Before The Gathering

Him or 'him'?

Before the gathering even happens for real, there is an important thing that I have to decide. This important decision will determine many people's impresson on me - the public, the Shinhwa Changjos, but most importantly, Shinhwa. How others think of me will all be up to what I wear. It is such a tough decision to choose what to wear as I can't look too ty wearing low cut dresses etc, but yet at the same time, I wanna wear something thats appealing and "attractive" enough, something that's good and worthy enough for the Shinhwa members. Afterall, they're SHINHWA, they're the legend. I can't possibly look like some pathetic haggard woman. It'll only do me no good. 

It seems like as if I have never ever stopped ransacking my wardrobe to try on different designs of clothes.

Finally, after all the ransacking, I found a black lacey dress.

But if I just wear it without any pants, it'll make me look like a bimbo, won't it? So I decided to match it with stockings.

Now, I finally look decent enough.

After some light makeup and wearing some accessories, I was ready to go.


I just can't help but fangirl over the thought of being able to have dinner with the 6 guys I've idolised and go crazy over for so many

years. I'm gonna meet SHINHWA tonight. The legend, Shinhwa. Is this a dream? Or is this really happening for real. The 6 hot, charming

guys who can always bring a smile to my face whenever I listen to their song or watch variety shows with them in it. And tonight, I'm not

only gonna just see or talk to them in person. But also, sit beside them and eat with them. I just cannot believe what is

actually gonna happen tonight. It all seems like a dream come true, perhaps, you can even call it a fairytale that I would only dare to

imagine or dream of, but never ever expect it to happen for real. Especially Eric Mun. The 4D Leader Mun.





(not forgetting the adorable, charming roaring buing buing hehehehe)





My poor SHCJ fangirl heart just can't take it. I rolled in my bed and started jumping like a mad woman. I started screaming and laughing. All these thoughts are just too insane and unbelievable.



I just can't wait, ughhhh.



A very short chapter update. Sorry guys for taking such a long time! Do comment on what you would like to happen during the gathering~ Do you want it to be peaceful, sweet and heartwarming, or should there be obstacles and problems whereby there's conflicts? Please also comment on how I can improve my story and whether you enjoy reading it. Subscribe if you like it! :)

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Hey, it's Rainbow unnie from Twitter. :3 Cute start! I'll be watching. ^^
question, this fic it's gonna be RicWan? because you put a Pic of JinSyung. I'm confused. But still i'm going to read this fic