"Let yourself Sit By An Apple Tree And Listen To The Apples Falling All Around You In Heaps, Wasting Their Sweetness."

Why That Might Be


From: Key
Come on, you stupidass dinosaur! It's been a year already, she's gone! You've got to get over her. Come on, come on, come on, go get ready, I'll pick you up at seven, no buts. MOVE IT!
Jonghyun sighed in exasperation, shaking his head. He texted Key back, declining his offer. Key had been bugging him to go somewhere, anywhere with him lately. However, Jonghyun would just suggest he came over instead, and they'd often just end up watching movies or gaming the night away. Jonghyun didn't want to go out - he didn't feel he had much to live for anymore.
He was still in love with Hajoon, even though she wouldn't have loved him anymore anyway. But he promised his heart would always be loyal to her, and he planned to keep that promise, as long as he lived.
From: Key
Look, I don't want to beg you, but Jonghyun, please. You really do have to get over her. You can't live your life in depression over someone who cheated on you. Don't take this the wrong way, but she's gone, and she's not coming back. She wouldn't want you to be like this, Jonghyun.
Jonghyun sighed and leaned with his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands as he sat on the sofa, the sounds of the TV falling on deaf ears. A few minutes passed as he considered, understanding exactly where Key was coming from, but also quite surprised at how blunt he'd been.
Since Hajoon had passed, Key seemed to be treading on eggshells around him, but all of a sudden, he'd slapped him round the face with reality. Jonghyun realised with a jolt just how much everything Key said was true. This whole time, he'd been acting like they were still together. Like she'd be home any minute. Nonsense.
He shook his head free of doubt and shrugged his shoulders, finally seeing it. He leant back into the sofa, texting Key back an affirmative. With that, he pulled himself up to take a quick shower and be ready to go before seven.
Key had arrived on time and he and Jonghyun had gone to Red Lounge, a well-known club in the area. Jonghyun had been strikingly uncomfortable at first, and it really showed. He wanted nothing more than to be back at home, watching a soppy drama - one of his guilty pleasures that came from both Eunji and Hajoon.
When Key introduced Jonghyun to some of his female friends, he remained stiff and uptight, unsure with how to adapt to the situation. He hated change.
However, a few hours and drinks later, he was beginning to feel a lot looser and was more sociable, his hidden, playful personality coming through again.
A few weeks passed, and Jonghyun had began going to the club without Key. He began to really enjoy himself there, letting everything go. He also caught up with an old friend that was working there as a bartender.
Lee Jinki, otherwise known as Onew.
He'd grown up much since he'd last seen him, and even from a straight man's point of view, anyone could tell he was good looking - his smile could have any girl on their knees and he could turn a straight man gay. He was dopey but cool, single, and a great conversationalist. He'd really changed Jonghyun for the better, giving him a dose of confidence and fun that he needed. He helped Jonghyun bury the pain of losing Hajoon twice deep in the back of his mind.
He never forgot about her, though. No, she was always there. Sometimes, he'd be convinced he saw her once or twice, but believed it was just his mind. Just his mind. Then, he'd turn back to Onew, laughing as he made a joke and took a shot.
Onew sure could hold his alcohol - he'd stayed with Jonghyun after his shift had ended, and they'd been taking shots, playing games. Many girls would stroll past slowly with seductive glints in their eyes, fantasizing over the eye-candy pair.
That is, until some girl finally approached Onew the whole way, having struck up a conversation with them a few times before. She became a familiar face to the two - an attractive one at that. She took a bold step and draped her arms around Onew, speaking softly into his ear. Onew smirked, nodded and stood up to leave, throwing a wink over his shoulder to Jonghyun before leaving.
Jonghyun, though alone, didn't lose any of his confidence that he'd picked up from Onew in the past few weeks. He felt a stare on him and turned his head, greeted with the striking blue eyes of a blonde, western woman with long legs and a bewitching smirk etched into her lips, an amused look in her eyes. She beckoned him over and he complied, now used to the flirting gestures of women.
She whispered to him, leaning close to breathe on his ear with feigned sorrow, "I'm upset. Can you make me feel better?"
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