As Long As You Love Me

We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together


"Will you be my girlfriend?" said Yuri.
The question was sudden and it made Jessica off guard.
"I thought we are already in a relationship, remember? Our fake one to get Taeyeon to back off." said Jessica, trying to avoid the actual subject that Yuri is talking about.
"I know, but now that Taeyeon agreed to stay away from you, our fake relationship is not needed. But I want our relationship to be real from now on." said Yuri.
Jessica was surprised with the sudden confession. She just met Yuri today and now she's confessing her love?
"I... I don't know what to say. We just met today. Don't you think we should take time to get to know each other first?" said Jessica.
"That's why we should date. So we can get to know each other more." said Yuri.
Suddenly, Jessica's phone rang, interrupting their conversation.
Jessica answered the phone, being greeted with her younger sister's whiny voice.
"UNNIE! Where are you?! We were supposed to meet at the parking lot at 8. It's 8:32 right now!" said Krystal.
"I forgot. I'm sorry; I was caught up with something else. I'll be right there." said Jessica and hung up the phone.
Jessica turned to Yuri and bowed.
"It was nice meeting you, but I have to go now." said Jessica and ran off.
"Maybe she wasn't ready for another relationship..." said Yuri to herself.
[In the parking lot]
Jessica quickly ran to her car and was greeted by the wrath of her younger sister.
"Unnie! Where were you?! I was waiting here for more than 30 minutes!" said Krystal.
"I'm sorry. I was too caught up with something else that I lost track of time." said Jessica.
The two got into the car and began their car ride home. Throughout the whole ride, Jessica was only thinking about the recent conversation with Yuri.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" said Yuri.
That one phrase kept on repeating in her head.
*We just met and she already likes me... Well, I do have that charm of having people fall in love with me at first sight.* thought Jessica.
*But should I give her a chance and date her? The last time I fell in love with Taeyeon at first sight, I ended up getting hurt...*
Jessica was too busy thinking about the current situation that she wasn't paying attention to the road and almost hit a person crossing the road.
"YAH. WATCH THE ROAD WILL YA!" screamed Krystal clutching her chest.
Jessica suddenly stopped the car, avoiding the crossing pedestrian and apologized to the pedestrian.
"Sorry!" screamed Jessica out of the window.
Jessica continued to drive the rest of the way home with her full attention on the road.
Krystal looked at her sister's face, noticing her face is full of dilemma.
"Are you okay unnie? You seemed out of it since we've entered the car. Did something happen at the mall or something?" asked Krystal.
"Oh nothing. It's just... nothing." said Jessica.
"It doesn't sound like nothing... Did you see someone you didn't want to see?" said Krystal.
"Sure... I saw Taeyeon again today." said Jessica. Taeyeon is the reason why she can't fall for Yuri. She's afraid that if she falls in love quickly, the other person will just hurt her.
"Oh... Well, if anything is bothering you, I'm always here for you." said Krystal.
"Thanks sis... We're home now." said Jessica, driving the car into the garage.
[In the house]
"Jessica, I'm going to bed first since I have to get up early for school tomorrow." said Krystal.
"Okay. Good night baby sis." said Jessica and have her sister a wet kiss on the cheek.
"EWW GROSS. I just washed my face!" said Krystal, wiping her sister's saliva off her face.
"Then wash it again." said Jessica.
"Ugh, you're so irritating." said Krystal and went to her room.
Jessica went into her room and closed the door. She slid out of her clothes like a snake and slithered into her bed only in her bra and .
"It's so comfortable like this..." said Jessica to herself.
Soon, she found herself lost in dreamland.
Jessica was walking around in a dark empty place with fog covering the ground.
"Where am I?" said Jessica.
She looked around and saw something in the distance shining brightly.
As she got closer to the shining object, it got even brighter with every step closer.
Soon she was close enough to see what that shining object was.
It was Yuri.
"Yuri?" said Jessica, squinting her eyes. Yuri was shining so bright that she was blinding.
Yuri was sitting on the tallest branch of tall healthy tree, wearing a long red dress that perfectly outlined her toned body. Her long wavy black hair rested on her shoulders, giving her a y look.
"Yuri?" Jessica repeated herself. Yuri looked so stunning that she was speechless and couldn't take her eyes off her.
"Jessica. Will you be my girlfriend?" said Yuri.
There were those words again.
Jessica blinked at those words as if she didn't not understand them. She stood there trying to get her brain to function and think.
As soon as Jessica get back to her senses, she stuttered her reply to Yuri.
"I-I can't. I can't get hurt again." said Jessica, thinking about how Taeyeon had hurt her in the past.
"But you're hurting yourself, Jessica. You're hurting yourself if you keep holding on to the past. How Taeyeon hurt you is what keeps you from loving again. You're afraid you will get hurt again because of that memory. It's time to let go Jessica." said Yuri.
Jessica still doubted about loving Yuri. How can she just forget about the past if it left a scar in her heart?
Yuri can see the doubt in Jessica's face.
"If you're with me, I will light up your world. I will never hurt you at all. I will give you all my love." said Yuri.
Yuri looked to her left and pointed at a dark place.
"If you keep on holding on to the past, you may never find the light in your life again and live in a world of darkness." said Yuri.
Jessica looked in the direction Yuri pointing at and saw Taeyeon sitting on a tree bark that had been cut off with a dark cloud hovering over her.
"Would you rather live happily with me, or live in the darkness with the painful memories?" asked Yuri.
Jessica wanted to answer but nothing could come out . Yuri was becoming distant and the light started fading away.
"Wait! Don't leave yet!" yelled Jessica, running after the light, reaching her hand out to touch Yuri.
As Jessica tried to chase after the light, the darkness behind her kept pulling her back, making her unable to get to the light she wanted.
Jessica fell to the ground and cried silently.
"I don't want to be in the dark all alone." cried Jessica.
Jessica's vision became blurred and soon, all she saw was the dark. The darkness have taken over her sight.
Jessica opened her eyes, relieved to be greeted by the rays of sunlight shining through her window.
She sat up on her bed and remembered the dream she just had.
She ran her hand through her hair and sighed.
"What am I going to do." said Jessica.
Jessica wants to forget about all the past but she can't. It left a huge scar in her heart. Because of that scar, she can't easily love again.
For the next few weeks, Jessica been having dreams about Yuri and her slowly opened her heart to Yuri. The dreams were like a therapy session that helped Jessica heal the scar in her heart that was left from Taeyeon.
Jessica has been desperately wanting to contact Yuri but she haven't asked for her phone number the first time they met.
"Ugh! I'm about to go crazy right now!" screamed Jessica. She have been searching the phone book for Yuri's number and address for an hour but have not found anything.
She threw the phone book across the room, causing the book to hit her purse and spilling all the contents in the purse onto the floor.
Jessica got up to clean up the mess she just made.
As she was putting away all the stuff into her purse, Jessica noticed a folded piece of paper that was slipped into her wallet.
She unfolded the paper and saw words and numbers written on it.
Call me (; xxx-xxxx -Yuri
*Yuri must have slipped this into my bag when I wasn't looking.* thought Jessica.
Jessica's lips spread into a big smile. The search for Yuri is over. She can finally tell Yuri how she feels now.
Jessica dialed the number on her phone and waited for an answer.
The phone on the other line rang three times until she heard a husky voice on the other end of the line.
"Hello?" said the voice. Jessica recognized it as Yuri's voice from her dreams and began smiling widely.
"Hi Yuri." said Jessica, hoping Yuri would recognized her voice.
"Hello?... Who is this?" said Yuri.
Jessica's smile turned into a frown. How can Yuri forget her voice?!?
On the other side of the line, Yuri is actually smiling, happy that Jessica have finally called her. She just felt like teasing the older girl, pretending like she forgot who she was.
"Yah, how can you forget my voice after asking me to be your girlfriend how many weeks ago?!?" said Jessica annoyingly.
Jessica heard laughing on the other side of the line.
"Hello? Why are you laughing?!?" asked Jessica. She was getting really annoyed.
"I knew it was you Jessica. I was just kidding around." said Yuri.
"Oh. Hehehe..." giggled Jessica.
*So this is the kind of person she is. She's the kind who likes to play around.* thought Jessica.
"So how have you been? What took you so long to call me?" asked Yuri.
"I've been well. I'm sorry I didn't call because I didn't noticed the piece of paper you slipped into my purse until today." said Jessica.
"Oh I see... Do you want to meet me? I haven't seen you for a while..." said Yuri.
"Sure. That's the reason I called. I wanted to see you..." said Jessica shyly.
"Okay. Then we'll meet at SM cafe at 7:30?" said Yuri.
"I'll see you there." said Jessica. She hung up the phone with a big smile on her face and fell backwards on her bed.
"Yes!" screamed Jessica.
[At SM cafe]
Jessica was running late since her car had broken down half way there.
"I'm 30 minutes late... I hope she doesn't get mad at me..." said Jessica.
Jessica reached SM cafe and rushed inside the door.
To her surprise, there were small candles lit in a shape of a heart with rose petals inside the heart on the floor of the dark cafe. Inside that heart, was a tall tan woman.
Jessica smiled as she met eyes with Yuri. Jessica took slow light steps towards Yuri and soon, she was standing inside the heart with Yuri, bodies almost pressed against each other.
"I almost thought you weren't going to come..." whispered Yuri.
"I would never do that..." said Jessica.
All of a sudden, slow music filled the cafe.
"Can I have this dance?" asked Yuri.
"Of course." smiled Jessica and wrapped her arms around Yuri's neck.
Yuri grabbed Jessica's waist and pulled her body close to hers.
The two danced together without saying a word, staring into each other’s eyes.
*The look she gives me with those eyes.* thought Jessica. *I guess she really does love me.*
Yuri broke the silence when she asked the same phrase she asked when they first met.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" asked Yuri. "I haven't got an answer from last time."
Jessica smiled. She feel like her heart have been completely healed and she have finally let go of the past. She can finally move on.
"Just one condition." said Jessica. "I will be your girlfriend, as long as you love me."
Yuri smiled and gave Jessica a long passionate kiss on the lips.
After Yuri broke away from the kiss, she presses her forehead against Jessica and whispered "I will always love you."
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imzara #1
Chapter 2: so sweet yulsic ^^
This fanfic sure is sweet! I love the ending! Thumbs up!
Darklady #3
Chapter 1: Yulsic is the best. Luckily Jessica didnt accept Taeyeon...