A Doubting Thomas

Forbidden Love


I groaned while holding the side of my head. Alcohol got me bad for real. I open my eyes and found myself lying on a sofa. Wait.. a sofa?

"Hyung! finally you wake up!"

I heard a familiar voice from my right "Seungrat?"

"Yah! Don't change my name. It's seungri"

I nodded slowly and slowly sit straight. Seungri is a typical noisy human being. He is handsome, but not when he started to open his mouth and talk.

"Drink this" i saw Youngbae, the smilling eyes angel shoving me a weird liquid inside the glass "It's honey water" he sighed.

I take the glass and drink it slowly.

"You look wasted. We found you at the bar drinking non stop" i heard Daesung , the smilling angel,  voice as he joinned me at the sofa "A girl? Minzy then?"

I stayed silent while letting them guessing here and there.

"You okay right with her?" I heard Seungri voice asking.

"Did you have a fight with her?" I heard Daeung voice again.


all of our eyes turn around to the door where Jiyoung, the original owner of this apartment, sleep. Suddenly the door openned showing him looking at his phone and giggling non stop.

"You sound like a freak" Seungri commented while I just sit there and still drinking the honey water slowly.

"Yuri just updated her Twitter!" Jiyoung said happily and then flomp himself on my left side "Yo hyung!"

I just ignore him cause the pain inside my head havent subsided completely.

"Yuri? the arrogant model?" Daesung snickered.

"You mean the ?" Seungrat scoffed.

Who is this Yuri person again?

"Guys, i dont think you have the right to say that to her just because you envy her" Youngbae commented.

"Don't be all saint, hyung! I know you are also have a grudge at her. And no! I dont envy her" Seungrat chuckles.

I groaned "Can you all just tone it down? Who the hell is this Yuri girl anyway?"

Jiyong held his phone in front of my face showing a picture of a girl. Blonde hair girl with small eyes and chubby cheeks hugging a dog.

Wait... "That's Ailee" i pointed out.

JIyong looked at me "You know her? Yeah it's her sister"

"I met them for like few times" I put the glass on the table "And for your info, both of them are good girls. With much sarcastic words"

"OMG! Hyung i want to meet them too! Do you know their number?" Jiyong look at me sparkling.

"No hyung! Yuri is a real !" Seungri whinned.

The four of us look at him.

"I once work at a fashion show with her. I was confused why suddenly the chatter tone down. And then Yuri showed up glaring at all of us and started shouting to the designer 'if you don't find another model, then be gone form my sight. You just a low designer, you should thank me that i already come to your show' " Seungri explain "And because of her, suddenly it got cancelled"

"Well doesnt mean she is bad, right hyung?" Jiyoung look at me.

"Yeah" i nodded my head "They seems fine"

"You didn't believe me?" Seungri asked in disbelieved.

"Not that i believe you or not. It's just... Your story and my experience totally the opposite. It seems like you have too much grudge on her Seungrat" I sighed at him. As far as he know, Yuri is softer when she act than Ailee.

"Experience?" Daesung asked "You mean you bed her?"

"Don't assume thing" I sighed "That's what Jiyong most likely to do, not me"

Daesung smiled shippisly.

"Then how about meeting her?"

Suddenly my phone vibrated signing there's a text came. I scroll up the lock and raised a brow.

"Hyung, who is it?" Jiyoung quickly snatch my phone away from my hand "WOAH!!! Is this really Yuri? 'Coffee Smith now. Get your here'"

"Did she just telling you what to do?" Seungri asked in disbelief.

"Wait wait.. there's one more! 'Wait, dont. Ailee gonna fried you into ashes if she sees you'" Jiyong read it out loud.

I frowned "I guess yes"

"So, we cant meet them?"

I look at Jiyong "Meet them for what?"

"Oh come on hyung! Let's prove these three boys that they are nice"

I look at him confusedly "Which word did you understand? She said it on the text that Ailee will be pissed if I show up"

"Oh come on!" Jiyong stand up and take his jacket "You coming or not?"

I look at him in disbelief "...... You crazy guy"

"I will lock the door" Jiyong sing while walking out as the rest of us scrambled out immediately.

It's been a rule that whenever Jiyong out, we gotta out too. Actually we got our own spare key, but that little Seungrat throw it away cause he think he didn't need that. sorry. HE THOUGHT THAT WE DIDN'T NEED THAT SINCE WE WORK FOR THE SAME COMPANY. I cursed right away remembering that event.

We quickly went into Youngbae care, cause we know that Jiyong won't let any of us ride that car of his. Stingy much for real. We enjoy the ride with silence. It seems that only my brain thinking too much. I shake my head and after a while of a journey, we arrived at the cafe. Seungrat was the one who got out first and from afar, we could see that he is trying to search for his target. We order first leaving him and then when we go upstair, i only can facepalm myself.

"AAA!!!! YOU YOU YOU!" I saw Seungri pointing his hand to a girl who is sitting comfortably on the chair but the girl didn't even look around or give a damn about him.

I stay still on my spot and look at the blonde girl whispering something. And then the girl that Seungri pointed look around and squinted her eyes.




Yuri and I heard a shout but just ignoring it. Maybe just another crazy fans. But then I saw from my peripheral view that the one shouted actually a boy that pointing his finger to Yuri. I move lcoser to her and tap her shoulder gainning her attention.

"Someone is pointing at you" I whispered to her ear as I saw her turn her head around.

"Monkey" she scoffed and then turn her sight to her phone again.

"Monkey?" I asked her confusedly and then sipped my hot chocolate.

"Just ignore them. I think they are coming here" Yuri smiled at me but then turn her attention to her phone again.

I nod slowly and then I saw shadow hovering our table. I looked up and frowned immediately to see that blue hair guy here. I tap Yuri hand and she turn her head to the people who hover our table with their shadow.

"Excuse me, men could you please move out? You're hovering the sunlight" Yuri smiled devilishly "And I didn't invite you here, T.O.P"

"N..no it's not that" T.O.P the blue hair guy eyed me carefully "I was dragged by a friend"

"You mean that monkey is your friend?" I saw Yuri pointed to the white shirt guy with her thumb "I pity you"

"Y,..YAH! I'm a human you !" I heard the guy spat. I twitched right away but keep my cool "You're the monkey here"

I stand up right away and kick the guy to the ground. The rest of the people stare at me in horror "Weaklings" I smiled angelicly and then sit back and sipped my hot chocolate peacefully like nothing happenned "Get out of my sight. Eye sore" I said loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Told you already to ignore them" Yuri sighed,

"But she's calling you bad names" I pouted.

"Arent you gonna say sorry?"

I saw Yuri darted her sight to T.O.P again. I looked at him sighed.

"I don't come here to search for a fight. Can I and the rest of my boys join you? I brought along a fan of yours too" T.O.P answered while taking a seat next to me.

I look at him and then to Yuri and then to him again and then to his friends that now sitting next to Yuri.

"How about the monkey?" Yuri asked.

"Leave him alone. He's an idiot" the red hair guy answered.

I nod in agreement.

"I'm Daesung" the guy with big nose point at himself.

I nod my head while Yuri shakes hand with him.

"I'm Youngbae" the guy with angelic smile introduce himself.

I only nod my head again while Yuri shakes hand with him.

"I'm Jiyong. And i'm your fan" Jiyong shakes hand with Yuri excitedly which made me chuckled.

"And that stupid guy who just stand up is Seungri" I heard T.O.P said.

I stare at him for a while. His voice doesnt seem sobber somehow. I look at his eyes and he got that dark cicrle under his eyes. Quiet and eyebag and dark rim actually. And he stared back at me.

"What's wrong?" he asked me with a frown.

I shake my head and avert my sight to the hot chocolate glsas "You seem a little bit drunk"

"I am... Jiyong dragged me here cause he wanted to meet your sister"

"Big fan?"

"More than just big"

I nodded my head and just stay silent listenning to Yuri and the others conversation. I'm not much a talker to begin with too.

"I'm sorry"

I look at T.O.P and frown "What for?"


I scoffed at him "I will think about it"

"Woman, i'm saying sorry to you here"  his brow creased.

"And i said i will think about it" I hissed and then go back sipping my hot chocolate that not so hot now.

 "Okay sorry for buttin in into your whatever problem yesterday and saying whatever i said" i heard him sighed.

"Uhuh" i respond shortly.

"So how about forgiving me already? It felt like i'm owing you something"




"Are you interested with me?"

I look at him and roll my eyes "Dream on"

I averted my gaze to the red hair in front of me. I feel that he has been looking at me for a while. He stared back at me and about to open his mouth but i guess that monkey boy defeat him "TOP hyung, don't be such a flirt. You already have Minzy"

I smiled devilishly "Yuri, let's go. I want some peace" I quickly grab my phone that  has been lying on the table. I feel Yuri eyed me carefully before she too stand up and go to my side.


I turn to the person who called me "What?" I asked coldly to the blue hair guy, TOP.

"You know-"

"I know" I cut him right away "I'm just some to you right?" I scoffed and then stand up right away.

He grab a hold of my arm right away "I didn't mean that"

"You wanna play?" I asked seductively "Let's play then. But I will make sure, you are playing my game"








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Chapter 33: I like your story hehe ^^
xielai #2
Chapter 30: I hope ailee could bring jiyong here..
Actually I love G-lee couple..
panda_attack #3
hi sorry for taking space here.. we're currently on our grand opening now~ come and request your poster at our shop ^^
peonelopie4 #4
Chapter 20: Why is it rated M? And I love Jay~
Paris24 #5
Chapter 10: update soon
lin_lin42879 #6
Chapter 3: Loo please update soon!!!! =]
peonelopie4 #7
Chapter 2: Well I haven't read a Ailee and TOP story yet so look fotward to more.