Less/ More



Title : Less/ More
Fandom : Super Junior
Characters/ pairing : KyuMin, a little bit of Shindong
Rating : PG
Genre: fluff, romance
Length : oneshot, 3200+ words
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the fic itself
Warning: overused plot? :p
Notes: un-beta-ed.

Summary :
Sometimes you have to act like you care less to see if they would care more…


Originally written for Vin to cheer her for her thesis :D

Prompt also from Vin 

(repost from my WP)


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Alice_K26 #1
Chapter 1: Gyaaaaaa..... This is awesomeeeeeeeeeeeee
venzsuju #2
Chapter 1: almost cry :') but its great story xD
Chapter 1: OMFG! This is one of my favorite one-shots ever!
I read it on livejournal first :) Ugh, this is perfect!
Chapter 1: This is so beautiful! <3
ohthissucks #5
Chapter 1: i've read this somewhere before. probably livejournal? anyway, this is so sweet!
Chapter 1: This was so realistically written! I loved each and every moment! You write soooo well :D