The Bet

"So you're saying you got to know her name, but still no number?" Hangeng asked him. 

"That's the thing, though. I realized, why do I have to get her number? I can just see her and talk to her, you know? That's a hunred percent better. Besides, people like us, we don't do text. That's too much communication and attachment. And those two will eventually lead us to being serious and all that."

"Ah, the player's mind. What are you planning now?"

"Get her."

Hangeng looked at him amused, "Wow. You're taking this one rather seriously."

"After that first meeting rejection? This is a bit of challenge."



Heechul watched as she and a pair went out of the main building, which stands in the middle front of a complex of beautifully engineered buildings. She works for the Lim Group? This woman sure is something to be able to work in LGC. The Lim Group isn't that much. They're simply one of the biggest companies to ever grace South Korea with their innovation. 

She listened as the man and woman talked and laughed about. Once in a while she'd give the occassional nod, and then smile, as if she was used to this kind of thing. Suddenly, she looked his way. Heechul crouched lower behind the car. Idiot. Did she  see him? 

Someone suddenly coughed behind him. He turned around and saw the stunner. She didn't look like he was expecting him to explain himself, why he was hiding. She looked like he was expecting him to leave, as if finding a man beside her car wasn't anything suspicious.

When Heechul finally stood up, but not to the point of showing himself, the stunner then turned to open the door. After a  few seconds, she asked him. "Were you looking for Yubi?"

This caught Heechul offguard. First, the stunner didn't look like someone who would even bother about anyone's life. And second, the answer to her question was indeed a yes. 

"I--uh, no. I'm not. I'm sorry, I was just about to leave."

He hurried off and after what he estimated a safe distance, he turned around and looked for Yubi again. He was so sure the stunner was looking at him amusedly. Dammit, he thought. Yubi's gone. And so are the man and woman. And so is the stunner, the space where the car once was, unoccupied. 

He sighed to himself before leaving. 




The very next day, Heechul asked the receptionist what time Yubi finishes work. She looked at him strangely, which made him uncomfortable. She then asked, "Do you have an appointment, sir?"


"Y-yes. I do, I have a lunch meeting scheduled today."

She glanced at the clock (which he swore looked like it cost a fortune). Nice going, Heechul. Lunch meeting at ten?

But then she sighed. Like this was something common, like Yubi's schedules were hard to organize, and that emergency meetings weren't anything new.  

She glanced back at him then called someone on the phone. "Hello?"

She looked at him for a bit, to which he stiffened and made him turn around. He then walked a little farther away. 


"Kim Heechul."

"Mr. Kim," she said. "Miss.." she seemed hesitant to continue. "..Yubi is about to finish."

"Oh well, great then!" Heechul smiled, before realizing it. "I mean, I'll uh, wait for her. Thank you."

After  about five minutes, the elevator doors opened, revealing the goddess herself, walking alone, luckily. Heechul approached her as she was searching for something in her bag. 

"Hello," he greeted.

She looked up, "Heechul?" She looked around and then back at him, smiling. "What are you doing here?"

He smiled back. "Do you have time for coffee?"





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