
My Childhood Enemy will be my HUSBAND

«Outdoor Adventure»

You and teentop together with Ljoe and Claire had an outdoor adventure. You go around the forest. You play with nature. You go zipline and etc. While walking around, Claire suddenly had a sprain and Ljoe immediately helped her. 'you ok?' Ljoe asked 'i cant walk anymore. It hurts' she said. Ljoe carried her in a bridal style. You were looking at them. You were in a poker face. Claire gave you a smirk secretly. Admit it or not youre jealous about Ljoe's action. 'dane. Lets go?' Changjo said. 'sure' 'i think youre jealous' 'me?! Who am i jealous with?' 'claire and ljoe' 'why do you say so?' 'i can see it in your eyes' '*laugh* no im not changjo. Just let them' 'you want me to carry you? Youre kind of tired' 'no im ok.' You hold Changjo's hand and walked. Definitely, you lied again about youre true feelings. Ljoe brought Claire home to take some rest and Ljoe came back to the adventure.

((Your POV))

I was standing right beside a big tree. I was wondering if Claire planned it. I dont know why but i cant stop to get jealous. Suddenly, someone closed my eyes using his hand. 'miss me?' whispered to my ear so y. I knew it was Ljoe. 'let go of me!' i pushed him away acting like im in a angry mood. 'woah. You mad?' he asked. I walked away but my stomach gurgles really loud and Ljoe heard it. 'youre hungry' he said. 'im not!' 'so what is that?' 'its just a *looking around* a frog! Its a frog!' My phone rings and Ljoe took it that fast. 'give me that!' you shouted. Ljoe pinned me at the tree and said 'let me read it' He read it and said 'from Luhan. He's asking if youre ok' he handed me the phone and let me go. I stared at him but he was quiet. 'wouldnt you reply him?' he said. I was quiet that moment. 'tell me dane. Do you love him?' 'who Ljoe?' 'luhan.' 'no. I dont love him.' 'then why do you act like his your boyfriend?' 'huh? Ljoe. Im not acting!' 'yes you are!' 'ljoe! Look were friends!' 'friends?! Holding hands! Is that what you call friends!' 'whats wrong about that?! Besides im single!' 'no dane! Youre taken! ' ' then who?' 'dane I love you!! Youre taken by me! Did you heard it?! Or youre trying to be stupid again?!' i was blank. 'no reaction!? Dane I love you!!' he repeated saying that. I cant say a word. I suddenly kissed him with my hand around his neck. I dont know why. He kissed back to me more sweetly. His hands around my waist. I let go him and his lips. 'what was that mean?' 'nothing' 'dane.' 'i said nothing!' i walked away but he was following me. 'stop following me!' i shouted 'i wont.' 'what do you want!' 'you. Youre heart.' i just walked away but he suddenly grabbed my hand and hugged me. 'Dane. That kiss is the greatest kiss i had from the girl i love.' he said while hugging me. I blushed because of Pabo Ljoe.

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chanbaekii #1
Why did you completed this so early???! I cried because I finished the story
Chapter 23: Their wedding and kids! ^^
Chapter 18: Update please
Chapter 16: Update More!!!!!
Chapter 2: I think it sounds good so far, but there seems to be grammar and spelling mistakes. Either that or because of the format, the storyline is really confusing. Keep updating, though, please!
LeeRai23 #6
@kikwangfreak im sorry about that. I just updated it on my phone. Sorry. :-D
Chapter 2: why is the thing all over the place?? you should seperate it instead of putting it all together but its a really good story though ::)