Chapter 11

Hateful Me

She opened the window , trying to feel the beauty of the morning . It is so refreshing !! She feel refresh as she breath in the fresh air in Jeollado . The green view   in front of her looks so peaceful . This is the best feeling i ever had !! This place is so calming and refreshing !! She spread out her hand as she trying to loosen her body after got up from sleep . For these three days ,  Infinite is free from any practice . Their sajangnim , Lee Jungyeop feels worried as he saw they were stressful and extremely exhausted . So , he came out with this suggestion to take Infinite out from Seoul and go to the place that can relax their mind . After having discussion with members , they make decision to be here .

After showering , Hani go to downstair and headed  to the kitchen , help making breakfast for Infinite and others . 

" Good morning , oppa ", she greet Youngjun who was busy cooking . "Oppa , lets me help you ". She stand beside Youngjun and started to help him . She takes out hotdogs from the packet and slice it thinly . 
" Hani , you settle this first . I want to wake up the guys ". Youngjun told her and Hani nodded . Then , he makes his way to upstair , leaves Hani alone in the kitchen . 

After all the ingredient are ready , Hani turn on the fire and began to cook . She put oil on the pan and put the hotdogs that was sliced earlier . While waiting for the hotdogs to be cook , she cracking some eggs into the bowl . Then she added some water into the eggs and stirred it . Her mom told her before this that if you want your scrambled egg fluffy , you need to put some water into it . After done stirring the eggs and put a pinch of salt , she poured it into the pan . She took  spatula from the kitchen cupboard and stirred it until it cooked . And for last touch , she put a little black pepper powder to bring out the hot taste . Done !! She smilling while looking at her hand-made dish . 

" Yahh , the smell is so good !! ". Hani was startled as she heard the voice . Then she saw Sunggyu comes into her direction . 
"Good morning !! ", she said to Sunggyu smilingly . "You are alone ?? Where others ??". She said as she looked only Sunggyu and Youngjun oppa were here for breakfast . 
" Hoya will comes in minutes while others were sleeping and they resist to get up ". Sunggyu told her while his hand trying to taste some of Hani's dish . "Yah , this is so good ". Sunggyu praises her . This is his first time tasting Hani's cook . 
" Jeezz . This is only egg and some hotdogs . What is so good with this ?". Hani looked at him and Sunggyu just smiling awkwardly .
" Ohhh . You caught me ". Sunggyu grinned at Hani who was wearing disbelief look right now . 


He looked at his watch . Its already 9am and he's already late . At 11 am , Hoya got schedule at Seoul . That means Hoya need to come back to Seoul today for a while before coming back to here . What makes this kid so late ?? 
" Oppa , you want me go to call him ?? ", Hani asked Youngjun as she saw him worried . " Oppa wait here . I will get him ". Then Hani get out from van and stepped in the villa that they rent for three days . " Hoya oppa !! ". She calling for Hoya . No reaction . Looks like i need to go upstair . As she went up , she saw Sungjong .
" Sungjong ah , did you see Hoya oppa ? ". Hani asked him .
" Hoya hyung ?? ". He silent for a while before answering Hani . " I think he is in toilet right now ".
" In toilet ?? ", she widen her eyes . 


Ahhh . He feel relieved as the water of Jeollado flows on his body . Its feel like all my stress are going away  from me . After his body fully getting wet , Myungsoo took shower cream and spread on his body . He makes sure the cream is spread to every part of his body . I am an idol by the way . Of course i want to look good in front of my fans . He giggling alone before wash out all the foam that produced by the shower cream . As he want to enjoy his shower , suddenly someone disturbing him . 

" Hoya oppa !! Are you inside ?? ". Hani knocked the door . 

What the heck !! He rolled his eyes as he getting annoyed . Yah , this girl . Didnt you know that i just on my way to enjoy this great feeling ??

" Hoya oppa , we are getting late now . Please be faster !! ". Hani keep knocking the door . 

What is wrong with this girl ??? Im going crazy right now !! He turn off the shower and grabbed his towel . Wait !! Myungsoo stay silent for a while as he thinking of something . Then he drying his hair first before covered his lower part of body with it . 

" Who is Hoya oppa ?? ", said Myungsoo as he opened the door . 

Oh my god !! He is damn hot !!! Hani jaws dropped after seeing Myungsoo in his towel . His body , his hair , his coolness . Oh my god !! Her eyes were studying Myungsoo upper part of body . Yah !! Comes to the Earth !! Get your sense right now !! She close her eyes for a while before opened it back . 

" Urghh , my eyes ", she covered her eyes with her palm . What the hell this guy trying to do ?? Is he out of mind right now ?? 

Jeez .
Myungsoo smile cynically . He makes himself come to Hani and grab Hani's hand . "You enjoyed it right ??". He asked . 
" What do...what do you means ? ", she stuttering .
I will take my revenge on you . He made his head nearer to Hani and face her while his hand still holding Hani's hand . Their faces are so close until they could feel their breath ." Dont pretend that you dont like it ". He said coolly with his eyes staring at Hani who try to avoid having eyes contact with him . 

" Hani yah !! ". Someone called for her . She quickly pull off her hand from Myungsoo as she saw Hoya was looking at them . 

" Oppa ". Hani looked at Hoya . " Where are you going ?? I have been looking for you . We are already late to the shooting place ". Hani make her way to Hoya before taking glance to Myungsoo . 
" I was in toilet . I got stomach ache suddenly ". Hoya told her .
" Ouh , i see . So lets go right now . Youngjun oppa is waiting for us ". Then Hani go to downstair first then followed by Hoya . 

Looks like she fall on my revenge . Lee Hani , this is just the beginning . 


She slapped her face slowly . You better get your sense back !! Looks like her mind was taken away by what happened in the villa earlier . That scene just keep playing on her mind . She really cant forget how hot Kim Myungsoo in his towel and the way he staring at her . She put her palm on her chest , her heart is beating faster since this morning . This feeling comes again . She remembered the day when she watching Sesame Player months ago . Her heart beating faster as she saw the guy that was given stage name as L changing to adorable and dorky Kim Myungsoo . She never knows that Kim Myungsoo got that kind of him . She thought that L and Kim Myungsoo is the same person . Look arrogant , cold hearted and despite his handsome look , he got annoying sides . After months since that happened , now this feeling comes again . Did i falling in him ? She bites her lips . I wish im not . I got someone to wait for . I cant betrayed my promise to him . She release a heavy sigh . Then she try to forget about her scene with Myungsoo by putting attention on Hoya and Suzy CF shooting . Her eyes caught on Suzy . She is so beautiful . No wonder Myungsoo like her . I bet Myungsoo must be jealous with Hoya on this . 




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This is going to be a good story :)
Sounds good :)
I was wondering and hoping if you may check my L's story :)
✿You Are y But, You Know✿

I hope you subscribe and read it and tell me what you think :)
Inspiritsoul #3
Chapter 3: Infinite! X'D nice storyline!!! Fighting!
Infinitee. ♥ I love this casting for the story!
Chapter 7: update ^^ cant wait for next chapt ! :)