Small Spaces


He didn't think the trunk of the car would be so small, not when he stood outside looking down into it. But lying in it, the lid closed he realized that it was much smaller then he wanted it to be.


This ficlet includes Yongguk and Himchan, takes place during the recording of Jieun's Going Crazy.

I've rewritten this little oneshot countless time. Trying to find a way for it to come across as good. But it never does, it's just cliché and mushy. The first time I got the idea and tried writing it was after I had watched Jieun's Going Crazy, because I have a milder case of claustrophobia seeing Himchan stuffed in that car trunk, it made me cringe at the thought of lying in there myself.

I had to ride an elevator today, I hate elevators (like you have no idea) and I was reminded of this little ficlet sitting unfinished. So I'm finishing it. It's finished. If it's any good I don't know. It's probably not, but I need it out of my head so I can move on and stop thinking about elevators and car trunks.

Claustrophobia: Fear of small enclosed spaces.

If I ship anything in B.A.P it's BangHim ♥


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Chapter 1: Awk,I felt bad for Himchan for being scolded so harshly, but I could see were Yongguk was coming from XD

I really liked the story!^^ It was so realistic and refreshing, and I thought the ending fit well with the rest of the story ;D Great job!