Chapter 1

Wedding Dress

I didn't know what to do, so I smiled and said "Just go for it, I'll be fine not having you."

Now, I still don't know what to do, I'm a wreck, a disaster, without you..

Well, the truth is I was lying.

I can't make it out without you.


Probably the biggest mistake in my life was letting her go. She is that part of my heart that i cant live without. and im actually so suprised that i made it this far without her.

Even though i still have her by my side.. Its hard.

Does she know how much shes hurting me?

Does she even care?


~2 years ago~

"Baby!" Mi Hyun shouted signaling Youngbae to come to her.

Youngbae shoock his head and winked at her. He laughed and opened his arms for her to run into. Mi Hyun jumped into them and giggled as Youngbae spun her around in circles.

After a while they stopped and sat down on the green grass under a tree. He sat down beside her staring into her eyes, then planted a sweet kiss on her forehead.

Mi Hyun wrapped her arms around Youngbaes neck and began kissing him deeply. As she was kissing him, tears ran down from her eyes. Which caused Youngbae to break the kiss..

"Whats wrong?"

no reply from Mi Hyun, she just continued to cry.

This was the point where he started to worry. But instead of nudging her to tell him the problem. He just opened his arms and held her tightly, giving her a shoulder to cry on.

She pushed away from him, still in tears.. she looked deeply into his eyes and whispered "I'm Sorry"

Youngbaes heart shattered into a million peices as she continued to speak...

"I'm sorry, youngbae.. I'm sorry.. I just cant be with you anymore"

Tears began forming in Youngbaes eyes, and without asking for an explination.. all he said was "Just go for it, I'll be fine not having you"


~Back to the present~

I still remember the day when our hearts got brocken. Thoses stupid words i said to her which caused her to run away crying. And all i did was let her run? I didnt even try to stop her.. i was such a fool.

What if i did chase after her?

What if i said something else?

Would we still be together today, if the past was different?


"Just go for it, I'll be fine not having you"

Mi Hyun got up and started to run.. Her eyes started to shatter millions of tears as she ran tawords the road.. And because of the pain she was in she didnt notice that a car was heading for her direction.

She turned her head, and her eyes filled up with fear.. "YOUNGBAEE!!" she screamed from the top of her lungs..

Youngbae immediately got up when he heard her shout..

But it was too late..

He saw a crowd of people huddling around a car.. And ran too the scene.

And when he got there. He fell to the floor crying.

Mi Hyun was hit by the car and this was the moment where both Mi Hyun and Youngbae's life changed forever..


Luckily Mi Hyun survived the accident, but was rushed straight to hostpital.

And for weeks she was in a komar.. but when she finally woke up....

Her memory was gone.

"Where am i?" Mi Hyun shouted in deep fear.

"Its okay sweetie, your in hostpital" youngbae trying to calm and comfort her.

"Dont touch me!" she shouted

Youngbae was confused, "What?"

"I dont even know you, get out of here!" she screamed

"Its.. me. Youngbae"

The doctor suddenly came in and requested to do some tests on Mi Hyun.. and while he tested her, he explained that she has lost parts of her memory..

Shortly after he finished.. Youngbae came back in.

"Yah!" she shouted as he entered the room.

Youngbae raised his eyebrow and looked into her eyes..

"How do i know you?" she asked

"I.. ah, I'm your...."

a flashback of when she told him that they couldnt be together anymore interrupted his speech..

"My? your my what?" she asked

"My brother?" she then added.

a soft "No" was what Youngbae replied.

"My bestfriend??" she questioned again

and without even thinking.. He just said.. "Yes."


~Back to the present~

Ever since that day in the hostpital, Mi Hyun has called me 'Oppa', thinking that i was just her bestfriend and only her bestfriend. I tried my hardest to convince her that we once had something, but she would never believe me and just took it as if i was joking.. So eventually, i gave up.


Mi Hyun is getting married in a few weeks. And she asked me to be her 'Bridesmaid' but a man version..

I laughed. A man as a bridesmaid?? really?

It actually kills me so much knowing that she is inlove with another man. and that shes getting married to that man.

But because i love her so much.. I'm just stupidly going to let it happen.

Seeing her happy, is all that matters. And if her getting married to someone else makes her happy? then i'm okay with that..

Even if it breaks my heart.

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Chapter 1: Oh my God, we're even have a quite similar name of the female character, haha, but of course different story..
hey, we have the same tittle of fanfic, mind to exchanged reading :)