Perfect in Between-Part 3

Perfect In Between

"Oppaaa, do you really have to go?"

   You were  hanging from Hyoseok's neck, hugging him tightly.

 "C'mon Stace, he isn't leaving for his military service" Hanbyul said with a bored voice.

 "Yeap, babe, I'll be back soon; after all, we have to do the filming in less than a month. But oma needs my help with aunt Jaehee; don't worry, the boys will take good care of you", Hyoseok smiled and kissed your forehead.

"I don't need them! I only want oppa!" you whined and the others laughed loudly.

 "You could come with me, but I don't want you to skip classes for such issues. So, just patience! I'll be calling you a lot."

   You kissed for a last time and it was Led Apple's turn to hug; you were proud of them for being such good friends.


    When Hyoseok left, you packed your backpack and were about  to leave, but Youngjun held you back.

    "Don't leave now, Stace. Let's have lunch all together and go to that club tonight. Afterwards, you can go to Sora's appartment... You're not only Hyoseok's girlfriend; you are our chingu too."

     You smiled and hugged him, moving your head in a silent confirmation of his words.

     Kwangyeon asked for bibimbap and you promised to give your best to make it. While cooking, someone the radio; a simple melody was heard and you distinguished Youngjun's and Kwangyeon's guitars accompanying the radio music. They were playing Baechigi's "Shower of Tears" and Kyumin started rapping. You secretely took  a look from the half-opened door and you smiled for their calmness.

  "Are you happy Stace?"

   You heard Hanbyul's voice right next to your ear and you turned around scared enough. He was smiling in his cutest way. You unconsiously smiled back.

   "Why shouldn't I be?"

  "Cause Hyoseok left..." he said and for the first time you realised he had blushed.

  "Well, you know I love him, but I think I can live like this  for a while" you joked and turned off the oven.

   A rose appeared under your nose and you looked at Hanbul surprised.

  "What's with that Jace?

   "Let's say that I'm happy that you're taking care of us, even though Hyoseok isn't here."

   You took the rose in your right hand and smelled it, while caressing Hanbyul's hair with the other. He blushed again but his hironically confident smile was always on his lips.

   "You know, I really like roses; they're my favourites"

    "I know" he winked and came closer to you. "Even your perfume has a rose fragrance, how could I not notice it?"

   It was your turn to blush; he had indeed noticed that stuff about you?? It was possible that Hyoseok might have talked about it... But, for some reason, you freaked out and pushed him away. You remembered doing that uncountable times during this late month and it wasn't only Hanbyul's weird behavour to blame; you were feeling weird too, when he was around. You ran out of the room, dropping  the rose on the kicthen table and sat among the others in the living room.

  "You know Stacey, thankfully I'm not dying my hair, maybe I'm making it a little less red; Hanbyul hyung is going to become blonde" Kyumin chuckled in his sly way.

   Hanbyul came out of the kitchen and sat next to Kyumin.

   "Shut up you carrot-head" he said and hit him with a cushion in the face.

   "C'mon, Kyumin is right; Hanbyul's hair must somehow match with his IQ level" you said.

   They bursted into laughs but- surprisingly- Hanbyul didn't answer back to your provocation. Instead, he seemed sad.

   "Aniyo, hyung will be fine" Kwangyeon defended his best friend and you felt bad; why the heck you had become aggressive?

   He hadn't said anything wrong in the kitchen, after all...

    Youngjun- sensing the cold atmosphere- asked if the food was ready and- after eating- they all went to sleep, since you had all agreed on going to that club.

    In Kwangyeon's and Kyumin's room, the two boys-since Hyoseok was absent- were lying next to each other, looking at the ceiling.

   "Stacey is always so calm; why is she aggressive to Hanbyul hyung?" Kwangyeon wondered.

   "Well... I don't know. It's quite weird, cause hyung doesn't behave normally either when Stacey is around. They used to have great fun together" Kyumin moved his shoulders.

   Youngjun walked in without knocking; he had a sleepy expression on his cute face and his hair was funny and crazy enough. He dragged his feet with boredom to the bed, collapsing on the others.

  "I ate like an ox and I feel like I could sleep for centuries, but your murmuring has got on my nerves. Do sleep! If you're sleepy at the club I'll kick your butts really hard" he said with a voice lost in the pillows.

   "But hyung, aren't you worried about Stacey and Hanbyul? Why are they acting like that?"

   "Well, I am, but I guess it's not something permanent... They both have intense personalities, Hanbyul is a bit nervous for the single... Aigoo, I don't know. I always considered Stace as a calming person for us."

   "Let's help them make up tonight, huh? Hyoseok will be very satisfied once he's back" Kyumin exclamed, snapping his fingers.

    "OK, but I think we firstly need to talk to Hanbyul, who is actually sleeping now" Kwangyeon clapped.

    "Let's just do the same as him, arasso?" Youngjun whined and covered his head with a pillow.


     It was late night when you all got in the car. You proudly looked at all ogf them.

   "I have to admit that all of you  look really handsome tonight" you smiled and the boys looked excited.

   "And we are proud to a lady like you" Hanbyul said with a gentle smile on his lips.

      You felt your cheeks burning and lowered your eyes. Boys were trying to be quite talkative and funny to keep the mood high. That made you forget what had been happening the previous days and you relaxed.

   Once in the club, you found out that the party wasn't that high yet- it was too early- so, you just grabbed some drinks and started chatting with Youngjun, while Kyumin was talking with a pretty girl and Kwangyeon with Hanbyul were still drinking.

   Suddenly, "Run to You" was heard from the speakers and you all jumped from surprise. You saw Kwangyeon pushing Hanbyul towards you.

   "Hey, Stace, this time, are you dancing?" he asked you shyly.

   "Hmm, I don't like that song but..."

    He seemed shocked, but you laughed and grabbed his hand. You were dancing to it with swing steps and singing the lyrics crazily. How nice you were feeling and how cute was Hanbyul when he was like that!

    Next, it was Teen Top's "To You- Slow Version"; you were about to sit, but Hanbyul held you back.

   "Let's slowdance, huh?"

    He crossed his hands around your waist and you tied yours behind his neck. You just had to be calm and not panic.

   "Jace, I want to apologise for today and generally for lately. I don't know why I'm aggressive towards you... I guess I'm nervous along with you for the new single."

   Why were you lying??

   "No Stace. Actually, I'm behaving like a total idiot. I should be the one to apologise and I really don't know why I'm doing those babo-stuff... And really-really, Stace... I don't ever want to see your pretty face sad or mad"

    He suddenly hugged you and you felt your stomach twisting hardly.

    Do not panic~ Do not panic!!

    "It's... It's OK, Jace... I can't get really mad to anyone of you.." you murmured.

   He held your shoulders and gently pushed you back to look at you.

   "Ah, Stace, why are you doing that? Why are you always so kind and adorable? You make me..."

    He remained with his mouth half-opened and he turned his expressive and -now- sad eyes away from yours. Before you manage to say a word, Hanbyul rushed away from you, pushing and stepping on some people.

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Chapter 5: Im new to ledapple..yeah i like how their band so cute. Electronic, choreography and heaven lol their voice,, especially hanbyul and hyeoseok playing drumstick,,feel sorry for not noticing them before i am a pabo,,,but now i want more of them...and i love your short good,,,thumbs up,,,,
Chapter 4: i was listening to jason's cover "Talking To The Moon" when I read chapter 5 and I started crying reading it. :"(
Chapter 5: Oh, it was just great! No, AWESOME! I enjoyed it a lot! I am sure, every LEDA will love it! <3
Chapter 2: ughh, i'm torn, how are you supposed to chose only 1 of them!