1st Brick: Reunion

Rebuilding a life


Hi everyone! Hope you enjoy this chapter. I'll read your messages tomorrow evening! 

A couple of comments. When they speak in english I use italics.

Let's begin!!




1st Brick: Reunion

January 23rd

The airport was incredibly crowded, but she managed her way outside the building with just a couple of bags and her purse on her back. She called for a taxi and went straight to the Ibiz Hotel in Myeongdong. Just after settling in her room, she took a shower and went to eat something downstairs. The girl went around the hotel, recognizing the surroundings and spotting many places that would came in handy.

She had been in contact with her brother through email and skype, but it was twelve years since the last time both saw each other in person, so she was kind of anxious to see him. She adored him so much, because since they met, he was like sunshine for her, who was younger and kind of shy. She sighed, giving a sip to her coffee before going back to her hotel room. She didn’t tell him she was coming to Seoul because she wanted to surprise him.

“See you tomorrow, Jason.”


She woke up at eleven in the morning since the jet lag was taking a toll on her. She got into the shower and let the water rinse the sleepiness from her body and face. After getting dressed, she went downstairs and grabbed a cup of coffee in the near Starbucks; she called a taxi and with an anxious heart she gave the instructions to the driver to head over Liveworks Company.

Once there, she got out the taxi and threw her empty cup at the main entrance. She looked up at the building and took a deep breath to calm down her heartbeat. She got inside the building and went straight to the counter. Of course the receptionist knew she was a foreigner since she had blonde hair with pink ends curled slightly so they were ready to speak in english.

“Annyeong haseyo!” She spoke korean to the secretary and bowed her head; she wasn't really good with language but she was determined to see her best friend. “I'm looking for Lee Sunho?”

“Do you have an appointment, miss?”

“Er~” she hesitated; she knew this would happen.

“I'm sorry miss, but you should concrete an appointment before coming here” the secretary smiled and the girl got a little frustrated.

“Could you please tell him I'm here at least?” The girl pleaded, changing his language into english. “I know that if he hears about me he'll let me see him.”

“I'm sorry, but~”

Just then the elevator's doors opened and the six members of Shinhwa came walking and chatting about something funny because they were laughing. The girl looked back and her face brightened just at the view of his best friend, and his friends of course. She knew everything about them since Jason was popular as a Shinhwa member. She said thank you to the secretary even when she did nothing for her and bit his lip before shouting.

“Jason!” The one mentioned, and everyone, looked around with the sound of her voice.

When his eyes met hers, he got a shock. “Mia?” He asked while giving a step.

Was she for real? It had been twelve years since the last time they saw each other. They talked on the phone and electronic via, but they haven't seen each other in such a long time. She was three years younger than him, cheerful and with a big heart; he remembered her being really talkative and very friendly to everyone. She was a good girl and she was always smiling.

"Jason!" Yup, she was the one. The girl almost ran into them, Andy was still shocked to see her there, in the company. Just when the short blonde girl stood in front of him, he woke up. "You know, I expected a little more excitement, big bro~" she sang in english and grinned.

She looked around and glance at the taller man, who she assumed was Eric Mun. She bowed her head respectfully; she wasn't stupid. She knew all those protocols and manners in Asian countries so she learned everything she could just for this day to come. Andy couldn't still believe his eyes; she was there but somehow he didn't expect this.

“Andy-ah, who's this cute girl?” Junjin asked and stepped forward smiling to the new girl, who returned the smile.

“Don't be like this, Jin-ah, she doesn't speak Korean” that was Dongwan, she liked him immediately, he was just as Andy had told her. He was on her side even when he didn't know her at all. She giggled and did a 90 degree bow, which take them by surprise.

“Annyeong!” She said in korean and waved her hand cheerfully; Eric and Hyesung chuckled when she spoke in their language giving a significant look to Junjin and Dongwan. “My name is Mia; Mia Knight.”

“Smart girl! I like her!” Minwoo shouted. “Hi!” He said just as equally cheerful as her. Oh, she would totally love Minwoo too.

“You should be Minwoo, Choongjae, Dongwan, Eric and Pilkyo. Though, I like Steve” she pointed each one of them and they chuckled; Hyesung blushed a bit when he heard his American name. “I'll apologize in advance since my korean is not the best and all the formalities just give me a headache. Can we skip it, please~?”

“You're doing great” Eric answered in english and smiled at her. “But yeah, skip it!”

“Thank you!” She gurgled too.

“What are you doing here?” Andy asked her in english.

“Ugh, now I feel hurt” she pouted while looking at Andy. She wanted to hug him right away, but he was a public figure so she was controlling herself not to jump over him.

“Gosh, she's such a cutie~” Minwoo said and tried to poke her cheeks, but he earned a quick nudge from Dongwan.

"Why don't you come with us, Mia?" Hyesung spoke in english too.

"Yeah, we're going to grab something to eat" Eric continued.

“Ehm, I don’t know… I don’t want to disturb your lunch time” the girl looked at Andy, who suddenly smiled softly to her.

“You can come. Let’s go…” Andy said.

“Yaiiii! Thanks a bunch bro~” the girl jumped in her place, doing a cute face.

“Cute~” Hyesung said, attracted to her.

Everyone laughed then. How old was she, anyway? She looked no more than 25, but was she? They let Mia to go with Andy while the rest took their cars. She was so happy but her best friend seemed troubled; she sighed inside the car knowing that Andy was kind of upset.

“I'm sorry I didn't tell you beforehand” She said in a serious tone. “I have missed you for twelve years, Andy, it doesn't matter to me that you don't want me here but at least feign that you're happy to see me” she smiled bitterly and locked her seat belt.

“Mia, it's not that~”

“Don't worry, Andy. I knew before coming here that maybe I'm not your best friend anymore” she looked through the window and ignored him.

This wasn't supposed to be like this. When Andy was at Los Angeles she became friends with him since they were neighbors. She was raised by her grandmother because her parents died in an accident, but still she was cheerful about life. Andy connected with her immediately because of her shy and caring personality.

“You just took me by surprise, princess” Mia looked at him with teary eyes; it had been such a long time since he called her like that. He parked the car and went to open her door. “I'm sorry. I'm glad you're here.”

Mia smiled again as if the whole world glowed. She got out the car and fixed her coat. “Can I hug you, Andy? Please, please, please~!” She asked and he nodded. Then, she hugged him with all her might. “I've missed you so much~”

“Yes, me too, princess” he said and let his own arms wrapped around her; he heard her sniffle and he snorted. “Crybaby."

“Mood crasher” she said and then kissed his cheek.

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I'm a fool! I didn't post chap 3


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Pls update soon...^^♡
KangRaeWon #2
Chapter 6: Jajaja, gracias por hacerme acuerdo de que puedo comentar en español, pero de todos modos ya se me grabó tu nombre y se que debo escribir en nuestro idioma cuando leo un fic tuyo kkk A menos que ande muy distraída(?)

Awwwww, este cap fue puro amor >.< Los abrazos asfjaslfk tan lindos todos, yo también quiero abrazarlos así un por uno TT__TT Hahaha y estoy de acuerdo con las chicas, creo que ya quedó bien claro el naranjo de Mia(?) kkk osea es como Tejer = Shin Hye Sung.

Y yooooo, aparecí :D Dije menos de cinco palabras y luego desaparecí(?) ok no kkk pero fue como "Aslfkjalf yooooo" XD Ya me olvidé de cual iba a ser mi pretendiente(?) Así que supongo que será una sorpresa de todos modos X'D

Me encantó el cap :D Estaré esperando por el próximo (: Irá al cine con el maknae wiiiiii<3 Yo también quiero ir con ellos TT.TT *Se mete en el fanfic* Oh espera no es necesario porque ya estoy adentro(?) X'D Bueno ya, emmm... Pues nada, un beso, cuídate y FIGHTING!
Chapter 6: Uh, lucky girl *pout*
kkk, so nice of her giving them a gift according to their characteristic >_<
And the fact that she can knit make her more lovable for Hyesungie XD

But actually, I like her better with Andy, they're just so cute together, >___<
Shinbani #4
Chapter 6: Que escriba en español? y si no quiero o,ó ok ya. Aigoo olvide la parte que quería remarcar. En fin me pone feliz el pensar en ellos bailando con Mia y su amiga (sorry aun no se me queda el nombre), es que esa canción awwwwwww ella es una caja de sorpresas. Ohh también como se hace la loca cuando le hablan de San Valentin y luego la reunión de las chicas, no me imagine que todas se juntaran. Por cierto que me encanto la reacción de Wannie y de JunJin con sus regalos y cuando Mia dijo que le gustaban más los chitchais kkk ahhh la repartición de abrazos no se queda atrás, fue adorable ver a the birds tan, nerviosos? sonrojados? tu me entiendes. Ahora queda más que revelado el candidato para Mia, no? muahaha
Chapter 6: awhhhh q lindo!!! me encantola parte de los abrazos y los regalos!!! y lo nerviosos que se pusieron los naranjos!! son unos amores!!!
Chapter 5: asi que Mia sabe tejer?? ... ya se por donde va la cosa hahaha. Sorry por demorar en leerlo, te lo adverti antes soy floja para leer otra cosa que no sea Ricsyung pero este fic me gusta.
Me gusta que Mia tenga nuevas amigas y se relacione con mas personas a parte de los naranjos aunque si fuera yo mi vida rondaria en ellos kkkkk.
Buen capitulo!! Actualiza pronto!
KangRaeWon #7
Chapter 5: Wiiii, bueno los naranjos no aparecieron casi nada en este cap, ya los extraño TT___TT Pero me alegra que unnie este haciendo amigas asfljsa *A* Y no me alegra que esa bicho rara trabaje en el mismo lugar que ella... Aish... ya lo sé, le hará la vida imposible U_U Lo bueno es que Mia no se deja pisotear (; Kkk me gusta eso de ella {: Normalmente las chicas son todas delicaditas y no se saben valer por si mismas, eso exaspera X'D kkk De todos modos creo que ya habíamos tenido esta conversación o algo parecido... kk Estoy ansiosa porque aparezca "la" VET. If you know what I mean... (?) kk Un beso enorme, ¡me voy a leer tu one-shot RicSung!
Shinbani #8
Chapter 5: Aigoooooooooooooooooo ya era hora de que actualizaras jajaja solo bromeo. Como es que Mia puede con tantos trabajos, es bonito trabajar para Shinhwa pero yo ya hubiera asesinado a alguien con tanto estrés. Me da risa Sungrin kkk no dejas de remarcar lo "clumsy" que es kkk pero adoro la forma en que se lleva con Mia *-* good friends~ y eso que solo es el primer día. OMO que susto que ponga los asientos en forma de U, cuando los profesores hacen eso yo entro en pánico. Hayoung me cae bien *-* así que le puso el ojo a Andy kkk me da risa que las 3 parecen la versión femenina de Shinhwa xD todas locas a sus 29 años de edad. Que más iba a escribir? ahhh ya Mia anda preparandose para conquistar? jum... así que sabe tejer kkk ya veremos la reacción de cierto alguien.
Chapter 4: hahaha pobres chicas! y Minwoo muy lindo hablando con Mia, se me hace que va a ser algo asi como su confidente y mi Sungie siempre timido para bailar, bueno en verdad para lo que sea. Pero me encanto!!! :)
Shinbani #10
Chapter 4: El temperamento de la princesa es difícil de manejar jajaja siempre me da risa la forma en que se lleva a Minwoo y luego Eric cediendo ante su cara de cachorro con la reacción de la princesa y el príncipe. Fiuuu aigoo no me imagino a un Minwoo más callado, pero resulto su táctica, Minbong so cute!

Ahhh me dio tristeza el imaginar al pobre principito viendo a todos bailar, menos Mía logro sacarlo de esa mesa. Esa parte es mi favorita, además de que Eric apoya mucho a Sungie (yeah ricsyung friendship). Por otro lado la escena con las zorras cofcof con el trió fue la mejor... DAEBAK! jajaja pero me da risa Andy, no puedo dejar de reír con esa escena. Por cierto, la ultima frase me encanto n_=