Chapter 4

Wedding Dress

Time and time again, I forgave you.

I've forgiven you for things that I swore to myself I'd never forgive someone for...

and here you are, still hurting me,

and I still forgive you.. ?


She blinked. and i broke the kiss.

All my emotions were dead and i had no idea what was happening. My vision started to get blurry and my eyes felt as if they could just pop out at any moment..

I gained my breath back, and started panting and inhaleing a whole heap of air back into my system.

I swear i had stopped breathing for at least two minutes?..

and they say if you stop breathing for more then a minute, your dead.

So does this mean i died? I died with her in my arms? I died while our lips were still pressed togehter?

I froze again, trying to clear my mind.

She grabbed onto my shoulders and held them as support as she got up onto her feet. She struggled to stand up. and was about to fall over, but i hurried to her side and held her before her body could fall.

I held her tightly, and in my arms, she began to cry.

"I'm sorry oppa..." she whispered, while still crying.

I didnt reply. I just gripped her even tighter.


That night i layed in my warm bed for hours, just thinking, and repeating that moment, over and over again.

Millions of thoughts rushed through my mind, thinking of what happened? why did it happen? Is this even real?

I rolled over to my side, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep. It was way past midnight, but i was still wide awake. No matter how hard i tried to sleep, it just wouldnt work... because i had to much worrys on my mind.

I began thinking of what happened when Jaeki rushed into the room...


The door swang open, and revealed a super confussed Jaeki.. His confussedness turned into anger as he saw me holding Mi Hyun..

"Mi Hyun!?" he yelled, and without even realising it, he rushed straight over to me and punched me right into the face, causing my nose to bleed.

I fell to the floor, and whiped the small bit of blood that came from my nose. I felt my hand turn into a tight fist. And i was thinking of throwing my arm at Jaeki's face and hitting him back.

But i let go of my fist as i saw the emotions in Mi Hyun's face. Her face was pale, and millions of tears were falling down the side. Her makeup was smudged and even though she looked like a mess.. to me she still looked beautiful.

I looked into her eyes.. it was like words were forming in them.. Her emotions spelt out 'I Remember'

"Does she remember?" i thought to myself.


I tossed and turned in my bed, until i eventually thew myself up into a sitting position.

"Its just a dream. Its just a dream" i whispered, trying to convince myself that it wasnt real.

But i knew that this was no dream at all... It was reality. It happened.

I reached over to my phone, to check for any missed calls or unread messages.. But not a single one was found.

I pressed the home page button and it brought me back to my home screan, where i could see my wallpaper.

My wallpaper was a beautifully cute picture of Mi Hyun doing ayego posses. and when i looked at it, i threw my phone accross the room causing it to hit the wall and crack the screan.

I just glared at the broken phone which was laying on the floor.

and after a few minutes, i heard it calling?

My phone was still functioning even though it had a broken screan??

I sighed and struggled to pull myself up off the bed, then i slowly walked over to my phone and picked it up.

I answered it "Yeboseyo??"((hello))

"Yeboseyo?" i then repeated myself because no one answered me..

I looked down to my phone to view the caller ID, but who ever it was had their phone on private.

"Yeboseyo!?" i yelled it this time, because i was getting annoyed.

and as i was about to give up and hang up, someone finally spoke..

"She remembers..." a strange voice whispered from the other side of the telephone line.

"What!?" i answered, in a confussed voice.

"Hello??" i then yelled because no one was replying to me..

~beep. beep. beep~ I heared the sound through the phone telling me that that caller has ended the call..

"Arghhh!" i screamed and chucked my phone again.

I rushed over to the door and out into my kitchen.. I pulled out a sharpe knife from my draw, and held it in my hand.

I raised that hand, and aimed the knife to my chest.

I closed my eyes and froze.

It was so quiet. and i could hear eveything that was happening around me. I heard someone walking up the stairs of the appartment where i lived. those foot steps got louder as the owner of them got closer.

Eventually, it stopped.


Then i heard my door open and a scream.


i imediatly opened my eyes and the knife fell from my hand and onto the floor.

I was about to fall on the ground but just as i was about to.. someone catched me.

I closed my eyes and emotionally held that person tightly.

After a while, i looked up to see that it was Sarah. The girl who lives in the appartment next to me.

"Bae? Noreul gwaenchanayo?" ((Bae, are you okay))

"Gwenchana..." ((I'm okay)) i softly mumbled.

"Bae, dont lie to me!" she affirmed.

"Gwenchana!!" i yelled, as i pushed her to the ground.

She looked up at me, and it looked as if she was about to cry.

I then realised what i just did, so i rushed down to help her up.

"Jongmal mi-an-heh" ((Im really sorry)) i said as i was helping her up


I dont know whats happening to me?

I'm going crazy?

I'm turning into a monster?

All because of the girl i love.. All because of Mi Hyun.

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Chapter 1: Oh my God, we're even have a quite similar name of the female character, haha, but of course different story..
hey, we have the same tittle of fanfic, mind to exchanged reading :)