
Song Seunghyun- Ultimate Care


You walk into your apartment to find your boyfriend, Seung Hyun, asleep on the couch with his head on a pillow that you made for him when he’s on trips since he always loved having his head on your when he slept when he was home.

You smile at him and pull his hand lightly making him look up at you.

He smiles slightly pulling you down on his lap as he leaned his head on your conjunction where your shoulder meets your neck.

“Love your working too much,” you tell him vocalizing how much you worry about him.  

“Why you say that?”

“Instead of going down the hall to our room you sat on the couch and fell asleep sitting up right with your pillow.”

“Oh,” he looks at the pillow tracing the words and pictures on it. “I didn’t think I was that tired when I sat down.”

“Why did you sit down if you even a little tired you should have caught up on your sleep?”

“I wanted to see you when you got home.”

He yawns reminding you of a kitten or a small child.

You giggle and crouch down enough for you can hug him and lean your head on his shoulder as you do so. Your stomach growls along with his making you laugh.

“Be right back.”

You heat up some instant ramen and make it back into the living room in less than ten minutes to see Seung Hyun asleep on the couch in the same position he was in when you got home.

You laugh and start playing with his hair when you sit down on the couch. He pops an eye open to see that it’s you and lays his head in your lap.

“Love shouldn’t you eat something then you can have as long of a nap as you want.”

He slowly pulls his head off the pillow taking the bowl from you and slowly and sluggishly starts eating the instant ramen.

When he finishes you take the bowl to the kitchen and take his hands in your own.

“Don’t’ you want to sleep in a bed?”

He shakes his head, “No I like how we were before,” he slurs out.  

You laugh slightly at how stubborn he is today, but since you can’t carry him you sit back down on the couch and pull his head into your lap as you sit on the end of the couch and he curls up next to you smiling like a child.

You lay your head on the back of the couch and one of your hands go on his head.  Not as quickly as he did but you fall asleep with a smile on your face.

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Chapter 1: Oh my god! I didn't think anyone else referred to those back-of-the-head slaps as Gibbs slaps! xD me and my friend do all the time. M