
Strange But Familiar

 After the test was over I bolted out the door and headed home. Everything else could wait until a later date. Running down the sidewalk I bump into something- or someone super hard. "Sorry about that there, miss" A deep voice said. It was melodious like he was sent from heaven and came to Earth for a vacation. I bet he had all the girls falling head over heels for him. Sweet mother peanut butter and strawberries he sounded georgeous, I bet his face was beautiful. Well look up and your questions will be answered, fool!

"It's alright." I said backing up and looking up to get a good look at his face. Sweet lord I was wrong. This man had it all! Beautiful brown hair, gorgeous puppy-dog type like eyes and a jaw line that I want to trace with my finger.

"Oh, hey it's you!" He said pointing. I stepped back a little more and my view was shattered by the brightly shining sun right in my eyes. Beautiful eyes staring back into blinded ones. I had no idea if it was him that made me go blind or the sun.

"What do you mean 'It's me?'" 

"I ran you over with my bike not too long ago." He said a little too excitedly while gesturing to his bike.

"And... you're happy about that because...?"

"Oh. no! I meant to apologize! Can I please make it up to you by taking you out for a date Saturday night?" Well that escalated quickly. Extremely quickly. His puppy eyes came into play to try to me into saying yes.

"Dude, what?!" First he runs me over and almost makes me super late for the exam, then stands in my way when I need to get home, now he's asking me for a date as an apology? It's crazy! Yet I wanted to because well for some reason my mind was telling me that after everything that happened I wanted to in the end.

"You think a lot." He stated blatantly.

"Whatever. Sure... I guess." His smile got bigger, and my frown got deeper as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"So, I'll kinda need your number." His hand came to scratch at the back of his head which made his muscles flex. Mixed with the sun shining brightly I almost started to drool right on the spot. "Yah! Do you want to come back to planet earth please?" he said snapping his fingers.

"Why would you need my number?" I shout angrily.

"Ssh! it's just so I can contact you if I need help planning where to go." He shrugged and smirked. I dont know what caused it, but I immeadiately started to fish trough the bag I hadn't noticed that I had a death grip on. Fishing for it, I pull out the device and handed it to the beautiful stranger who was standing there awkwardly for a moment as he if he forot hsis own number and needed a quick reminder of it. After a few more awkward moments he finished putting his number in.

"Yah! Kim Jonghyun!! Get down here!"

So his name is Jonghyun.

A very tall, brunette man in skinny jeans and a designer t-shirt called his name. The other male looked famliar also. I couldn't help but stare as his tiny frame jogged closer to me and Jonghyun taking a selfie on my phone.

Did everyone seem so familiar today?!

"Hi." He said. "I'm Minho. Is this dork bothering you?" Did everyone have to be so attractive too? Minho had short caramel colored hair and the most beautiful eyes God could have ever put on a man. I was about to faint if one more gorgeous asian man came this way.

"Hey, I'm older than you, thank you very much!" Jonghyun tried to seem intimidating, but was failing miserably with his height. Minho only shrugged.

"Yeah, but I'm taller." Jonghyun scoffed at the younger's blatant comment.

" Anyways," Jonghyun turned back to face me.  "I've gotta go, but, uh, I didn't catch your name." He flashed a smile that made me weak in the knees.

"It's Yong Ri. I'll text you later on okay?"

Jonghyun gave me a thumbs up and went along with Minho to go some where only God knows.I watched their figures disappear down the sidewalk until they were out of sight. After I made sure they were gone, I stomped my foot. "Where do I know them from?!"  I walked the rest of the way to the apartment sulking in my own thoughts. I had almost been hit by over si cars. yes, SIX CARS BECAUSE HOW MUCH THOSE TWO GUYS MESSED WITH MY HEAD. Where were they from? Why couldn't I figure this out? Dude, am I that oblivious? Someone please answer my question or else i'm going to go insane.

Reaching the complex I live at, my feet were about to give out. A few more  corners and past that building and i'm home. I breathed a sigh of relief as my aparatment building came into view. It was too soon to relax though as another car zipped through the parking lot and drove around the corner too fast and almost hit me. That makes seven, I guess. Climbing the stairs up to my safe haven, I trip on the last two steps making my foot fly back and land me down a couple of steps. 

" this man." I quickly reached for my bag and pulled out my keys. Could my bad luck just end here?

Unlocking the front door, I flung my bag on the table near the door, and hurriedly hopped over the back of the couch to sit there and whine to myself about the day I just had.





A/N SO YAY AN UPDATE! I guess. tell me if you like it  please. I promise my writing will get better as time goes on just stick with me. It's my first chapter fic EVER. So thanks for reading. ^^~




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AptonKey #1
Chapter 4: Hahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahaha I guess being stressed makes you forget the most important things. Make sure she gets her priorities straight, calm her down.
Chapter 4: Haha, I would probably Also be that retarded if I met my bias XD
Update soon!
AsianSwagg11 #3
Love the story, but there are some typos and parts that could be changed. Please update soon ^-^
boosher #4
Chapter 1: It's good! Spacing is good!! It made it a lot easier to read :)
There were a few typos... the second line you put gorrgy, but I think you meant to put groggy. And in the last big paragraph you put brushingm y instead of brushing my. Also, there are a lot of not capitalized i's.
other than those few things its really good! and I can't wait for the next chapter!!