My hidden secret

My hidden secret


A loud noise came from the doorbell of a large mansion hidden outside the town.
A young male standing in front of the door and waiting.
This boy was quite short and brown-haired and he had visible M-shaped lips.
Finally someone came and opened the door for the poor boy.
"Oh hey Sungmin.. um.. come in", the person opening the door said.
This guy was clearly taller than the other boy and he had hair almost as dark as the night sky, but still you couldn't say they were black.. this boy was mystic.
But yet the boy, Sungmin, smiled and followed the other boy inside.
They must be friends.
I woke up slowly to be greeted by the morning sun.
I stretched myself and head up towards the kitchen. 
I was being disturbed while I was making my breakfast by my phone vibrating.
I took my phone and looked at it. I've got a text message.
From: Kyuhyun
To: Sungmin
Message: Hey Sungmin! Wanna come to my house today? I could introduce you to my friends.
Hmm.. Kyuhyun's friends. He has some? Oh.. Sungmin, don't be rude.
This guy, Kyuhyun, was my friend from a part time job I was in a few months ago. Since then Kyuhyun and I had been hanging out and we're really good friends.
I'd actually say I feel something for him but I'll just leave it, since it's probably not possible.
I actually feel honored when he wants to introduce me to someone. Hihi, special me!
I quickly texted back to him.
To: Kyuhyun
From: Sungmin
Message: Hey Kyuhyunnie! Ofcourse I'll come, I'll be there asap, just let me finish my breakfast ^^
Almost instantly the phone vibrated again, Kyuhyun answering "okay" and I continued with my breakfast. Cannot wait to see his mates!
I sighed in relief when Sungmin agreed to come. I sat in my room, silently reading some kind of old novel.
 I didn't see him in a week.
And yes I've missed him.
Sungmin and I shared the same job some time ago, and to be honest, the first time I saw him, his big eyes, his smoot flawless skin, his perfect M-shaped lips... I knew he was something. 
But since we became friends, I didn't wanna ruin everything. I just hid my feelings.
You know, I'm kinda used to it.
Hiding things.
It's this certain something I need to keep inside.
Sungmin has become the best friend of mine.
And for this time I've known him
I knew everything about him.
And he also thought he knew everything about me
But damn he was wrong
But I still couldn't tell him
How could he accept me?
I'm a monster
But I don't wanna lose him.
"Kyuhyun!" a voice from outside my room disturbed my thoughts.
"Can't you just leave me alone?" I hissed to the someone.
"Don't talk that way to elders", the someone said impatiently and just decided to open my door and come in.
"Ya, who said you could come?" I muttered angrily. I threw the book somewhere because now it was clear I couldn't read when a CERTAIN SOMEONE is disturbing.
"I'm your friend and besides I own this house", the guy, Yesung stated.
Yesung is my roommate and the house I'm living in is owned by him. There's three of us here, Yesung, the eldest, me and Ryeowook who happens to be Yesung's boyfriend.
"Whatever", I sighed, "what is it?"
"Just came to ask, are you planning anything for today?" Yesung took a seat beside me.
"Well ahm... I invited a friend", I stated and Yesung widened his eyes.
"A.. friend? You have some?" he laughed but then got serious again.
"Shut up, he's a good guy. I promised I introduce you guys to him", I said, "Are you and Ryeowook gonna be here today?"
"Yeah we're probably doing nothing, but Kyuhyun, remember our secret, be careful", Yesung stated and left the room.
Yep, I totally forgot.
How am I gonna explain?
You know times like this you wouldn't wish to be what you are.
Just wished everything didn't happen back then
I am a vampire. That's my secret.
Some years ago I got to know Yesung and Ryeowook. They both seemed mystic persons, especially Yesung. I hang out with them and one day they just hit me with the truth.
Truth, that Yesung was born as a vampire and he had bitten his boyfriend, Ryeowook, when they were young.
They didn't plan to bite me at all. But because we got into an accident and I was on critical condition, dying is the word I mean, they had to bite me back to life.
You know we live forever unless you don't dust us..
So that's why I live with them now. We must stay strong and together to manage living in this world till....
I rang the doorbell. I've never been at Kyu's house before. This is exciting!
The door FINALLY opened and revealed Kyuhyun.
"Oh hey Sungmin.. um.. come in", he said and I followed him inside.
He drag me to what-I-suppose-was a livingroom. Why is there no lightning in this house?
In the livingroom I saw two guys sitting on the sofa, both raising themself up as they saw me.
"Sungmin, these are my roommates, Yesung and Ryeowook. Yesung and Ryeowook, this is Sungmin", Kyuhyun explained as we bowed and greeted eachother.
I smiled but they didn't seem to be happy. They didn't show a single smile. 
"Um.. you wanna see my room?" Kyuhyun finally broke the silence.
"Yes please", I said and took a glance at those guys once more and followed Kyuhyun to his room.
I was nervous as hell. Not just becouse the "Yewook" didn't appreciate the tought of my friend, but becouse he has never been into my house.. he looks so cute when he looks around, but I'm afraid he'll be disappointed when he sees my whole house.
Here we are.
I opened my room door and let us inside.
"So how have you been?" Sungmin asked while looking around in my room.
"Oh you have a nice room", he stated.
"Been okay.. nothing special.. oh- thank you", I answered.
Sungmin smiled to me.
That pretty smile that makes his eyes glitter. So beautiful.
Then he gave me a death glare.
"Aren't you gonna ask me how I've been?" he pouted.
P- pout..pouted. 
He is so sweet.
"Oh .. ahm... well how have u been?" I asked finally.
"Oh fine, except that my dear friend  never contacted me in a week!" he hissed. Playfully, tough.
"I'm sorry! I was just.. ahm.. busy", I quickly gave some kind of pitiful face.
He just slapped my arm playfully, "just kidding", he laughed.
*Door closed*
Sungmin had to go home again. I pouted to myself in my room.
He's been visiting here severul times these weeks.
Ofcourse it's nice
Like a dream to have a friend like that
But every time I see him
I feel I fall more and more for him.
I should do something now, I sighed to myself.
I left my room and searched for Ryeowook and Yesung. I smelled Yesung was home. 
With my perfect vampire senses.
Oh he's in the cellar. 
What the heck
Are we out of blood again?
I rushed myself to the cellar, trying to sneak in without him hearing me.
I failed, since he's the oldest vampire here, he must sense everything.
"Ah, Kyuhyun. Did that... friend of yours leave?" Yesung turned around to face me.
"Yeah, SUNGMIN left already, what are you doing here", I snapped back.
"..I'm sure your thinking we're out of blood, which we're not, but I need to tell you something else", Yesung stated and pointed at the two lonely chairs in the corner of the cellar.
I took a seat on the other and he on the other.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Kyuhyun.. you know this FRIEND of yours..." he started.
"What about SUNGMIN?" I said, trying to hide my feelings within this topic.
"Don't be stupid. You think I can't see trough you?" Yesung half-laughed very seriously.
"W..what.." I stuttered.
"You're in love with him", he coldly stated, "don't you dare lie to me you're not."
He knows... 
....and I can't lie no more.
"Ye....yes", I whispered looking to the ground.
"Kyuhyun I must apologise you", he stated again, "he's dangerous for us."
"I'm not gonna leave him. I'll leave from here if you don't wanna see him or something.. I..." I still kept stuttering.
"You can't. You're carrying our secret and there's no way out of that. Besides, he already suspects something. I feel it", Yesung spoke.
"Well what the hell do you mean by apologising then?", I hissed, "I can hold this, I'm not weak."
"Kyuhyun... listen", he started.
"He's seen too much. He can see too much...."
"You have to kill him."
"Wh... you... gotta be... kidding", I hissed. 
"I'm serious. He's too weak. He can't hide knowledge", Yesung said. 
He wasn't even sorry.
He was almost happy that he said this all.
"No", I said, "There's NO WAY I'm going to kill him. HE IS THE ONE I LOVE. HE'S MY EVERYTHING. THE REASON I KEEP GOING. I WON'T DO IT", I yelled to him and he just coldly hit my face.
"You have to. It's vampire nature. I'll bring that bunny of yours over here then, prepare a knife, you'll need it to stab his heart out", Yesung stated and disappeared.
I could hear he was like laughing
This isn't happening
"I.. .can't ... hold this anymore.." I said and fell on to my knees sobbing hardly.
Tears falling from my eyes.
From the first time of my life as a vampire
That person
That smile
Those lips
Those eyes
"The one I love. He's my everything. The reason I keep going."
Is Lee Sungmin.
But Yesung is stronger than me.
I heard a door opening. The hinges whining.
Appearing in front of my eyes, Yesung, but not alone.
He was along with Sungmin.
"Kyuhyun are you okay?" Sungmin said worriedly and came to the crying me.
"Kyuhyun. You must. Or then, me or you?" Yesung asked from the door.
Sungmin gave questioning looks at us.
Yesung didn't give me any time to think. He used his paranormal vampire abilities to go on a high-speed and chained Sungmin from his hands to a hook.
"What is this?! Let me go!" Sungmin whined. 
"Kyuhyun, it's time", Yesung stated and handed me a knife.
"Wha.. WHAT IS THIS?" Sungmin yelled as he tried to get off from the chains.
"Yesung you can't do this!" I tried but Yesung still kept his words.
"Either it's you, killing him fast, or then me, torturing him, drinking every single droplet of his blood", Yesung stated just that loudly that Sungmin had goosebumps and he started to shiver.
"No!! You... can't... I......."
"I will do it", I said crying hardly.
"Kyuhyun..... wh..what.. is this...." Sungmin cried.
"Sungmin... I'm sorry. I'm sorry I got to know you. I'm sorry I ever talked to you. And now you got involved. But I want you to know why I did this. It is the sake of our secret. A secret we must keep till the end of time. The truth is...." I still half-whispered and then... showed my teeth.
I saw Sungmin closing his eyes slowly.
"This isn't real", he sobbed.
"I'm so sorry but you got involved, now Kyuhyun..." Yesung shooed me and gave a hungry smirk. He waited for food.
"Sungmin... I'm so sorry. You can't accept me. I'm a monster.........."
I raised the knife up in front of him.
Yesung still smirking behind me..
Just seconds till Sungmin would be gone.
"......but I don't wanna lose you, and for the sake of my love, my heart, my everything!!!!"
I yelled, and for the very first time I used my high-speed abilities,  
stabbing the knife
to the person behind me.
Before he even noticed, he dusted. He was gone. He who made this was gone.
Yesung was gone.
"K..kkyuhyun..." Sungmin whispered.
"Oh my God Sungmin!" I yelled worriedly and with the high-speed, took him down and took the chains off.
He fell to the ground on his knees and I hugged him as tight as I could on the ground.
He sobbed hard.
"I... tth-oughtt... you were go-going tto kill .. kill me-e", he cried.
"Shhh~ Sungmin... I meant what I said", I whispered.
"For the sake of my love, my heart, my everything, I love you Lee Sungmin. And I would never hurt you."
We kept silently hugging in there.
"For the sake of my love, my heart, my everything, I love you Lee Sungmin. And I would never hurt you", Kyuhyun whispered as he kept hugging me.
I couldn't believe this
He loves me.
I'm... honored.. flattered.
His embrace was warm. His whispers clinging into my ears..
I slowly pulled of from his embrace. 
"Kkyu... I can't thank you enough... you could've just killed me... instead... y-you killed your friend.. I.. ... I'm sorry..." I still sobbed a bit.
"No. Sungmin. Thank YOU, who gave me all my smiles, gave me power to go on.. and don't be sorry for that bastard. 
"Kkyuhyun... I..... love you. And I can accept you as what you are", I whispered and looked him deeply in the eyes.
His eyes looked like a million fireworks flaming inside them, showing different colors, crying tears. His lips formed a smile. A sweet, innocent smile.
"Sungmin... I love you... so much", he said and took me in to his embrace again.
When they told Ryeowook....
Or when he got to know.
"No... no.... NO!!!!!!!!!!! GOD NO! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!!! NOOOOOO *sob* YEHSUNGG *sob* MY YESUNG AH.... *sob*"  Ryeowook kneeled down to the dust. 
That was all that was left from Yesung. 
Ryeowook took some of that sand-looking dust in his hands and caught something in it.
There was a ring that had an engraving in it.
"Ryeowook<3" it said.
Ryeowook stood up after some time.
He passed by the doorway where Sungmin and I stood quietly.
I hugged Sungmin from the back, just to comfort him, he was still in shock.
"I... must understand you", he whispered to me as he passed by.
We were left alone in the cellar.
"He'll get trough it", Sungmin stated.
"He will", I stated back and the third time, took this bunny boy to my tight embrace.
Finally this day I've waited for! 
We decided that Sungmin was better to stay here at my house, so he moved in here.
He had his own room, but mostly he spent his nights with me
He didn't like to sleep alone
In an innocent way. 100% innocent.
"That was the last box", Sungmin smiled to me.
"Great, Min!" I smiled back to him and pecked his cheek.
I helped him to carry his boxes upstairs.
Oh.. did I tell you what happened after the... incident?
I mean when Ryeowook got to know...
he left
and never came back.
I still could hear him screaming somewhere.
And at some points he showed to me, telling me how he will have his payback.
Trust me. A weak vampire like Ryeowook, plus the shock he's in. He could never.
I was sitting on the couch in my toughts when I heared Sungmin quietly yelling from upstairs: "Kk.. kyuhyun-ah.."
I used my abilities to high-speed upstairs.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
I caught his room door locked. Sungmin whimpering a little inside.
I've had enough. He seems like he's in pain.
Without any hesitation I backed off the door and rand towards it, kicking it open (NINJA KYUUUU~).
In there, dark room, I saw Sungmin sitting in the corner, covering himself with his hands.       Iwas almost running towards him, as I saw who was beside him.
Kim Ryeowook
With lustful eyes, a bloody knife in his hands.
"I told you. This boy is going to die. He's worthless, unless my Yesung, who you cruely killed", he smirked and was about to... stab... 
*high speed*
All I felt was anger. I had covered Sungmin with my embrace just before Ryeowook stabbed. So he stabbed me in my back.
I could feel it but I couldn't care less.
I pulled the knife out from my back.
"Kim Ryeowook, from all things you've done, this was the worst, and the very..... very... very... last."
By that, I stapped the knife straightly in to Ryeowook's heart.
He dusted down slowly, leaving only a silver ring with an engraving "Yesung<3" in it.
"KYUHYUN-AH!"  Sungmin yelled as I slowly fell down. 
A stab to the back slowed my death but.. a stab from that particular knife could kill, it could be my destiny.. if I didn't get blood.
"KYUHYUN? ARE YOU OKAY!! Please say you're not gonna..." Sungmin cried looking at my laying figure.
"S...sungmin... I.. just.. need... blood" I managed to say.
"Kyuhyunnie... I..."
"Sungmin... I love you.. but I won't sacrifise you to be a part of this kinda life.. "
"Kyuhyun. Listen to me... I .. the time I said I love you, I meant, I could do everything for you, because you are my everything, as much as I am yours.
You risked your life for me TWICE, now it's my time. Kyuhyun, I want to be a part of you. Bite me."
With almost closed eyes, Kyuhyun with his last powers rose up.
Sungmin leaning towards him.
Like a kiss
soft and full of love
lasting long
feeling each other's skins 
* bite *
they became one.
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Chapter 1: Ohmygosh! This was amazing!! Its a bit sad about Yewook but the last few lines!! I loved it! :D
xiangyun98 #2
Chapter 1: Sequel please!!! Where they ate both vampires!!