You have one task...

One Task


“You have one task Wu Yifan,” a woman’s voice sounds throughout the white room that Yifan was currently sitting in.


“What task…what kind of task?” he asked, eyes shut tightly with a handkerchief, his hands and feet were bound together and tied tightly onto the chair he was sitting on. Yifan didn’t know what was happening or where he was. All he knew was that he was sitting on a chair in a room due to the voice echoing off the walls. Yifan flinches backward as pair of warm hands meets his cheeks, “Who…who are you?” he stuttered, wanting to know exactly where and why he was here. The figure in front of him leans closer to him until her lips were directly beside his ears. He could feel the heat emitting from this figure.


“It will take time for you to know who I am,” the figure answered Yifan, her breath hot as fire, “but for now Wu Yifan…”


“Wait,” he cut her off, “how…how do you know my name?” he asked.


She let out a chuckle and patted behind his head, “I know everything about you Wu Yifan, when you were born, where you were born, how you lost your parents in an unexplained fire back in your hometown in China, why you were sent away at the age of 12 from the orphanage that took care of you, how you became…you,” she answered him. Yifan stiffened and tried to turn his head to the side but failed to.


“It’s useless to move around Wu Yifan,” she said and pulled away from his ears.


“Who…who are you?” he asked once again and again, she gave him a chuckle before caressing his cheeks, “You have one task Wu Yifan,” she said and ignored his question, “one task…and that’s to find the Princess of Fire and bring her back to the land of fire.”


“What? How am I supposed to…”


“Find her Wu Yifan,” she cut him off, her voice disappearing further and further away from him.


“Wait!” Yifan shouted, struggling to get out of the ropes holding him down “how am I supposed to know who the Princess of Fire is and how she looks like!?” but the voice from before didn’t answer him. The only answer he got was the silence of the room. Yifan sighed and gave up on struggling, “How…am I…”


“You will know in time!” came a very loud and evil voice. Yifan jumped from freight and noticed that the handkerchief blinding his eyes were gone, the ropes that were once holding him down on the chair were gone as well. Yifan glanced up to see someone in a black cloak standing before him, “Who…”


“Good luck…Wu Yifan,” the voice eerily said. The face of the cloak glanced upwards at Yifan and what he caught a glimpse of was a skeleton face with barely any skin on it. The figure before him let out an evil cackle before disappearing.


“Wait!!!” Yifan shouted and took one step forward and when he did the room erupted into flames.




“AH!!!!!” Kris shot up in bed with beads of sweat running down his face, his chest heaving up and down harshly as he tried to catch his breath. He let out a loud groan and ran his hands through his damped hair, “,” he cursed. The door to his room swung open and the lights flickered on. Kris pulled his face out from his hands to see his twin brother Chanyeol walking over to him, “Are you alright?” the younger of the two asked, sitting down on Kris’s bed. Chanyeol inspected Kris’s sweaty face and damped hair before patting his older twin on the shoulder, “Did you have a nightmare again hyung?” he asked with a slight chuckle, “aren’t you a bit too old for nightmares?”


Kris glared at his younger twin through his eyelashes and swat his hand away, “Shut up Chanyeol, I’m not in the mood to be joking right now,” he said angrily. Chanyeol raised both of his hands in the air and sat back a little, “Sorry,” he apologized. Kris heaved out a heavy sigh and fell back into his bed, “So…want to tell me about your dream?” Chanyeol asked.


Kris stared at the white ceiling for a good few minutes before averting his eyes to his twin, “I’ve been having this nightmare constantly,” he began.


“What is it about?” Chanyeol asked, pulling his legs onto the bed and crossed them over each other. Kris lifted himself up from the bed and ran his right hand through his hair, “I would dream about being tied down on a chair with myself being blind folded. I would wake up from being unconscious and when I do, I hear this lady’s voice. The first thing she tells me is that I have a task.”


“A task?”


“Yeah…a task.”


“And what’s that task?”


“The task is to find the Princess of Fire and return her to the land of fire,” Kris answered. Chanyeol scoffed from holding his laughter and covered his mouth, “I shouldn’t have told you,” Kris said.


“No no, sorry,” Chanyeol chimed in, “please do go on.”


Kris gave his younger twin an unsure look before continuing, “Before she told me about this task, she had kept on calling me Wu Yifan.”


“Wu Yifan?” Chanyeol asked, tilting his head slightly to the side, “why does that name sound so familiar?”


Kris shrugged, “Beats me, so apparently my name in my dream was Yifan and this lady knew how my parents died in an unexplained reasons and why the orphanage that I had lived in after my parents death kicked me out at the age of 12 and…”


“Woah woah woah hold up hyung,” Chanyeol piped in, “Your parents died? The last time I checked, they were still sleeping in their room,” he said while pointing a finger at the door. Kris sighed loudly and kicked Chanyeol off of his bed, “Just get out, I’m going to sleep.”


Chanyeol stood up from the floor while rubbing his , “Gosh could have asked nicely instead of kicking me bastard,” he said before leaving and turning off the lights. Kris lie in bed staring up at the darkness of the ceiling, “Wu…Yifan…”


Kris shut his eyes after clearing his mind from the dream he just recently had and took in a deep breath. Just as he was about to fall into a slumber of sleep, a girl’s face that wasn’t quite distinguishable appears in front of him…


“Yifan…find me…”


Kris shoots up in bed once more and scans his dimly lit room, “…”


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exotaeng9 #1
Chapter 1: update.....
crazyreader #2
Chapter 1: DAEBAK!! I really like it so far. I like your kind of style because not a lot of story incorporate the past life to the present life. Please keep updating!!!
taeyeoppeo #3
Chapter 1: oooh update soon..i
ll be looking forward to this story!
Chapter 1: update... its been a while..
i miss ur update :(
please updatee
Chapter 1: is it about reincarnation?
gtaelovers #6
Chapter 1: It's been a while..really waiting for you to update your ff..really like this..
Chapter 1: Awesome!!! You made this must be based on SNSD princess intro at their 2nd live arena tour right??

I saw it yesterday and Tae, Yoon, Soo and Hyo was there.... the vid was awesome they were like a goddess apparently Tae is the goddess like of all them hehehe

Please update soon...I'm so excited to know..