Chapter 2

My Heart I'm Sorry
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Leeteuk so interest about it.

“He like that girls.” SungMin pointed at the girls.

“Ah, That’s girls. She is my sister’s friends. She is still in first grade ”

“Really hyung?” Kyuhyun surprised.

“Do you wanna to know her?” LeeTeuk said.

“Yeah, i wanna.” Kyuhyun’s face look so shining.

“OK.” And LeeTeuk shout to JiMin, “JiMin ah. Come here!”

“SungMin ah~, her name is JiMin” DaHyu approach SungMin and sit beside SungMin.

“Whoaa~, she is come.” SungMin wishpered to DaHyu.

“Hey, what are you two doing?” Kyuhyun worried.

“Nope, Just...” DaHyu spechless as that beautiful girl coming , aproach them.

“JiMin ah~, my friend wanna know you. Here it’s Kyuhyun.” Leeteuk hand gestured to Kyuhyun.

“KyuHyun?” JiMin so surprised.

“Hi, i’m Kyuhyun.” Kyuhyun offered his hands to JiMin to shaking hands.

“Hi, I’m JiMin.” JiMin responded shyly.

“SungMin, this is the first time i look KyuHyun’s face so shining.” DaHyu wishpered again to sungmin.

“Hahah, are you getting jealous?”

“Hmm. I just wondering Kyu. He looks so different now. Ah~, whatever, let’s eat this bread.” DaHyu put her bread.

“DaHyu, i think chocolate more delicious. This is. What is yours?”

“Huh? Me?” She take a look at  her bread. “It’s strawberry jam.”

“Sounds delicious too, let’s eat.” Sungmin slowly opened the plastic that warped the bread/

And they’re eating together. Meanwhile, Kyuhyun, LeeTeuk and JiMin have a long coversation. And finnaly Kyuhyun got JiMin numbers easly.

“Yah, yah! SungMin, DaHyu!!!” KyuHyun shouting.

“What’s wrong with you?” SungMin and DaHyu saying together , and they’re still chewing the bread.

“Hahaha, you two look so funny. Like a twins.” LeeTeuk laughing.

“Swallow first your food.” Leeteuk continued.

They’re starting joking all the time .


Kyuhyun and DaHyu have a secret place. That place is school’s rooftop. Because of that day.

and they often go to that place.

“Yah DaHyu i got JinMi number.” KyuHyun smirked.

“Really?!? What did you think about Jimin?”

“Hmm. She look so kind. But i still didn’t know her. My friend told me if she is-“

“Do you have any friends? You just have me, sungmin, and leeTeuk right?” Kyuhyun shout.

“I have many friends.”DaHyu hit kyuhyun’s shoulder lightly.

“Aaaaaa~ stop it.” Kyuhyun beg.

“Don’t say that’s word again. I’m not weak like before.” she rowned.

“Ah~, so you’re can’t be  fooled again?” Kyuhyun voice sound doubt and feel like he was .

“Fooled? I hope i’ll never fooled again.” DaHyu looked down.

“Hmm.. “ Kyuhyun just nodding and continued to take a look how beautiful blue sky is.

They’re so silent. They feel little t

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Love your story ^^ <3 <3
Grapelolly #2
Grapelolly #3
lee_kyuhae #4
nice!! update soon
Grapelolly #5
OMG nice story keep it up continue writing quickly update :)
angelteuk #6
hi~ i'm new here..<br />
i really like your story..<br />
and don't forget to update this story ~<br />
and make it more intresting ^_^<br />