New ME

18 Turning 8

Luhan's POV



I wanted to break up with her.

It may sound so sudden but I realized it's the best for both of us.

One month and a half was too short for me to decide but why will I pursue it if it's not going to work out anymore?

Our relationship is getting tiring and suffocating - It's sickening.

Is this enough for me to end it?

I'm not sure of it either.

But, I have to make up my mind. I really have to.






A sweet soft voice called out. I haven't noticed I was already outside their room. I was so absorbed by my own thoughts.


A girl in a pony-tailed hair flashed me a smile. Wearing that simple uniform same as the other girls, if you wouldn't look at her closely, you wouldn't know how she stands out from the crowd of girls in school - she is so simple.  I smiled back at her and said, "Hi."


She is Baek Yoojin, my girl friend and soon to be ex.


"Let's have our lunch. I prepared bento for us." Yoojin proudly said as she shyly locked her hands on mine.

I'm used to it and so she is. Will she be okay if this hand of mine would no longer fits hers? I mentally shook my head. I don't know.


"Sure." I answered her.


Well, guilt started to build up now.  I don't know how will I tell her that I don't like her anymore, that I wanted to break up with her. How will I tell her without her getting hurt? Is that even possible?


I glanced down at her side. Her face showed no worry, just radiance. The subtle perfect curve on her lips told me that she's happy with me. Our proximity brings out the hidden beauty that a few dared to look at. For me, she's the simplest girl that I have ever met but that simplicity made her stood out from the others. That's why I like her.


I am the star player of the soccer team of our school while she is the "Plain Jane" of our school. Popular ME meets the unpopular HER.


How did we end up with each other?



Because of a dog.


It happened two months ago when my team mate Sehun asked me to walk his dog - Jong, for him. I was forced to do it but that doesn't mean I hated dogs; it's just that I was supposed to have my "Me" time that weekend but unfortunately that kid ruined it - I just can't say no to him.

I was holding the strap really tight, afraid that he'll go running all the way the street when suddenly my phone rang. Everything comes in a blur when I felt the strap slipped off  my hand and saw Sehun's dog Jong went running stalls from stalls.

I ran after him, not minding my aching thighs from the strenous practice last time but then that dog's agility tested my stamina and I just noticed him crossing already the street.

Sehun would probably kill me if his dog got lost or the worst died because of my carelessness.

Jong stopped at the middle of the street and I was 5 meters away from him.

I should've expected that to happen - a red sports car was getting on his way really fast and I know that I'd be too late to rescue Jong from his upcoming death. Mentally, I crossed my fingers for someone to save him but I still tried to run, forced my legs to come after him.

It was just milliseconds after the car had passed by beside me when abody hitted me and knocked me down on the sidewalk.


Yoojin is Jong's savior - the heroine.


From that day on, she got my interest and took me several weeks to persuade her to be my girlfriend.


Honestly, she's my first girlfriend and I never thought that being in a relationship is not as easy as eating peanuts or as cool as drinking bubble tea.

They say, the first month is the sweetest but as the days and weeks passed by, it becomes bittersweet.


"Lulu, are you okay? Is there something bothering you?" Yoojin cut off the trail of my thoughts.

I slightly shook my head and then took my pineapple juice to have a long sip. My throat began to dry as I try to look at her eyes. I felt like betraying her. But, I wanted to set her free; I wanted to be freed.


Yoojin is definitely likeable or lovable rather. She has all the good qualities a girl should possess to be a good girlfriend. She's kind, caring, jolly, supportive, witty, hardworking and a good cook - actually, these words aren't enought to fully describe her.

But, I don't like her being so clingy. My friends and team mates often teases me that it's not actually a girlfriend that I've got but a MOM instead.


She sticks on me like a mother. A mother who could not take off her eyes on her son and let her fingers slipped from her baby's hand for a second.Not letting her son’s back got dried from sweat or got bruised from playing. She always do things for him even it’s just as simple as picking up Lego pieces from the floor. Forgetting herself for his son’s sake – that’s her.


She’s a mother not a girlfriend.


I went in Korea to study, to pursue my dreams and to be independent. Though it’s hard at first for me and for my parents,but I don’t let a doubt or a fear to interfere my plans.

I’ve tried so hard to support myself and be as independent as I can be but here she is, making me feel like I’m a type of guy who couldn’t live without her. Like all my life depended on her. I don’t like the feeling it gives me – the feeling of being weak and being spoon fed all the time.

The worst, she always forgets her self for me. I hate it when I see her depriving her self for me. I don’t like it.



“Something’s bothering you. Tell me.”


I felt her hand touched mine. Her touch made all the butterflies flew frantically inside my stomach. Man up Luhan. Man up.




“Yoojin. Let’s meet up tomorrow. We have to talk.” Somehow, I felt the air is getting denser as I try to meet her gaze.


“Why don’t you just tell it to me now?” still wearing her smile that made my guilt grew deeper.


I lightly shook my head on her, “I can’t. Let’s just meet up tomorrow at the park. Same time and same place, as usual.”


“Okay.” She chimely agreed.




The next day…


She came on time like she always do.

But this wouldn’t be the same anymore.



“I found a new place to hang out. After this, maybe, we could drop by there and have---“


“I’m sorry.” I cut her excitement instantly.



Prolongation of agony would only deepen the cuts for both of us.





I didn’t look up but I felt her intense and worried gaze on me.

“Sorry for what?”

“I want a cool off or maybe we better break up.”

Words came out hastily and I felt the acid taste on my mouth.


Her hands cupped my chin up and felt her fingers trembled on my skin. Slowly, I met up her crystal gaze.

“Tell me, is that what you really want?”

Her voice cracked as droplets of tears started rolling down on her pale cheeks.



There was a long silence before I recovered my confidence and answered her, “Yes.”



For one last time, she flashed me her most sincere smile then she left without any single word.

I slumped on the bench, stretched out my legs and breath out for a relief before I decided to leave.



“You guys broke up?”


A guy wearing white tux eating a bucket of chicken spoke beside me.

I rested my back on the bench and scrutinized the stranger. He looks weird but harmless I guess. The guy continued munching his crispy chicken while waiting for my answer.

“Want some?” he offered in a bit muffled voice.

“Thanks but no thanks.”

“Well good for me.” He beams a smile for his self.

“So, you and your girl friend broke up?”


“She looks so down dude. She’s totally broken. Why did you broke up anyways?”


Yeah I know. Why is this guy so interested with my life? I thought.


“I’m sick of her. She’s so clingy – like an overprotective mom. Sometimes, I wanted her to need me as a man too but she never does.”


“Have you talked to her about it?”

I shook my head, “Nope. We haven’t. We don’t really talk about our relationship.”


I’ve seen him leaned back, putting the empty bucket on his right side.


“As I can see little boy, you really knew nothing on her. You’re just looking things at one side. Why don’t you try to open up your mind a little more?” he smiled thinly on me as he tilt his head on my direction.

“But we’re over and---“

“Shhh~” he put a finger on my lips.

“Nothing’s over yet. From my perspective, she’s a rare one. Only a few men stumbled on woman like her. Don’t waste your chance to be happy.”

He removed his finger and then crossed his arms.

“Are you a love guru?” I asked.

He patted my back and then stood up after, “Let’s just say, I’ve seen a lot of break ups and to tell you frankly, it’s not good for the heart. I’m just a concern citizen – I’m Onew. Don’t forget my name.”


He left with a smile on his face. What’s weird with me is, I’ve talked too much to him, spilled too much of my thoughts though I don’t really know him. Seriously, he shook the hell out of me. Nah! You’re just tired Luhan. Maybe, a rest is what you need. Yeah, I just need some rest and everything will be fine. Especially, tomorrow’s my birthday.




A/N: I just wanted to post the first part and the next one would be posted, when? i still don't know but I do have the drafts. I'm just updating first my other ff that is lengthy compare to my one shots. Hope you guys could wait for it. Thanks.

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mirae5 #1
Chapter 3: I like it..good story ♥♥
Chapter 3: A bit confused but okay! Good.
Chapter 2: LMAO Onew xD (I know it's on the first chapter)
And BTS!!!><
Yuan would be so adorable... ^o^
Chapter 2: I wanna see yuan xD wonder how he looks like. This fis is great, funny and all. ^^
Chapter 1: Haha. Onew with his bucket of chicken is so amazing xD now off we go to the next chapter..
Chapter 2: Luhaaaaaen ♡♡♡♡
haha! poor lulu :3
Biginshattest #8
Chapter 2: I like it! It's..... Daebak! :D
Chapter 2: Wow. I liked it.

It really takes two people in an understanding relationship. :)
kkbyebyehaha #10
Chapter 1: Cool story i cant wait for the next update