The Sleepover

A Love Story

Two weeks had passed. Jonghyun and I went to school together every day. We also went home together. Sometimes he came to my house, sometimes I went to his. I met his sister and he met my brother. When we were together, we talked a lot, laughed, played games, and so on. Yuri loved to tease me about Jonghyun, saying we were like Siamese twins. At the same time, she kept bugging me with Yoona. She was absolutely convinced I was in love with her. On a Friday, as we were sitting in a café, she said she had evidence. “What kind of evidence?” I asked her.

“You’re always strange when she is near you; like you smile for no reason, and you blush a lot. You keep glancing at her during lunchtime when she’s not at our table. Should I go on?”

“What? But I don’t even do one of the things you said!”

“Maybe I should film you when you’re doing it.”

“Stop it! Don’t do it!”

“So, am I right?” She smirked.

“I don’t know.” I paused and before she could add something to further embarrass me, I said: “I saw Changmin Hyung yesterday. My mom invited him to dinner. He talked about you.”

“WHAT?!?” She screamed and blushed. Everyone in the café was staring at us.

“Wow! Don’t shout like that!”

“Sorry. But I was shocked.”

“I don’t understand why. You two are dating, aren’t you?”

“Huh? No, we’re not! We’re friends. Just friends!”

“Yeah, yeah. I believe you.” I smirked. When she could tell me her incredible piece of news at last, she had explained she has seen Changmin when she was going to school. He had walked with her and they had talked a lot. Since then, they saw each other almost every day and I was sure they would be dating soon. They were in love for years, it was so obvious. Even my mom had realized it. Yuri and Changmin were the only ones who didn’t seem to notice.

“What are you gonna do this weekend?” Yuri then asked me. She was obviously trying to change the subject but I decided not to anymore.

“Jonghyun Hyung invited me to a sleepover.”

“A sleepover? I thought only girls did that kind of thing!”

“It’s not the same,” I explained, “we’re gonna watch horror movies all night long.”

“But you hate horror movies!” She exclaimed.

“Yeah, I know. But Jonghyun Hyung seemed so happy. I didn’t have the heart to tell him.”

“That’s nice of you. But what are you gonna do when you’ll be so afraid you won’t be able to sleep?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ll find something.”

“Yeah, but don’t call me. I want to sleep at night!”

“I know! You need your beauty sleep!”

“Exactly!” We both laughed. Then she looked at her watch and exclaimed: “Omo! Mom is gonna kill me! I’m late.”

“Once again.” I laughed and she punched me in the arm. “Don’t make fun of me!”

“Am not.”

“Yeah, sure. I’ll deal with you some other time. Bye…Minnie.” She laughed and left before I had time to answer. I finished drinking my tea and left the café too.




Saturday night came by and I went to Jonghyun’s house for our sleepover. I was really excited. In fact, it was the first time I slept over by a friend. Since I was a young boy, I had always had some friends but I had never spent a night by one of them. It was my first time and for some reason it made me very happy. I arrived at Jonghyun’s house at 8 o’clock. When he opened the door, he smiled at me and told me to come in. I did as I was told and followed him to his room. “Is nobody home?” I asked.

“Nope. My parents went to the movies and Noona went out with some friends.”

“Oh. Good.”

“Good? Why?”

I didn’t know myself why I said it. “Err… I mean… I’m glad they’re not here so they won’t find out my secret.”

“Your secret?” He asked, curious.

“Yeah. Err… It’s embarrassing, so please don’t tell anyone. Err… I scream like a girl when I’m frightened.” I blushed a little as I confessed one of my most embarrassing secrets.

“Like a girl, huh?” He laughed a little.

“Yah! Don’t make fun of me Hyung!”

“Sorry, I was not making fun of you. It’s just that… I find it really cute.” He whispered the last part so I couldn’t catch it.

“What did you say?”

“I said I’ve never seen a girl this tall… and ungirly.” I punched his arm and he pretended to be hurt. “Wow! So strong! You sure are not a girl!”

“Really funny Hyung, really funny.”

“Okay, let’s stop it now and begin our movie session.” He told me to sit on his couch while he was switching the TV on and putting the DVD in the DVD-player. I looked around; he had cleaned his room and prepared a pillow and blankets beside his bed.

“What are we gonna watch?” I asked.

“Err… I have the Saw series plus some other movies. But we’ll begin with Saw.”


“Because I like these movies.”

“I guess it’s a good reason.”

“It is.” He smiled and sat beside me. “Oh, and don’t worry if you’re scared…,” he paused than started to sing: “I can be you hero baby~”

“Wow Hyung! Enrique Iglesias!”

“It’s the first one that came to my mind.” We both laughed. “But seriously, I can’t help you from being scared but you can hold my hand if you wanna.”

“Oh, okay. Thanks Hyung.”

“It’s nothing, really.”

The movie started and we both stopped talking to concentrate on the screen. I soon realized it was going to be really hard for me to concentrate. The movie was so disgusting, there was so much blood. And violence. I didn’t know how long I would be able to take it. I turned my gaze away from the TV and looked at Jonghyun. Unlike me, he was watching the screen intently, he seemed to enjoy those bloody scenes. I concentrated on his face to avoid listening to the sounds that came from the TV. His eyes were focused on the screen, following the actors’ every move; his lips were whispering words I couldn’t understand, like he was trying to help the heroes escape. I couldn’t tear my gaze away from his lips. They seemed so soft; I wanted to run my thumb across them, to touch them, to taste them… Wait! What am I thinking? I instantly averted my gaze and stared at my hands. Stop Minho! Get a hold of yourself! Then I felt Jonghyun’s hand on mine, he gently intertwined our fingers. “Don’t be afraid Minho.”

“Okay. It’s alright as long as I don’t watch the screen.”

He softly laughed. “But you know you need to look at the screen to watch a movie.”

“I know. Let’s just pretend I’m watching it.”


We watched the end of the movie, then two or three more. Better said, Jonghyun watched them and I listened to the sounds while looking at our hands. At the end, I didn’t even hear anything anymore. All I could feel was Jonghyun’s hand, his fingers that slightly brushed over mine. I could feel something tingle in my stomach and shivers were running down my spine. And all this because of…  Fear! I was so scared that I was reacting that way. It was the only logical explanation to my reaction. After the fourth movie – at least I guessed it was the fourth, Jonghyun stood up and switched the TV off. “You know,” he said, “you should have told me you were too scared to watch the movies. We could have watched something else.”

“That’s alright. It was… Great… I guess.”

He looked at the clock. “Wow! It’s already 4 am! I think we should go to bed.”

“Okay.” We changed into our pajamas, brushed our teeth and got to bed. Actually, I was lying on the floor. But it’s the same, we were ready to sleep. “Goodnight Minho,” Jonghyun whispered.

“Goodnight Hyung,” I answered.

Although I was exhausted, I wasn’t able to fall asleep. I was still afraid. Yuri was right, I should have told Jonghyun I didn’t like that kind of movies. I wasn’t able to calm down and I prepared myself for a sleepless night. “Hey Minho, are you alright?” Jonghyun asked suddenly.

“Yes, I am,” I answered, even though I was so afraid I didn’t even dare to make a move.

“Liar’” he chuckled.

“Yah! I’m not a liar!”

He didn’t answer, but instead I heard him move. He almost fell upon me and then said: “Make room for me.” Before I could even understand what he meant, I felt cold air hit me when he lifted the blankets to lie down beside me. “Better?” he asked.

“Y-Yeah!” And I realized it was true, I felt much better now that he was beside me. “Thank you Hyung.” I drifted off to sleep just like that.


That night, I made a strange dream. In fact, it wasn’t really a dream. It was more like a feeling. I felt good, I felt safe. It was as if someone was hugging me, protecting me from all bad things. It certainly was the best dream of my life.




I spent my Sunday at home. I thanked Jonghyun and his parents for letting me sleep over and I went home in the morning. When I came home, I took a shower, did my homework, and played video games. Just like that, the night came by. Then it was Monday morning. And I had to go to school again.



A/N: Here comes chapter 3! Jonghyun and Minho are friends. Yeah~! All the "horror movies thing” was kind of complicated to write, because I hate those movies and I almost never watch them. So I didn’t really know what I was talking about. ^^ Anyway, hope you liked the chapter. Chapter 4 is coming soon! See you there! =) Don’t forget to comment. ^^


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blozee #1
Chapter 7: ahhhh i love this sooooo much ♥ i wish you would write more Jongho :3
Chapter 1: cool~ omg I looove diss
Chapter 7: Awww this was beautiful :) Really like dit. It was a story with a message :)
marlen12315 #4
Chapter 7: woooooooooooow is beautiful, you're amazing jongho yhea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 7: i guess i guessed it right.. haha..
great ending.. jjong tiptoed, haha.. i could just imagine that..
i wish it was longer though..
anyway, great story.. ^^
Isayuri #6
Chapter 6: I didn't want that to happen!! :)) Next chapter and Minho you are really an idiot!!
Chapter 6: wae minho?? wae??

anyway, jjong's gonna join the singing cntst?? and melt minho's heart?? hehe..