Payback is Sweet


it's still a mystery to who has the upper hand in their relationship.


Inspired by this. Sequel to The Joke's On You.

I blame this mess of words and incoherent thoughts on the lovely readers who so wonderfully requested for a sequel!

Thank you maiikii, LocketyLover_Bunny & Jooniie for putting this idea in my head, and not forgetting all you precious readers out there who always give my minkey oneshots a chance and motivate me to continue writing. I know who you all are, you guys are simply amazing. I do hope this lives up to your expectations, and if it doesn't, feel free to ask me to make it up to you. ^^;;;

gif credits to heartmingkey.tumblr.


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Kanpop #1
Chapter 1: Sequel!!!! I beg of you~ please! This was too good to be a cliff hanger!
Chapter 1: too be too loud now..
Chapter 1: Gahh! Ok now i love you less :3 leaving me with a cliffie~
Ps i agree with @diliriouscullen this needs a triquel...oops i mean a trilogy? Lol you know what i mean XD
Yay love you lots XD
Chapter 1: 'Do you find it funny that this fugly photo of me in tears is going to appear every time I call you?'_E.PIK line from Kibum and reaction from Minho is E.PIK_

You've done it again!

Seriously, you're the only author who is able satiate my thirst for MinKey w/ just a oneshot. Not just any oneshot, mind you. An amazing, fluffy and squeal+praise+re-reads+cotton candy worthy!!! Every flippin time too :DD How you do it is out of my mind, love. Much love and hugs and sugar and spice and all things nice for you, your highness..8)

P.S: THIS sequel legit NEEDS a sequel and I'm sure that sequel a sequel after that and so on... :>
Chapter 1: This sequel needs sequel!! ;)
puppy_love #7
Chapter 1: Wow!!!! You're so good in this minkey one shot. You make me crazy lol. Soooooo fluffeeeeeeeeehhh. Why don't you make story with more chapter? Hahaha coz i realy love your writing
Chapter 1: oh my god!!!
Thankyou for sharing this . I love it so so so much <3
keytomyseoul #9
Chapter 1: Love it, not only just another sequel but seriously another fan-fic please! With at least 5 chapters or more!
Chapter 1: Hahahaha i LOVE IT! :D i LOVE the love-hate relationship they have, Just too good :D sequel to this please? I mean a girl has her needs after all haha