

Unavoidable circumstances lead Jiyong and Seunghyun to New York City. They have no idea where to go from that point on, but they think they can figure it out.


A/N: Somehow, this is a long-as-heck drabble. I had Regina Spektor's album on shuffle and I had way too much GTOP feels. I don't want to give any more away, to not take much of your time. Enjoy. :)

(3/16/2013) Thank you for the upvote, YuYuan! I didn't expect that at all :(((( And also to everyone's kind words!

About a sequel, well, I don't know. I'm not very good at contuining concepts. Another gtop oneshot with a different storyline is more plausible for me. I have an entire summer to think and pile up on my fics, being new and all. Have a good day. :)


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Chapter 1: I totally get where your feels come from, that fic is going to be the dead of me xD
But this was really amazing, I really like it :)
It left me with a smile on my face, great work ^^
Chapter 1: Holy smokes this was amazing! *_*
You have no reason to be insecure about your writing because this was brilliant. Too short lol because I wanted it to go on forever but I got lost in it all the same. I will definitely read anything you write in the future!
And omg don't even get me started on The Devil Wears Giyongchy. That fic is going to kill me with emotion.
Chapter 1: It's too short ;0;
Sequel pleace but not an angst one.
I somehow didnt felt like I teading a fluffy fiction. It was melancholic but beautiful an i really liked it beautiful writting skills <3
Chapter 1: Its short but cute and sweet :)