The Bet

Both didn't even notice how fast the days went by. Heechul's daily routine now involved practice, see Yubi, talk to Yubi, have fun with Yubi. 

Although he hadn't exactly realized it yet, he was getting a bit serious with her. 

They have talked about almost everything. 

Heechul found out things about Yubi. She has younger twin siblings. Wasn't allowed to drive. Loves challenges.

Yubi thought Heechul was nice. He belonged to a boy band named Super Junior. He loves cats. Likes playing computer games. And, based from her experience, likes repeating what other people say. 

One time, he asked her to eat at a certain restaurant. He told her the food was very delicious there, and the service was good. 

"Go on, why aren't you eating?" Heechul asked her. He picked the most expensive dish on the menu. She wanted to tell him she had only eaten the same food the night before. But she decided against it, and smiled,"I was just about to pick up my spoon, you know." 

"So what do you think of the food?" she asked. 

"Lovely," he smiled. "But I think they should've spiced this up a bit more."

"You think so?" she smiled. 

"Yes," he nodded. 

"And the service is good, yes?"

"Yes, indeed."

After they ate, Yubi asked to stay.  "Are you waiting for someone?" Heechul asked suspiciously.

She shook her head. "No, silly. Why do you ask?" she teased.

"Ah nothing," he smiled. "Are you sure I should leave you here? I can accompany you home."

"Yeah, I'm sure. Goodness Heechul. Aren't you sweet?" the goddess chuckled, to which Heechul smiled. 

"Alright then, if you need me, okay? I'm just--"

"Alright, alright, go on!" she laughed now. "Really, I'm going to be okay!"

After another minute of discussing, she was finally able to make him leave. She then went back inside, and headed straight to the kitchen. 

"Miss Lim!"

"W-what are you doing here?"

"Is there anything wrong?"

"Goodness, it's alright, everybody, please calm down," she laughed, while all the other chefs glanced at each other unsurely.

She looked around and found the dish Heechul ordered. "This one," she said, and all came hurriedly to her side. "Can you spice it up a bit, please?"

"Of--of course, Ma'am."

"Please, just Yubi."

"Is there anything else?"

"No, everything's great," she smiled and headed out. "And oh yeah, salary increase tomorrow. Have a good evening, everyone. Work hard for the restaurant!"

She didn't mention to Heechul though, that LGC partly owns it. 


"Have you watched this already?" Heechul asked as he pointed to a movie poster.

"Well, not yet--"

"Do you want to watch it?"

She laughed, "What, now?" she looked at what Heechul wore. Totally exposed to fans. "Shouldn't we get you a cap and shades or something?"

"Oh," Heechul chuckled. "Yeah, I was thinking about that."


"Well would you look at that," Heechul whispered to her. She could feel him moving closer to her. "If she didn't love the guy, she should've told him right away."

"She had her reasons, you know," she smiled. 

"But she made everything harder for both of them," Heechul said. "She should've told him the truth."

"If the truth didn't hurt, nobody would ever lie, don't you think?"

"Good point. But that doesn't make her action right."



Sometimes they'll find their hands connected. And they don't even know how. 

"Do you dance well?" Yubi asked Heechul. "I know I do."

"Oh really now?" Heechul laughed.

"Are you challenging me?" she raised her eyebrow at him. 

"I know a place where you can show those moves."

"Where? Your dance studio?"

"Goodness, Yubi," Heechul laughed. "Haven't gone to a club before?"

Yubi laughed. Of course she has. But not here--

"When would you like to go?"

"Up to you. Tonight?"

"Tonight," Heechul agreed and tangled their pinkies together.


"So! You enjoying so far?" Heechul swore he was already yelling.

"Yeah!" she agreed. 

He brought her not to any club where people end up drunk and someone vomitting and someone else punching each other. They went to a high class club, where people don't just party. They party hard. 

Yubi was only kidding when she said she danced well. Kyou did, but not her. She couldn't dance to save her life. 

"Oh no you don't, you are going to dance," Heechul laughed. Heechul seemed to have so much faith in her, that she gave in and tried anyway. 

"Goodness, Yubi. Don't ever dance again!" Heechul and laughed.

"Hey!" she pouted. "I told you I can't."

"I'm kidding, Yu," Heechul laughed. "Oh look. Seems like we have to go?"

Yubi liked this thing about Heechul. He always seemed to be so concerned about her. She knows he wants to stay longer, but she has work. And yeah, he has practice. 

"Wait for me here," she said and made her way throught the people. 

"Don't get lost," Heechul laughed. 


About ten minutes passed, and still no sign of her. Heechul was already making his way towards the women's washroom. Some random guy was talking to her. The goddess looked clearly uninterested, and absolutely bored. 

"Hey," he called and waved at her. She quickly saw him and a smile lit up her face. "Everything alright here?"

"Yeah," she smiled, but Heechul was looking at the guy, who was still talking. 

"Harmless," she said. The guy was clearly drunk, with no idea what he was blabbering about. "Should we help him?"

Heechul sighed. "Alright," he said and got one of the guy's arm around his neck. 

They found his friends searching for him. "He recently broke up with his girlfriend," they said. 

"Well," Yubi laughed. "Tell him there are a lot of fish in the sea."



"So..you think there are a lot of fish in the sea?" Heechul asked as they walked around the circle. 

"Yes, don't you?"

Heechul laughed. Once, he believed that. But now. He seems to have found the best fish. Time to stop fishing.

He found himself holding her hand. It wasn't awkward. Or possessive. It was..comfortable. Like their hands were molded to perfectly fit each other.

Yubi swung their hands, watching it curiously.

"They say when you clap your hand with somebody and the line that runs along your palm and ends below the pinky connect, you're meant to be," Heechul said. 

"Really?" Yubi smiled. 

"Wanna see?" Heechul asked. 

"What if they don't?"

Heechul smiled and raised his hand. "Shall we see?"

She pressed her hand against his, and opened it. 

"Hey," Heechul sighed. "It's alright, your hand is just a little small."

Although deep inside, both of them doubted that was the reason why the line didn't meet. 

"If you're meant for somebody, you don't have to rely on handlines," Heechul stopped from walking.

"Really now?" Yubi smiled. 

"Yeah," Heechul smiled and stepped closer.

"What should you believe then?" Yubi asked, and took a step toward him. 

"This," he closed the distance and kissed her forehead. 





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