Your Sister's Guitar (Butterfly Guitar)

Song Seunghyun- Ultimate Care

You were walking around with your friends when you heard someone playing guitar from inside the store with a door wide open.

You peek inside to see a guy sitting in  the far corner playing a red body and white pickup board.

You can't help but to sit down a bit and listen to him a bit longer when he starts rapping a bit with his playing.

He looks up to see that he's being watched and set the guitar down and looks back at you.

"Hello miss how may I help you today?"

"Oh sorry it's just I heard you when I was passing the store and I thought you were really good."

"Thanks but if you don't want something than I need to ask you to leave the," you walk past him as he walks up to you, "store."

You see a blue guitar a lot like the one he just had stopped playing but instead of a red body it has a blue one with a black butterfly design on it. You trail up to it and trace the butterfly and smile remembering how you have an acoustic guitar a lot like this at home in storage. It was part of a set of guitars that your parents had bought you and your sister, but when she died you stopped playing and your parents sold her guitar.

You turn toward the guy and smile widely a lot like a child, "How much for this guitar?"

"What do you mean? That one it's a piece of junk we haven't been able to fix it up for a while plus so many other orders are coming in it doesn't matter."

"What do you mean it doesn't' look that bad of shape?"

"Your right from the outside it looks fine but on the inside and that its busted up."

"How did that happen?"

"Your guess would be as good as mine. What I remember when my dad was still working here I came here one day to see a guy around the same age as my dad talking to him about getting rid of it to help move on from his eldest's death."

You gasp covering your mouth with your hand as tears start to fall down your face. You reach up and touch the guitar and a sad smile forms on your face.

"Dad must have been very angry at what had happened if he harmed you."

"What you say?"

"Can I buy it but keep it here since you probably have tools that are used to fix guitars?"

"I'm not sure if I should?"

"Please I have to have that it's my older sister's guitar and that's my guitar's sister."

"What do you mean?"

"That guitar was my sister's it was bought from here in a set. There was this one and an acoustic guitar that were colored the same except the acoustic had a lily on the corner so that when the two where close together it'd look like the butterfly was landing on the lily."

"Oh so the man that brought it in was…"

"Yeah my father," you finish for him and change the subject, "please let me fix it."

He smiles warmly at you and picks up the guitar and brings it up front, "Fine. You can buy the guitar and fix this one if you want, but you have to help around the shop and clean up after yourself. I keep my shop clean."

You smile at him and walk around the counter so you could give him a hug, "Thank you and I'll pay for whatever parts I end up using right on the spot."

The two of you exchange names you learned that his name is Song Seung Hyun.

You pay for the guitar and look at the time.

After that you write done your cell down on a piece of paper and take one of the shops cards.

As you leave the shop you tell him that you'll stop by during your lunch break.


It's been a hard week since Seunghyun had enter your life and you want to throw the wrench at him every day even more.

It's not that he's mean or you don't' like him.

Nope its just that he hovers over you well you work since its never that busy in the mornings and at lunch time when you come in most days.

When you can you come in after your afternoon classes.

Today he starts annoying you a bit more by playing Mr. Curious.

"How old are you?"

You look back at him as you look around for the part you want, "Not going to tell you until you tell me the answer about yourself first."

He laughs, "I'm 19."

"I'm 19 as well. Why all of a sudden curiosity about me?"

"Well besides the fact of having a perfect stranger in my store. You come in everyday mumbling about how much you hate your teachers so I thought that maybe you were a highschooler."

You shake your head, "No, I'm 19 also I graduated early since I was ahead of my class. I was because my sister was five years I believe older than me and would teach me what she was learning after she died I kept all her books and went through all of them. I kept reading I wanted to finish school for my sister so I kept reading at what level she would be at.  I worked hard to be where I'm at and I don't' even know what I want to do with my life. Sad right."

He looks over at you from his stool in the corner. He sets his guitar back on its stand.

When he looks back over at you his eyes are sad, "No, I wish I had something planned for my life like. I've always loved music and that's all I've ever known, but I don't' think I'd have any courage to take a step to embrace my dreams. You at least you're trying to do something with your life."

You smile at him, "Go to school for music and even not that then business since you are practically running this store on your own from what I know."

He nods, "You're right."


You come back to the store today and realize that today you'll be finishing up your guitar and will be taking back to your apartment with you leaving the small shop behind you unless you need something really bad.

When you walk into the shop, you see Seunghyun holding a letter in his hands with a shocked expression on his face.

You walk up to him, "Morning Seunghyun what's that you have?"

He hands you the letter and when you look at it you scream for him since it seems like he's still in his shocked state.

"You got into a college a really good one too. I'm so proud of you."

He looks down at his hands blushing a little, "Yeah it's all thanks to you to. After we talked I went to a few schools and talked with the administrators about jumping into the school year even if it's a month in. all of them gave me paperwork to fill out and this is the first one I've seen in a week and this is even the one that I would be leaning towards."

"Well at least today wouldn't be a goodbye for awhile then," you tell him. "You go to this school?"

You nod, "Yeah I am. I'm taking courses in every department so I'll be able to show you to the music department."

He nods smiling. You smile back at him as you sit in my stool finishing the last final touches on your guitar. You place the guitar in the case you brought with you.

You smile at him as you get up to leave.  

He hands you an umbrella since it started raining an hour ago, "____ would you like to out on a date with me?"


"Would you like to go out on a date with me?"

You tell him you'd love to before you leave you set up a time and place with him finally getting his cell number.

When you reach your apartment you take out your 'new' guitar setting it next to its twin smiling, "Thank you sis."

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Chapter 1: Oh my god! I didn't think anyone else referred to those back-of-the-head slaps as Gibbs slaps! xD me and my friend do all the time. M