The end...?

Perfect In Between

   "Hey! Hyoseok is back!" Hyoseok yelled when he got in the appartment.

    You got up, as if being hit by electricity, and jumped in his hug, tieing your legs around his waist.

    "Oppa! Oh, my oppa is back!" you exclamed and hugged him passionately. You felt a great relief, even tears welled up in your eyes; you still loved him, he was still your precious one!

    That had been your greatest concern all these days he had been absent; Hanbyul's confession, your double kiss, his sickness and you, being day and night by his side, all these, had completely confused you emotionally.

   Hyoseok was taken aback by your excitement but hugged you back and then kissed you deeply.

   "Oh my baby, I missed you so much! I was thinking of you every day, every moment!" he murmured and tightened his embracement.

     "You only missed your baby?"

     Hanbyul had just got up from his bed and appeared in the living room. All the others were out of the appartment.

    "Oppa, why did you get up?" you asked him, to Hyoseok's surprise that you called him "oppa".

     "Hyung, how are you? Are you feeling any better?" he approached Hanbyul and hugged him tightly.

      "I'm better chingu, thanks to Stace and our brothers. How's your aunt??"

       "Aish, she'll be fine soon; oma was exaggerating as always, that's why I'm back so soon" he smiled and supported Hanbyul to sit down on the couch.

      "I'll prepare Hanbyul's tea, do you want anything baby?"

     "No, I'm fine dear, thanks."

     They followed you with their eyes- their full of love eyes.

      "She's an angel, Hyoseok. She took really good care of me all these days..."

      "I know, but you deserve the best care hyung; we don't want you to be sick. And you know that Stacey loves you as much as we all do."

      "Nae, I know... I love you all guys." Hanbyul smiled slightly and hugged Hyoseok.

      He could only remember one thing from that night: your soft lips touching his twice and your embracement when he almost lost conciousness. Nothing else. Thankfully, apart from Kwangyeon, no one asked why Hanbyul had got drunk. Hanbyul had just answered that he wanted to forget his nervousness for the comeback and that he fell in your hug as he felt dizzy. You had sighed with relief with his explanation. Generally, during his recovery, his behavour was quite normal, like the days of your great friendship. During these last two days, he had become the well-known grumpy/dork Hanbyul, even though a cough was still desturbing him from time to time.

     You appeared with his tea in your hands and sat between them. Unfolding your hands, you brought them both closer to you and hugged them tightly. It felt perfect to be in between; you wished you could stay in between forever.

    Hanbyul, as if listening to your thoughts, turned to face you and playfully pushed you with his feet towards Hyoseok. You were surprised by his movement, because you understood what it actually meant for him. You knew he remembered your kiss; he had told you. And you knew how painful it would be for him to give up on you. And- still- he did it.

   You smiled and caressed his head.

    "Thank you, Jace..." you smiled.

     "Eh, wae?" Hyoseok wondered.

     "She thanked me for kicking her; who knows, she might have some weird "Hanbyul loked and you all laughed.

      That day was one of the happiest and calmest in your life. You were so happy and light that you decided to prepare a whole menu for all of your boys, whatever the result of your effort would be. When the rest of them were back, you watched them running to Hyoseok and Hanbyul and jumping on them; for a moment you could only hear some chocked giggling and some undistinguished words coming fro that human ball. Secretely you took a photo of them with your mobile and again disappeared in your kitchen. Those funny creatures helped you with cooking and offered you many hugs for your delicious meal, singing many songs for you that afternoon. You felt like a queen among them and there was no uncomfortable moment this time. Instead, it was really relaxing and amusing.

    And a perfect day has to end with a perfect night; you and Hyoseok went on a date. You left the others playing with the Playstation and headed to enjoy a hot coco. You grabbed a cup each and walked, holding hands, along Han river. The weather was really cold but with Hyoseok by your side nothing could make you feel it. Thinking of all the crazy things that had happened lately, you crossed your hands around his waist and rubbed your face on his chest. He stopped walking and hugged you back.

    "Has anything happened while I was absent?" he asked, with his pretty eyes being full of concern.

    "Aniyo. What, can't I hug you?" you joked, to avoid a straightforward answer.

    "Of course you can" he locked you in his hug. "It's just... I don't know some things look a bit different, but not in a bad way... Aish, I don't know! Forget it, I'm just being stupid."

    "Aniyo, baby, you're not being stupid... Everything is better than you had left it..." you murmured, feeling guilty.

    You lowered his head and kissed his lips gently. He was so cute and innocent, with his wavy hair being caressed by the breeze; even his teddy-bear-like nose had become little red from the cold and his eyes looked more expressive than ever. Looking at him again, your heart was about to explode.

    "I love you, Kim Hyoseok" you whispered breathlessly and kissed him again deeply, resting your hands on his chest; you could feel his heartbeat, a little faster than the normal. What if he was feeling yours? He would get scared that something was wrong with your health, with that speed of your pounding.

    "I love you, too, Stace" he smiled and hugged you tightly. With puppy-eyes, he looked at you and shyly added: "Could we not go home tonight? I'd prefer a place that it would be only you and me" he said and blushed.


    1 month later

    "Aaaaaand, cut! That's it boys, we're done!" the director yelled.

    "Thank you ajusshi!" Led Apple answered chorus-like and bowed.

     You clapped over-excited, as they approached you, with their thick, colorful leggings and short, up to the knee, pants; new fashion in K-POP?? You hugged them one by one tightly and shared a kiss with Hyoseok, whose new haircut you absolutely adored. You didn't omit to pat Hanbyul's head, who had finally compromised with his blonde version.

    "Wow, guys, that was amazing! Have I told you how much I love that song?"

     "Only a thousand times!" Hanbyul laughed.

    "Yeah, you're singing it every day, if you haven't noticed" Youngjun added and smiled, patting your head.

   "Wae? Is that bad? I love the music, the lyrics and the singing... Awww, I'm dying for your your voices!" you exclamed and widened your eyes.

    "Aigoo, she's so cute" Kwangyeon smiled and pinched your cheek, while Youngjun did the same on your other cheek.

    "Hey, she's mine!" Hyoseok protested and lifted you in his arms bridal-style, causing you to hold on him tightly and laugh loudly.

     "No one is trying to take her away from you, babo" Hanbyul said in a way that- to your eyes- sounded a little bitter, but he was still smiling.

    "Yeah, I know, hyung, I'm just kidding" Hyoseok smiled and let you down, kissing your forehead.

     "I'll go change clothes; Kyumin is seeing that girl, Yongseon, and they both set me up with a friend of Yongseon, I think... Eunyi or something..." Hanbyul said and disappeared in the dressing room with Kyumin.

    ~What the heck? Why did you feel that small pinch deep in your heart? You admitted feeling a little jealous, but- thankfully- just a little. Just a remnant of what you called your rapid crush on Hanbyul.

    "Let's change, too, and go for pizza, huh?" Kwangyeon suggested and you all agreed.

    All of the boys disappeared and you sat on a chair with boredom for waiting. You opened your bag to find Hyoseok's bottle of water and - as you pulled it out- a piece of paper dropped on the floor. Unfolding it, you read and smiled sadly:

     "My dear angel, I wanted to tell you somehow- before I end up with that Eunji... ehm, no, that's Eunyi (Jason's poor memory)- that this "Let the Wind Blow" was just for you. I know you love it... Hyoseok said exactly the same thing when we finished recording; it's unbelievable how people who adore you think of the same things to show you their love. I'm closing that here; I promised to try to move on, so- this moment- I'm probably getting ready for that stupid date.

                    Love you, Jace"

    You felt tears filling your eyes, when Hyoseok with Kwangyeon and Youngjun appeared. You scrapped the paper, throwing it in your bag. Offering him his bottle, you smiled and caressed his head He was making you sure that you'd made the right decision~ Hadn't you??

    Hyoseok, your precious oppa, hugged you and kissed you.

    "You know, Stace, that "Let the Wind Blow" was only for you... Jongmal, saranghae."



From misschoi:  Hi fellows!! That was my first fanfic and I'm quite happy for it, even though I changed it uncountable times in my mind, before writting it! It had to be Led Apple~ <3 And, yes, personally, I wouldn't be able to pick one of these two :P Hope you liked it, too~ ^_^

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Chapter 5: Im new to ledapple..yeah i like how their band so cute. Electronic, choreography and heaven lol their voice,, especially hanbyul and hyeoseok playing drumstick,,feel sorry for not noticing them before i am a pabo,,,but now i want more of them...and i love your short good,,,thumbs up,,,,
Chapter 4: i was listening to jason's cover "Talking To The Moon" when I read chapter 5 and I started crying reading it. :"(
Chapter 5: Oh, it was just great! No, AWESOME! I enjoyed it a lot! I am sure, every LEDA will love it! <3
Chapter 2: ughh, i'm torn, how are you supposed to chose only 1 of them!