 
" Yah , Lee Hani !! I really can play this well !! ", Myungsoo shouted to her . Then he trying once again and successfully made it . This is it !! " Yahh !! Look at this !!! I solve it !!! ".

Hani just ignore Myungsoo and get into the van . Then , Myungsoo followed her . 

What is actually happened to me ?? Why i cant do well when she is beside me ...?? Yah , Kim Myungsoo !! What happened to you ??




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This is going to be a good story :)
Sounds good :)
I was wondering and hoping if you may check my L's story :)
✿You Are y But, You Know✿

I hope you subscribe and read it and tell me what you think :)
Inspiritsoul #3
Chapter 3: Infinite! X'D nice storyline!!! Fighting!
Infinitee. ♥ I love this casting for the story!
Chapter 7: update ^^ cant wait for next chapt ! :)