
Him or 'him'?

I'm just a typical woman in the late 20s working in a company in Korea. The company mainly consists of managers, staffs, and of course not forgetting the most important people, SHINHWA. The legendary, longest lasting male group in Korea. 14 years without any member change, going through so many obstacles and problems, but still remaining as one. Yes, thats their company I'm working in.

Everything's great there man, I mean honestly. I never knew that work could be so fun and enjoyable during the process until I joined Shinhwa Company as Andy's assistant. Instead of dreading work like how normally working adults do, I look forward to work every single day. Although schedules might get really hectic and workload gets really heavy, I still have lots of time with the 6 fun and dorky members. They just never fail to make my day. No matter how tired or down I'm feeling, each of them will bring smile and laughter to my face with ther lame gags and jokes, especially Kim Dong Wan oppa. He will always entertain all of us with his signature "black dong hole" jokes, then smile awkwardly after the members criticise him. 

Being the maknae's assistant also signify me getting to witness how Andy get "bullied" and teased by his mischievous and playful hyungs. Though he will try to push his hyungs away as he reject their hugs and kisses most of the times, he just don't have enough energy and strength to stop all of it. So, he just pitifully accepts them and then pouts cutely as a significance of angry and frustration. Upon looking at this scene, I just can't help but chuckle to myself though I'm supposed to "save" him from his mean hyungs as his assistant.












All these little cute actions and incidents are the reasons why I love being with Shinhwa. They just have this really unique characteristic about them that attracts and appeals to you. Of course, they'll also make you show your admiration and respect towards them for their strong bond and close relationship with one another for so many years wthout even disbanding. Rather than bandmates, they're actually like brothers. Just like Eric & Dongwan together, always doing silly things together. No matter how many times they scold/fight with one another, you can always see them reconcile after a short period of time. This is a love-hate relationship between RicWan.

If you think because Shinhwa members are in their 30s and they've lasted for 15 years already, so they should be really mature & wise, well you're not completely correct.

One of the examples of how childish they can be is an incident that happened few years ago. It's the legendary burping incident, about how Dongwan burped loudly but blamed it on Eric, causing Eric to feel annoyed and furious, resulting in a physical fight that almost caused Shinhwa to disband. Aishhhh honestly, just how childish can these 6 ahjusshis be?







Well, of course, Shinhwa also has their mature and serious sides. Although their gestures & actions can be as childish as a five year old kid, but when it's time for serious work to be done, all members transform into a totally new person, working efficiently with one another to get the work done. 

I just love those Shinhwa oppas the way they are. Adorable, dorky, playful at one moment, serious, suave, charming the other that as if seem to make your heart melt.




Especially Eric oppa. He's such a self sacrificing, kind hearted person, giving up SM's contract that wanted him to leave Shinhwa, but stay in SM. Instead, he chose to leave SM together with the Shinhwa members cause "he wouldn't be who he is wthout Shinhwa". He just looks so cool and hunk even when he's not smiling, even when he's not 'putting on a fake front just to keep his image well'. He's just so handsome, so talented. And those adorable large beady eyes.





He raps so well with such a rough and charming voice. He just look so good, regardless of his clothing, hairstyle or even facial expresson. Not forgetting his lovely smile..... Why does my heart beat so quickly whenever I see him? Why do I think of him as I lie on my bed at night before sleep? 









Ugh (Your name), he's the CEO of the freaking company you're working in. He's the person that's in charge of your assignments and salary in the company. What is with you complimenting your own superior in such a way? 

But... is this what you call as LOVE..... ? I, I... can't possibly fall in love with Mun Jung Hyuk, the dream guy of so many women, can I?

What am I suppose to do now....?







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Hey, it's Rainbow unnie from Twitter. :3 Cute start! I'll be watching. ^^
question, this fic it's gonna be RicWan? because you put a Pic of JinSyung. I'm confused. But still i'm going to read this fic