
Why Do I Love You ?


Aaron's POV

Next week Saturday, 2pm.

i knocked on Gui Guis Door and she answered

GG: Geez! Aaron!

I came to her house
wearing sweats, tank, messed up hair, sandals. you know? torn up?

A: Something happened...

she let me in her house and we went up to her room
i flopped down on her bed

GG: So.. what exactly happened?
A: i need... Food please?
GG: uhm.. what kind?
A: Junk.

She ran down stairs and came back in less than five minuets with a ton of junk food in her arms

A: Thanks.

I grabbed a spoonful of ice cream... I feel like a sissy.

GG: Well?
A: Well.. -stabs spoon in ice cream-
GG: you never take forever to tell me anything.. it must be serious.
A: Hebe broke up with me.

Gui Gui shot up and stood on the bed

GG: What?!
A: Yep. She needed a break.
She sat back down, took my spoon and ate some ice cream.
A: Yeah, i'm trying to get over her.

At those words Gui Suddenly grabbed my hand and went out to the roof of her house.
she screamed and she looked at me expecting something from me.

A: what?
GG: Your turn.
A: No no no.. its.. its ok, you can--
GG: I'll do it with you, come on.

I gave it a shot. She yelled out at the city with me. this went on for about 5 minuets.

We went back down and laid down on the floor starring at the ceiling.

A: I've decided.
GG: What?
A: I'll let go of Hebe
GG: really?
A: Yeah, the past relationships I've had.. when they say a break, its permanently over.
GG: Hmm...

We fell asleep on the floor i woke up in the middle of the night and picked her up and laid her in her bed. then left, heading back to my house.

I'm glad shes my best friend. Shes the only one that i trust lately.

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In case you need the original poster:
HappyLyrics #2
Hi may I know wats the meaning of AKA??
LoveAaron #3
WOW~~~~~~ INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S DAMN NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi^^ i read your message and i just checked all the links that you mentioned and it doesn't work any more. I wonder what's happened to winlgin? i hope all guilun stories will not be deleted. <br />
I don't mind that you have collected all guilun stories and post it here .... besides i am happy and i will support you ... but i think all the stories you should dedicate to the original authors (put original authors name as well when you post their stories) <br />
And if you have the authors contact details you should let them know about the status of their stories (just to let them know that their stories didn't work on winglin anymore and you have posted their stories here) ^__^<br />
Sorry if i talk to much ( just give you an idea only) <br />
If need help please tell me i am willing to help you if i can (: <br />
I support you!<br />