


“I’m not doing this! What kind of crap are they expecting from us?” Sungyeol gritted his teeth and kicked an empty barrel irately, causing it to roll away and hit the wall of the warehouse.

The warehouse was old and it seemed like it would collapse any moment. There was no other place for them to take shelter so when they found the warehouse, Hoya had suggested for them to stay there.

“Kidnap? Why would we kidnap a stranger?” Woohyun shook his head disbelievingly. “Why are they making us do this kind of thing? I don’t understand.”

“We’ll just have to do what they told us to,” Hoya crossed his arms and started thinking. Then he walked up to Sungjong who had his eyes glued to the black letter which Zelo had given them the moment they arrived at their destination. “What’s the name of the person again?”

“Jung Daehyun,” Sungjong looked up at him and sighed lightly. “The mission is tougher than the previous one. We’ll have to plan this carefully. We have three days.”

“Why do you sound so eager about planning this out?” Woohyun gazed at Sungjong incredulously. “You do know that what we’re doing is a crime, right?”

“There’s no other choice, Woohyun hyung,” Sungjong gave him a cold stare, his lips forming a tight line. “Do you think they’ll let us do nothing? It’s a bad idea to just sit and watch.”

“But,” Woohyun tried arguing but then he shut his mouth before he cursed under his breath and walked away.

“Kidnapping and demanding for a trade,” Hoya muttered. “We’ll keep an eye on him for one day. Then we’ll make a move when the time’s right.”

“It sounds easy but it’ll be hard to actually do it,” Sungjong frowned.

“We can do it,” Sunggyu sat down next to Sungjong and looked at both of them with a determined look on his face. “I won’t let myself make another mistake. I’ll carry out this mission properly.”

“Yeah,” Hoya nodded. “We should take care of each other. I don’t think they’ll let us complete the mission without adding a little twist to it.”

“I’m worried that Sungyeol would do something reckless,” Sungjong eyed Sungyeol who was leaning against the wall with his eyes closed.

“We’ll keep an eye on him too,” Hoya said as he turned his gaze to Sungyeol. “We can’t let him hurt himself. He keeps saying that he’ll do whatever it takes to escape.”

“Let’s all go to sleep,” Sunggyu told both of them as he got up. “We’ll plan everything tomorrow morning. I’m sure everyone’s too tired to think now.”




Sorry for not updating regularly :( The new mission sounds exciting aye?

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It seems interesting :) Are there going to be consequences for the ones with the tattoos? And please tell me there is a chapter planned that reveals why they were chosen. I actually like your idea and would love to see it's development. One thing though his name is Kim Sunggyu not Lee, besides that I have nothing to say. I hope you will update soon and grace us with a longer chapter :)
Chapter 13: Ohhh the suspense! Update soon!
Chapter 12: 'He'll take whatever it takes...'? That's funny. haha
Ohhhh kidnap Daehyun, now I would definitely like to join in! XD
Minnea #4
Chapter 11: Haha sungyeol you have to be more careful. Oo second mission! Good luck
Chapter 10: yeahhhhhh I was righttttt woohooo loving every moment of this! I wonder who their handlers are? BAP? hehehehe
But then you won't be speed updating this fic like M&P? T___T
Chapter 9: Wow, and to think that Sunggyu didn't plan to point the gun at anyone. He ends up shooting them anyway...he's already anathematized! XD
Minnea #7
Chapter 9: waah That was close Gyu. I love how everyone's all worried about the wires and Hoya's pretty much like I could care less what you do right now. hahaha
Minnea #8
Chapter 8: Hahaha is it bad how much I love Jong? He's so excited its fun haha. Hahh this reminds me of a show I watched in my psychology class. Can't remember way it was called but they invited people to this mansion and were trying to see how easily people could be manipulated pretty much. Was really good
Chapter 8: I'm loving this devil's game~ heheh
Chapter 7: Wait, so the punishment is that they get free spider web tattoos? o,O