Escaping the Arranged Marriage


Arranged Marriages, they only happen in stories right?


Well that was what Sarah thought.

Ever since she was a child, she always had an idea that marriages should be done out of love. Two people in front of the Lord, saying their vows of love to each other, having their own happily ever after. She never imagined that she'll marry her prince because of an agreement made without their consent. Her father and a close friend both agreed that their children will marry one another to strenghten the partnership of their companies. 

And it made her sick.

Apparently, her sacrifices for her father wasn't enough. 

Sarah was a philantrophist at heart; oh how she loved helping those in need, especially abandoned children, to provide them the love and care that they deserve. But she had to give up her dream because she loved her father even more. For two decades, she struggled in fulfilling the demands of her father, by transferring to another school and leaving her friends, acing her school subjects just to maintain their family reputation and even sacrificing her own carreer choice for her father's and company's sake.

She did all of that that because she loved her father... but arranged marriages?!? That's the last straw. It's too much for her. She knows she's not a puppet for her father to control with.

That's why she's going back to her homeland, to South Korea, not as Sarah Lee but as Lee Jina.


Together with her new found friends, will she be able to escape the fate that awaits her?

Did she made the right decision?

Or will it backfire at her?

Will she be able to fulfill her dreams?

Or watch them crumble before her very eyes?

Will she find love in this adventure before it's too late?


Dear Father, 

I love you. I really do, but with all of the things that are happening right now, I don't know what to do anymore. I know you want the best for me and I'm very thankful for that. But I want to ask for your understanding and time, for me to reflect and recollect my thoughts. I'm planning to go to Jessica's place in Paris to relax for two weeks. For the meanwhile, I am really sorry if I had caused you pain with my silly actions. 

Look, I'm all grown up. I'm an adult and I'm capable of making my own decisions. I know that you don't want me to be like mother, but with you preventing me to be like her, you prevent me from being who I want to be.




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