


“Yaa, what are you guys doing?” the target, Daehyun, was about to turn around when Sungjong pressed something on his back. Daehyun froze immediately, not even dare to look at the object that was poking his spine.

“You should remain silent and follow us,” Sungjong told him.

“This kid is good,” Sunggyu mumbled, shaking his head with disbelief as he looked at the object that Sungjong was holding on. It was just a thin, short pipe that he had taken from the warehouse.

“What do you want? Money?” Daehyun asked as they walked towards the hummer that was parked right in front of the café. No one else was on the street except for the three of them.

Luck was by their side, Sunggyu thought.

“Get in the car,” Sunggyu pushed him into the hummer when Dongwoo opened the door.

“Yaa, where are you taking me?” Daehyun tried running away but they’d grabbed him by the arm and forced him to step into the hummer.

“Silence, boy,” Sunggyu told him and he turned silent immediately, afraid that they would hurt him. Sunggyu took the cloth that L had given him and tied it around Daehyun’s eyes before he gagged him. Then he sighed and patted Daehyun on the shoulder. “Sorry.”

“That was fast,” Hoya furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

“Yeah, I’m surprised too,” Sunggyu nodded towards Dongwoo. “Let’s go.”

Dongwoo started the engine and drove back to the warehouse. On their way there, everyone was quiet. Daehyun kept turning his head from side to side, as if he could look out the windows. Something didn’t feel right. The mission was somehow dull when Hoya thought about it. Kidnapping Daehyun was a piece of cake.

Was there something else waiting for them at the warehouse?

Could it be that the warehouse was already surrounded by police by the time they got there?

Hoya felt the world spinning around him. His head hurt. The pain was sudden and it produced white spots to his vision. When he closed his eyes, he saw images he’d never seen before. The images flashed before him like a silent film but he couldn’t catch everything. Only one image remained in his head.  

A face. A smiling face.

A young woman.

Hoya opened his eyes and there was nothing but the warehouse. They’d arrived and there was no police. 

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It seems interesting :) Are there going to be consequences for the ones with the tattoos? And please tell me there is a chapter planned that reveals why they were chosen. I actually like your idea and would love to see it's development. One thing though his name is Kim Sunggyu not Lee, besides that I have nothing to say. I hope you will update soon and grace us with a longer chapter :)
Chapter 13: Ohhh the suspense! Update soon!
Chapter 12: 'He'll take whatever it takes...'? That's funny. haha
Ohhhh kidnap Daehyun, now I would definitely like to join in! XD
Minnea #4
Chapter 11: Haha sungyeol you have to be more careful. Oo second mission! Good luck
Chapter 10: yeahhhhhh I was righttttt woohooo loving every moment of this! I wonder who their handlers are? BAP? hehehehe
But then you won't be speed updating this fic like M&P? T___T
Chapter 9: Wow, and to think that Sunggyu didn't plan to point the gun at anyone. He ends up shooting them anyway...he's already anathematized! XD
Minnea #7
Chapter 9: waah That was close Gyu. I love how everyone's all worried about the wires and Hoya's pretty much like I could care less what you do right now. hahaha
Minnea #8
Chapter 8: Hahaha is it bad how much I love Jong? He's so excited its fun haha. Hahh this reminds me of a show I watched in my psychology class. Can't remember way it was called but they invited people to this mansion and were trying to see how easily people could be manipulated pretty much. Was really good
Chapter 8: I'm loving this devil's game~ heheh
Chapter 7: Wait, so the punishment is that they get free spider web tattoos? o,O