Chapter 1

Cho Sungmin (Sequel of I want HIM to be my Mommy)


A beautiful morning is been born in Thursday and two person is already frustrated, the time flies so fast yet the two (not yet) couple is still shy to each other and awkwardly stealing glances but their kissing each other’s…cheeks yeah just cheeks and forehead. They can’t eat each other face’s like there’s no tomorrow because they’re in a kid’s school

“Daddy can’t you just kiss the living day light’s out of Mommy.” Sandeul’s words makes the two parents to turn on their son who’s pouting and frowning at his father for being slow like his turtle uncle.

“Cho Sandeul! Where in earth you heard those words?” Kyuhyun is utterly shocked to hear those words on his son…on HIS.SON! Whose only just 5 years old.



“Uncle Monkey.” Sandeul’s simple answer. Sungmin stares blankly at them. 1st his student and (soon-to-be-son) is saying words that only adults should know and 2nd whose that monkey? Suddenly Seohyun appeared to get Sandeul (then spy at KyuMin)

“Deullie-ah~” Sandeul look up to find his partner in crime Seohyun smiling at them.

“Noona~” Sandeul whines.

“What’s wrong Deul-ah?” Seohyun ask well it’s not the first time he see the kid whining but this time his whining frowning and pouting…Wow~

“Daddy won’t kiss the living day light’s out of Mommy.” Sandeul whines again, Seohyun blinks a couple of times then cough.

“Sandeul that thing should be private.”


“Where should I start? Oh! You know when the surrounding turns hotter you remove clothes right of course when you’re in the house or just face yourself on the air-condition .” Sandeul nods.

“That’s why Kyuhyun-sshi is not allowed to kiss the life out your mom’s lips ‘cause if that happens the surrounding will be hot.” Sandeul’s lips form an ‘O’ for understanding. Kyuhyun and Sungmin face palmed, what kind of explanation is that? But well it’s better than nothing right?



“Seohyun-ah.” The latter look at Sungmin.

“Yes oppa?”


“Kindly bring Sandeullie to the class now; I just need to talk to Kyuhyun-sshi.” Sungmin turned at Kyuhyun with a death glare. ‘Holy shisus this is bad’ Kyuhyun thought then gulped an invisible lump.

“O…Okay.” Seohyun sense that Sungmin is going to have a serious as in serious talk with Kyuhyun. “Let’s go Sandeul your friends already waiting for you.” The kid nods, Seohyun bowed at Kyuhyun then she and Sandeul goes to class.



Sungmin stared at Kyuhyun seriously. Kyuhyun start sweating. Sungmin look at Kyuhyun closely. Kyuhyun starting to lose his breath (with two reasons 1st is Sungmin’s face closeness that he can see his reflection on the latter’s doe eyes 2nd because his facing the person going to be the cause of his early death)



“Cho Kyuhyun.”  Sungmin said with a stern voiced. Kyuhyun look at his *coughsfuturewifecoughs*



“Yes Min?”



“Don’t Min me! Who is that monkey Sandeul is telling?”


“H…he is a high school friend and colleague.” Sungmin’s stare making Kyuhyun sink in fear.



“What the futz that monkey teaching to Sandeul?!”



“Don’t worry Min I’ll talk to Eunhyuk so he’s stop corrupting our son’s pure innocent mind.”



“You better be talk to your friend or I both hunt you down.” Kyuhyun nods vigorously.








“You put your on your car now and… GO.TO.WORK!” Sungmin yelled the last three words that make Kyuhyun run for his life and immediately hop on his BMW while waving a goodbye to Sungmin.


“That should be…” Sungmin mumbles then walk to his class.

Meanwhile… (On Cho Kyuhyun’s almighty car)



“My goodness~ I thought it’s already the end of my existent.” Kyuhyun said while driving.


“He’s scary than Ahra-noona.” Kyuhyun thinks any possible scenario happen if ever Sungmin turns a wild bunny.



“I should really talk to Eunhyuk and tell him to stop corrupting our son’s mind or Min is going to bury us alive.” He U-turn and pass a café five blocks away on his office.


“I may be the CEO of Cho Corp. that everyone respects but they didn’t know that I also have a sweet y beautiful boss.” Kyuhyun smiled at the mental image of Sungmin that stuck on his mind.


Kyuhyun got to the company and start looking for a parking lot so he can talk now at Eunhyuk before going to his office. He’s waiting for the elevator to open when suddenly someone called him.



“Kyuhyun-oppa!!” Kyuhyun turned to where the direction is to find a tall girl running even though she’s wearing a heels and a tall guy also tailing around.

“Siwon.” Kyuhyun address to the guy ignoring the girl whose currently pouting for being ignored.



“How are you Kyuhyun-ah?” asked by the tall guy named Siwon.

“I’m fine.” The latter’s short answer then the elevator dings indicating it’s open. The three of them get inside. Kyuhyun push the 13th floor button.


“How’s your son Kyuhyun-ah?”

“He’s fine, his currently studying at his mommy’s school.” Siwon is shocked to hear the word ‘mommy’ from Kyuhyun.

“I mean uh…um…” Kyuhyun stutters, Siwon smiled at him for understanding seems flying back from Los Angeles to Seoul is not bad at all. And he can’t wait for his friend to spill that needed to be spilled.


The tall girl turned to them after finishing her talking with a friend on the phone. She face the two guys whose busy catching each other’s life events.

“Kyuhyun-oppa why you’re ignoring me?”

“Sooyoung stop bothering Kyuhyun.” Siwon told to the tall girl named Sooyoung.



“But it’s already 3 years, oppa you didn’t miss me?” Sooyoung look at Kyuhyun hopefully. The latter shake his head. Siwon stifle a laughter sometimes Kyuhyun is a little too evil for his own good.


“That’s unfair!” Sooyoung stomped his feet on the elevator floor.

“Oh! Wait how’s my future son, Sandeul?” Sooyoung said with dreamy eyes.



Kyuhyun look at her like she just hit her face on the wall. Really the nerve of that girl to called his son as her son that’s just plain ridiculous.



“He’s busy now.” ‘with his mommy’ Kyuhyun added on his mind.

“Soo, Deullie is currently studying now so he can’t see us.”



“But we can visit him on his school.”

“We can. If Kyuhyun allows.” Sooyoung look at Kyuhyun hopefully. The elevator dings again indicating that they’re already on the 13th floor, the three of them get outside.


“I’ll think about it, for now I need to find Eunhyuk.” Siwon nods.


“My secretary will assist you, just wait me there.” Kyuhyun added then proceed on finding Eunhyuk the reason of his near to death experience. Sooyoung is going to follow Kyuhyun but Siwon stops her.




“Soo, stop bothering Kyuhyun and keep nagging to him your undying love you can do that later for now let’s go the room where Kyuhyun want us to wait.” Sooyoung pouts but nevertheless followed.



Eunhyuk is busy stamping some paper documents when someone covers his eyes. Suddenly the seems to be his dull surrounding lift up.

“Hae baby~” then the hands gone. Eunhyuk turned around to find his boyfriend Donghae one of Kyuhyun’s high school friends also holding some folders.



“What’s that for?”



“Oh! Kyuhyun need to sign.” Eunhyuk nods, then suddenly Donghae kiss his cheeks.


“Hae not here.” But Donghae continue his so called business to Eunhyuk when suddenly a dark voice from the behind stops them.


“As long as I accept your relationship there’s no problem but I won’t tolerate the flirting will happen in my company in office hours.” Donghae and Eunhyuk face the voice to find Kyuhyun looking at them intently.


“Boss uh… it’s not like… um what you t…think I’m just asking him some documents.” Donghae stutters.


“Uh-huh~ but the mewls and purr doesn’t include on that when you’re just getting a file to your co-worker.” The two blushed; Kyuhyun really knows how to push the right button. But then why he can’t do it to Sungmin?!



“Anyway I’m here to talk with you Eunhyuk and your also include Lee Donghae.”  Donghae a sheepish grin because he attempts to run away but Kyuhyun is really fast.


“Boss what is it you want to talk?” Kyuhyun turned around showing a finger gesture that says to follow him. They’re already on Kyuhyun’s office EunHae standing in front of Kyuhyun’s table while the boss of course sitting on his thrown.





“I want to talk about Sandeul.”



“What’s with Sandeul? Do we need to baby sit him again? We’re willing, right Hyuk?” the now silver head guy Eunhyuk nods.


“Actually I want the two to thank you because of that but… Do you really need to teach him that?”


“Teach what?” Eunhyuk ask curious on what Kyuhyun talking about.



“Just kiss the living day light’s out of him.” Kyuhyun suddenly mumbles. The two is dumbfounded they thought Sandeul would forget those phrases unfortunately the kid got Kyuhyun’s intelligence and would say it in front of his dad.



“Hehehe sorry Kyuhyun-ah it’s a long story but we can explain.” Donghae said or more like pleasing Kyuhyun to have mercy on them.



“Do you know what situation I got through earlier because Sandeul said that?” Kyuhyun is now red because of a little angriness building up on his chest.



“Do you know that his Mommy scold me and it would be perfect if he struggle me to death.” Kyuhyun is fuming now.


“And do you know that! I WANT TO KILL THE TWO OF YOU BUT I CAN’T ‘CAUSE SANDEUL’S MOMMY IS GOING TO FORCE ME TO JOIN THE TWO OF YOU BECAUSE OF YOUR ERT MINDS!” Kyuhyun shouts, but seems the two is not affected because there’s in Kyuhyun’s previous words that their brains are still processing. ‘Mommy’ did just Kyuhyun say those words?



“Uh… Kyuhyun?” Eunhyuk tried to call the latter.


“WHAT?” Kyuhyun look at the two with an evil glare.



“Did… did you just say Mommy and it’s refers as Sandeul’s mother?” Kyuhyun blinks and when the question finally sinks on his mind he suddenly blushed.


“Oh my god! Kyu you’re blushing!” Donghae suddenly point out.



“Yah! We’re on the office call me sir.” Donghae just snickered.



“Oh~ come on your not telling something to us.” Eunhyuk said.


“I don’t have any more to say I already said it.”



“Yeah include the mommy.” Donghae said followed by Eunhyuk’s agreement. When they saw the murderous look on Kyuhyun’s face the two immediately run for their lives.








Siwon is watching Kyuhyun chasing the EunHae couple luckily his sister Sooyoung is been called by their Auntie to accompany to some shopping which gladly accept by the latter reasoning out she need to look beautiful for Kyuhyun.



“You couple monkey fish stop running around!” Kyuhyun shouts while chasing the couple. Siwon just start laughing watching them.


“You horse! Stop laughing and help me here!” Kyuhyun shouts this time to Siwon whose just keep laughing at them.



“Are Kyuhyun-ah~ is in love~” EunHae said in a sing sang voice. Kyuhyun is going to throw the flower vase that exactly there where he is standing.


When suddenly someone knocks on the door. Kyuhyun stop his murderous move.


“Come in.” Kyuhyun said.


“Why it sound wrong to me.” Eunhyuk suddenly in. Kyuhyun rolled his eyes. Siwon laughs and Donghae gives a naughty grin.



“Shut up.” Kyuhyun’s secretary Goo Hara enters smiling she had a secret crush on Kyuhyun unfortunately his not interested.


“Ms. Goo what is it?”


“Your son, sir.” Kyuhyun;s eyebrows furrowed.


“What’s with my-“ Kyuhyun was suddenly cut off when a loud high pitched voice killed the life of the ear drums of the people inside the room.


“DADDY!!!!!!” and Kyuhyun just found a brown mop of hair hugging his leg. Later on Sandeul let go of Kyuhyun’s legs.



“How did you get here?” Kyuhyun ask and curious whose with his son.



“Mommy’s car.” The other three humans in the room laughs at the kids funny answer but immediately stop when they remember Sandeul said mommy means…


“Hi Kyu-ah.” Suddenly a sweet voice ranged inside now turned quiet room.



“Mommy!!” Sandeul runs to his mommy with an open arms waiting to be carried by his ‘mother’ Sungmin carried a too hyperactive Sandeul on his arms smiling at Kyuhyun then he notice there’s three other people inside the room.



“Oh! Sorry did we disturb you guys?” EunHae couple vigorously shakes their heads. Kyuhyun look on his watch.



“It’s still not 3pm and you should have told me that you two going here so that I fetch you two.” Sungmin smiled.



“It’s okay. I know you’re busy on your work and I have my car.” Kyuhyun smiled back he can’t help it his future wife to be is such an understanding human.



“Mommy I’m hungry.” Sandeul in rubbing his tummy.



“Let’s go and eat.” Sandeul’s face lifts up at the mention of ‘eat’



“Kyu-ah where’s just going to eat Deullie’s little monsters on his tummy is whining already.” Sungmin chuckled when he heard Sandeul that there are no little monsters on his tummy his just plain hungry.



“I’ll go with the two of you.” Kyuhyun said. Sungmin shake his head.



“It’s okay just continue your meeting with your colleagues we’ll be back later.”




“No buts Kyu-ah~ we’ll go now Sandeul’s monsters are growling now.” Sungmin giggled when he heard another protest from the hungry kid. Sungmin and Sandeul was about to leave when Kyuhyun suddenly called Sungmin.



“Min wait!” Sungmin stops then look at Kyuhyun. The latter fished out his wallet and pulled a credit card.



“Get this and use it. I don’t want you to spend a lot of money Sandeul can eat the food in the whole restaurant.” Sungmin laughs at what Kyuhyun said earning a ‘hmpf’ from their son.



“No need, Sandeul can’t do that I’ll watch him.”


“Still.” Sungmin sigh. Kyuhyun thought Sungmin is going to be mad now at him for being a stubborn and forcing him.


“If you insist, daddy Kyu.” Kyuhyun blushed at what just Sungmin called him.



“We’re going now, Deullie say bye bye.”



“Bye Daddy, bye uncle horsey uncle fishy uncle monkey.” Sandeul waves at them. Sungmin smiled one more before his out of the room.



“Holy mother of iness~~” EunHae said after staring at the close door where just Sungmin goes.



“His epitome of perfection, his cute, y, beautiful, understanding, loveable… Oh~ god Kyu you got a perfect wife.” Eunhyuk said while being brought to heaven by Sungmin’s appearance.


“Yeah a very understanding y guy~ right Siwon?” Donghae said when suddenly the guy he called didn’t response so he looks at him.



“Mother of fluffiness!! The horse is been dehydrate because of goddess Min.” Donghae runs where Siwon is sitting comfortably.



“Yah! Siwon! Move! Show us if you’re still alive!” Donghae shook Siwon testing if the latter is alive or died with wide open eyes and hanging mouth.


“Yah! Stop shaking me! And I’m alive thank you very much.” Donghae stop shaking  Siwon, Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk go to where Siwon is sitting and look at him.


“You alright?” Eunhyuk ask.



Siwon nods. Kyuhyun felt something on his chest; a pang of jealousy to why Siwon like that way.



“Kyuhyun is he the ‘mommy’ you told before?” Siwon ask, EunHae look at Kyuhyun.



Kyuhyun nods. “He’s Lee Sungmin.” Siwon sigh.



“Siwon what’s wrong?” Donghae ask.















“Ugh! Just tell it!” Kyuhyun burst up.



“Gosh Kyu! You got a y wife!” Siwon do a ridiculous gestures while saying that.


“Geez…” Kyuhyun shake his head at the antics of his friends.



“Wait! Are you two already living together?” Siwon asks.


“And doing ‘that’?” EunHae added afterwards. Kyuhyun glared at them.



“No and NO!”



“Geez~ you’re going to be a jealous wolf when you two got together.” Suddenly the atmosphere becomes shy or rather awkward.



“Actually…” Three heads look at Kyuhyun.



“We’re going to have date on Saturday but…”



“But?” SiEunHae ask in unison



“But I’m still not preparing for our date in Saturday.”



“WHAT?!” the SiEunHae shouts in unison.



“Yah! Don’t’ shout.”



“Why you’re not doing anything? What if someone got in first then there’s no more mommy for Sandeul and wife for slow Kyuhyun.” Kyuhyun glared at Donghae.



“Then you should help me.” The trio again look at Kyuhyun wide eyes jaw hanging open… Is it a dream almighty Cho Kyuhyun asking for a help?



“I know what you guys thinking… I’m asking a help ‘cause it’s my only chance to make him mine.” They nods.



“We’re going to help you.” Siwon said. Followed by nod from the other two.






“You got our words Cho Kyuhyun.” Donghae said. And they start planning for their “Make Lee Sungmin to Cho Sungmin” mission.










It’s already Saturday morning and Sandeul is on his hyperactive mode which is always active. Seohyun is going to their house later to prepare his dad of course with the help of his three uncles consist of; fish, monkey and horse. Sandeul jumps on Kyuhyun’s bed to wake him but unfortunately Kyuhyun didn’t get enough sleep last night because of thinking Sungmin and their date.



“Five more minutes Sungminnie~” Kyuhyun mumbled putting the covers above his head. Sandeul blinks.



“Did my dad just thought I’m mommy…again?” he looks at Kyuhyun whose still sleeping then an evil planned passed by on his little innocent mind.



“Oh~ I’m a genius.” He whisper then gets his dad’s mobile phone.



“Okay… Mr. Kang, Siwon ‘the horsey’, Eunhyuk ‘the monkey’ , Hae ‘the fishy’ Ms. Im Yoona, what the? Where’s mommy’s number? And the other question is what daddy put as a name for mommy?” Sandeul ask himself browsing on the contact on his dad’s phone. He continue browsing when a name caught his attention.



“My Honey Bunny <3” Sandeul cringed.



“Too much sweetness just for a name.” He presses the dial and put it in his ear. After three rings the called answered.



“Yeoboseo?” a cute sleepy voice answered on the toher line.



“MOMMY!!!!!!!!” Sungmin on the other line suddenly jolted up on his bed because of the sudden outburst.



“Sandeul-ah?” Sungmin check the caller and in the screen it’s Kyuhyun but he heard Sandeul’s voice.



“Yes it’s me mommy, I use daddy’s phone to call you.”



‘Yeah right’ Sungmin thought.



“Baby why you suddenly call? Something wrong?” Sungmin asks.



“Daddy won’t wake up.” Sungmin can already imagine Sandeul is pouting. So he giggled.



“Maybe he’s too sleepy, just let him sleep.”



“But mommy! Wake him up.” Sungmin blinks.



“But how I’m going to that?”



“Wait…” Sandeul pulled down his dad’s blanket enough to see the head of his sleeping drooling father.









“Can you say Kyuhyun-ah~”



“Eh? What for?” Sungmin tilt his head confused why the kid asking him to say that.



“Please Mommy~” Sandeul plead using his dejected puppy voice.



“Oh… Okay.” After hearing Sandeul’s voice like his going to cry.



“Oh! And mommy make it louder.” Sungmin nods even though Sandeul can’t see it. Then Sandeul put the phone on Kyuhyun’s ear then.



“Kyuhyun-ah~” the called latter slowly open his eyes… He hears Sungmin voice or maybe Sandeul doing tricks on him.



“Kyuhyun-ah~ wake up.” Kyuhyun fully open his eyes. It can be true, right? The person on the other line which is Sungmin sigh.



“Kyuhyun-ah!! Wake up or I will kill you for not taking care of Sandeul!” Kyuhyun jumps from lying to sitting position then see Sandeul holding his precious phone and in the screen the name ‘My Honey Bunny <3’ he gets the phone and held it on his ear.



“Ah! Yeoboseo Min.” ^^’



“Oh~ so you’re already awake, good to know that.” Kyuhyun gulp. He can sense the evil aura of Sungmin in the phone.



“Why you suddenly call?” Kyuhyun is sweating even though the temperature in the room is cold.



“Sandeul call me telling me he miss me.” Okay the other part of his words is lie.



“And he should be eating breakfast now, Kyuhyun-ah.” Kyuhyun stand and motion Sandeul to move up from his bed.



“Oh~ we’re going to eat breakfast now Min-ah.”



“Uh-huh.” Kyuhyun can hear the sarcasm on Sungmin’s voice.



“I bet you just going to the bathroom to do business and gestured Sandeul to go the dining area and wait for you while nanny ahjumma prepares the breakfast.”



“H…how…how?” Kyuhyun can’t utter a word.



“Just a guess, it’s always happen to me. Anyway prepare yourself now and accompany Sandeul on breakfast, Bye!” And Sungmin hanged up before Kyuhyun say his goodbye.



Kyuhyun hurriedly go to the bathroom; take a short shower, brush his teeth, go to his closet and pulled out a black tank top and sweat pants. He walks down stairs he can’t believe it, it’s already Saturday day of their date; the day his going to confess.



“Ugh!’ Kyuhyun ruffled his hair making it messier just in time he got to the dining area and found Sandeul sniffing all the air in the kitchen.



“You called your mom in purpose didn’t you?” Sandeul turned to him and nods. Kyuhyun sigh.



“Oh well I should thank you anyway.” Kyuhyun whisper not wanting the kid to know his happy that Sandeul called his mom. He sits down beside Sandeul while their maids start putting the dishes on the table.



The two start eating, and of course every time they’re going to eat and every spoon Sandeul will hold it’s like his giving it a ultimatum prayer before devouring it, and Kyuhyun just looking at his son’s weird way of eating.



“Master Kyuhyun, you have a visitor.” Kyuhyun look at nanny ahjumma.



“Maybe it’s Seohyun noona.” Sandeul in.



“Actually young master Sandeul it’s a girl and with master Siwon, Donghae and Eunhyuk.” Nanny ahjumma told to Sandeul who just tilt his head.



“Let them come in.” Nanny ahjumma nods and leaves to let the visitors come in, once their inside nanny ahjumma bring them to the dining area where the father and son having breakfast.



“Hi Sandeul.” Seohyun greet. Followed by Siwon, Eunhyuk and Donghae. Sandeul waves; his mouth is full and even he want to greet back he can’t ‘cause if his mommy found out he speak while mouth is full he’s going to be… a dead duck.



“You want something? I can ask the maids to bring more plates.”



“No it’s okay.” Siwon said. “Maybe a coffee is enough.” He added.



“But I want to eat.” Eunhyuk exclaimed looking at the food serve to Kyuhyun and Sandeul.



“We just finish eating.” Donghae deadpanned.



“Coffees then just wait for it, how about you Seohyun-sshi?”



“I’m done also; I just want to have orange juice please.” Kyuhyun nods and told to his maids to make 3 cups of coffee and 1 orange juice.



“So what the four of you brings here?” Kyuhyun sip on his water.



“We’re here to help you Kyuhyun-sshi.” Seohyun said while EunHae actually eats after of so many struggling and just nod.



“You want Sungmin, right? “ Siwon added Kyuhyun is going to nod but interrupt buy Sandeul.



“What do you mean ‘want Sungmin’ daddy?” Sndeul can’t understand a thing he only knows that today is his and mommy’s date to have there so called lovey dovey time.



“Sandeul, are you done eating?” Kyuhyun turned to his son who just nods at him.



“Can you go the living room first and watch Naruto, I’ll just have some private matters to talk with your uncle’s and Seohyun-noona.” Sandeul jumps on his seat while his nanny bring some fruits for dessert that his going to eat in the living room.



“Okay!” When Sandeul is already out of sight. Kyuhyun sigh. And silence enveloped them.



“Sandeul is… what you call that too honest on his mommy.” Kyuhyun broke the silence. Four heads look at him confused.



“Sandeul tells everything as in everything  happens on him to his mommy and he never miss a single detail so yeah I think you know what I meant.” Four head nods at him.



“So what brings you guys here?” Kyuhyun ask again the same question.



“We’re here to help you.” Siwon said sipping his coffee.



“We already have the list-to-do.” Donghae added smirking while holding fish chocolate bread.



“Already contact the few people needed to help us for a new Kyuhyun.” Eunhyuk smirk also eating tons of strawberries lying on the bowl.



“Let’s start the operation ‘make KyuMin together in less than an hour’.” Seohyun added rubbing his two palms and an evil glittering eyes. Kyuhyun can sense the evilness from his friends his after all the Prince of Evilness, right?



Kyuhyun gulp.


‘This is going to be one of a hell massive date’




(A/N: Finally first update haha xD well it's just the part 1 so be hold becuase the next part will be KyuMin's date *-* 

sorry for keep you waiting and short update... SUBSCRIBE and COMMENT please and you can suggest anything you want me to add in their 'first date confession'

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*confident face* this fic will be surely update later at 11pm T-T


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can't wait for the update! <3
kyushie #2
Update pls :( :(
Chapter 1: Aw </3 there's still no update ,:((( updatechuseyo
Chapter 1: Aww want next update....please...
nAJOnHyun #5
Chapter 1: Awww update soon ><
mzjonghyun #6
Chapter 1: So cute update soon
little-dreamer #7
Chapter 1: wooaaahh!!! cuuutttee >///<
wineforjoy #8
Chapter 1: woooaa cute ><
slowkyu! hahahha
venzsuju #9
Chapter 1: woaa??! it hasn't complete yet??
please finish it soon~
i can't wait XD