
We Met Through Annoying Nephews


Cho Kyuhyun is the current CEO of the Cho Interprises.
He had managed the company from the tender age of 17 after his father's health scare. His father had retired and left the company into his only son's capable hands.
Now he was a  young 24 year old workaholic who had absolutely no time for love.
You see, Kyuhyun was a very good judge of character and he could see right through the shady motives of the flirtatious women who shamelessly threw themselves upon him.
So he gave up on searching for that special someone and emmersed himself in handling business meetings and conferences.
It was a sunday morning, that fateful sunday morning which changed his life forever.
Just like any other weekend, Kyuhyun had fallen asleep on his table, his right hand still clutching a ballpoint pen and face planted on the hundreds of sheets sprawled across the table.
Kyuhyun, in short, was married to his job, which was pretty unfortunate since he was so charismatic and alluring.
A sudden shrill ringtone broke the peaceful atmosphere of the room successfully waking up the young man with a jolt.Kyuhyun, rubbing his sleepy eyes, glanced across the room like a little lost puppy. He groaned when he stretched his arm in a motion to grab the phone which was still ringing incessantly.
Cursing at the thousand pins and needles which surged his arms. He flapped his limbs comically trying desperately to bring back some circulation.
He answered the phone in a husky voice from sleep,"Hello..?"
He cringed when a high pitch voice belonging to his elder sister, Ahra, drilled into his ears."Kyubaby! Good morning" Ahra chirped merrily.
Kyuhyun sighed audibly,"What is it Noona?What do you want me to do now?" 
Ahra gasped,"Dont be so mean Kyubaby! I do not call you only when I need something."
"Really? So what is it then?" he challenged while arranging the sheets on the table.
"Well...You see"Ahra Noona spoke hesitantly.
"Is that horse troubling you Noona?Want me to take care of him for you?" Kyuhyun asked cracking his knuckles in a threatening way.
"Why do you dislike my husband so much Kyubaby?" asked Ahra exasperatedly.
"Because he took away my most precious person away from me." Kyuhyun mumbled.
Ahra smiled knowingly, and cooed" My Kyubaby is so adorable~"
"Okay! I need you to come over as soon as possible" she commanded.
"Noona! I have important work at the coorporation"Kyuhyun complained.
"I already called your secretary asked her about your schedule so dont you dare lie to me Kyubaby!" Ahra threatened.
"And Sandeullie here is really excited to see you~"she tried teasingly.
"Fine.."came the defeated reply.
"I'll be over in an hour...."
"Hurry up Kyubaby~" she cooed before keeping the phone.
Kyuhyun grimaced, what would his associates think when they came to know about how their generally stern and poised boss melted and succumbed to his Noona's wishes so easily?
He just had enough time for a warm shower and a quick meal of toast with blueberry spread and a cup of steaming green tea. Kyuhyun was never the one for coffee, he disliked the bitter liquid and prefered the much healthier green tea.
Dressed in a grey sweater that hugged his body snugly and a pair of blue jeans that accentuated his thighs and blessed bottom, Kyuhyun locked his apartement securely and with quick steps walked towards his car.
After instructing the driver he settled into his seat comfortably,he flipped through The Economist Magazine, scrutinizing over the deals made by the opposing company. Kyuhyun was a ruthless entrepreneuer who took his resposiblities seriously, a bit too seriously.
He reached Ahra's apartment within 20 minutes and rang the bell, waiting impatiently for his elder sister to open the door. Ahra soon opened the door with a hassled look on her face.
Tugging Kyuhyun by the wrist she yanked him inside and closed the door quickly. 
"Kyuhyunnie! I need you take Sandeullie to the hospital..."she started.
"MWO?! What happened to my duck? Where is he?!" panicked Kyuhyun.
Slapping her brother's head lightly, she spoke," Stop making assumptions! Deullie is fine...Its just that its time for his body checkup."
Kyuhyun leaned over his sister and peeked into the living room,"Noona,Why isnt Sandeul blinking?!"
"Yeah,baby deullie goes into a trance as soon as that cartoon program is on..."she explained.
"You guys need to leave now. Sandeul should be back before evening, okay?Dont cause trouble!"
"Noona! Its a hospital! What could go wrong?" he asked while planting himself behind the chubby mass of cuteness. 
"Okay.. I must go hurry....Have fun "she spoke hesitantly before leaving her munchkin in Kyuhyun's care.
Kyuhyun blocked the television screen and brought his face close to the 5-year old.
"AAAAAAHHHH!!!" screamed Sandeul. 
"Uncle Kyuuuu! Dont do that!"Sandeul squealed clutching his chest and breathing heavily.
"Sorry deullie"Kyuhyun spoke while scratching his head.
"Lets go?"
"Where? Are you treating me to blueberry yogurt again,Uncle Kyuuuu?"Sandeul
"We are going to the hospital for your checkup."explained Kyuhyun while taking Sandeul's baby requirements that Ahra had packed before leaving.
"Hmmph! I dont want to go." sulked Sandeul.
"Im watching Adventures of Piggybunny.. Dont disturb me." 
"Why you little...!" scolded Kyuhyun while grabbing the squishy boy on the floor.
"Lemme gooooo!!" screamed Sandeul.
Kyuhyun lifted the struggling kid into his arms easily," Its just few stupid stick figures running around Deullie...Why do you even watch it?!"
"STUPID? STICK FIGURES?!" screamed Sandeul incrediously,squirming in Kyuhyun's arms.
"Lets just go Sandeul." spoke Kyuhyun before leaving the house.
"Noooooo~" whined Sandeul loudly in misery.
Strapping a sulking Sandeul into the seatbelt, Kyuhyun plopped on the seat beside him after speaking to the driver.
"Im sorry, okay?"
"Are you gonna ignore me Sandeul?"
"I'll buy you blueberry yogurt later....!"
"Youre so mean Uncle Kyuuu You always know my weakness." pouted Sandeul with his eyebrows scrunched together.
"But you love your Uncle Kyuu, anyways.." teased Kyuhyun ruffling his chubby nephew's hair affectionately.
"True..." admitted Sandeul grudgingly.
The rest of the car ride went smoothly except for the playful teasing, tickling, tackling and occasional screaming. 
They got down from the car and walked towards the Sunshine Hospital hand in hand.
Sandeul was skipping excitedly with an aura of happiness surrounding him. People stopped and smiled at the little ball of sunshine that was galloping forward, pulling his uncle with him.
Sandeul cheerful face dropped as soon as they entered the melancholic lobby of the hospital. 
"Uncle Kyuu.. I dont like the hospital. I want to go home." he whimpered.
"Come on Deullie! Dont be that way. It will be fine, trust me."assured Kyuhyun.
"I'll treat you to Blueberry yogurt!" tried Kyuhyun looking down at the boy who stood still with widened eyes staring at someone.
"PIGGYBUNNY!!" he screamed excitedly before rushing towards someone before Kyuhyun could move a muscle.
Sandeul ran to a gorgeous figure and immediately latched on to the male nurse's leg squealing happily.
Lee Sungmin was startled out of his mind when a little hurricane glomped him. He laughed before crouching down to the boy's level.
"Hello sweetie! What's your name?" he asked warmly.
"I'm called Sandeul. Piggybunny!" chirped Sandeul happily.
Kyuhyun rushed towards them," Yah! Lee Sandeul.. Dont run away like t-that..." 
Kyuhyun was left agape when the figure finally turned towards him.
He stared at the beautiful man in front of him. The man had milky white complexion, plump bow shaped pink lips that looked so kissable and his eyes was what made Kyuhyun breathless.
The male nurse's eyes was filled with child-like innocence, compassion and mirth.
He felt himself drawn towards the stranger.
He was shaken out of his spellbound state when the beautiful angel spoke," You are Sandeul's father?" 
"What?! Nooo..Uncle Kyuuu is my uncle,Piggybunny!" explained Sandeul cutely.
Sungmin seemed to relax and he looked more happy at the revelation.
Kyuhyun yelped positively horrified,"You cant call anyone Piggybunny like that, Deullie! Apologize to this nice man here."
Sandeul pouted at Kyuhyun cutely.
"Oh I dont mind actually. Its okay! You can call me whatever you like~ Sandeul" laughed Sungmin.
"Yaaay Piggybunny!" yelled Sandeul glomping Sungmin again.
"We need to have a check up.."mentioned Kyuhyun.
"Oh yes of course. Wookie!" called out Sungmin to another petite nurse.
"Can you take care of Sandeul here?" 
"I want my Piggybunny! Not him!"whined Sandeul.
Sungmin laughed again,ruffling Sandeul's brown mop of hair,"Okay then Sandeul, You can have me. Is that alright?" 
Nodding furiously Sandeul agreed to his Piggybunny.
"Can I have your name sir.....?"asked Sungmin hesitantly.
"Cho Kyuhyun"he replied quickly.
"Okay, just follow me Kyuhyun-shi."
Grabbing his nephew's chubby hand he followed the smaller man into a room that was decorated brightly with stars and bunnies.
"Woaaaoh!" Sandeul mumbled while twirling cheerfully in the room. 
Patting a seat, Sungmin spoke,"Come here Sandeul.Lets get you a check up.."
Sandeul wordlessly sunk into the seat with his chubby short legs dangling down.
"Umm.. Kyuhyun-shi. You can sit there." he said while pointing to a chair near Sandeul.
"Just Kyuhyun will be fine err.."
"Lee Sungmin"
"Sungmin." mumbled Kyuhyun finding the name rolling of his tongue quite comfortably.
Pushing down the butterflies in his tummy from Kyuhyun's intense stare, Sungmin said,"Show me your tongue Sandeul."
"Mommy says its bad manners." pouted Sandeul adorably.
Sungmin chuckled,"Its okay Deullie.I need to examine your throat. Say Aaaah!"
Sandeul put out a very pink tongue almost immediately,"Aaaah.."
"It looks fine.."he mumbled while writing down.
"Lets check your weight now shall we?"asked Sungmin walking Sandeul to weighing scale.
"Dont jump on the scale like that Deullie!" reprimanded Kyuhyun to a bouncing Sandeul. 
Sandeul frowned but he stayed still looking down his nose to see his weight. 
"14 kilograms" Sungmin noted down the record again.
"Now we'll check your height!" said Sungmin cheerfully,leading Sandeul to a wall where the scale was pasted on.
"Put your feet together, Sandeul and stand straight,okay?"
"40 inches..."
After examining Sandeul's ears, his eyesight and his nose, Sungmin motioned for them to take a seat.He pulled out a pink lollipop from a drawer and few bunny stickers and placed them in Sandeul's eager hands.
"Reward for being so well behaved!"
Sandeul giggled cutely accepting the present that his Piggybunny gave him.
After calculating the chubby boy's body mass index, Sungmin concluded looking Kyuhyun in the eyes," Sandeul is very healthy. There is nothing to be worried about at all." 
"I see that he hasnt been given the hepatities B vaccination. So you need to here again next week.Sandeul is growing well. I dont see any other problem here." he smiled warmly leaning over the table towards Kyuhyun.
Kyuhyun's breath hitched when the other male came closer towards him.
It was the first time that he felt something such a strong pull towards someone.
And he loved it. 
After booking an appointment with Sungmin for the next Sunday, Kyuhyun and Sandeul got up to leave.
Sandeul bounded towards Sungmin. He flailed his chubby arms motioning for Sungmin to lean towards him.
Sandeul pressed a wet kiss to Sungmin's cheek," That's your reward Piggybunny! Mommy says that kind people must be rewarded. And you are the kindest bestest person ever! "
Sungmin crouched down to Sandeul's level and laughed," Arent you the cutest? Thank you Sandeul!"
"Uncle Kyuuu~ You should reward Piggybunny too like me!"


So if you liked the first part of the three-shot, Dont forget to comment, subscribe and upvote!
Thankyu for reading my work.
Have a super-duper Super Junior filled happy day! ^^
Until next time! 
 ~95anichan signing off <33


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The update will be late.I'm really busy these days.Im halfway through the chapter~ Wo ai ni


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Alice_K26 #1
Chapter 3: Ohh myyyy i likee it veryy muchh...
Thank youuuu
casanova7 #2
Chapter 3: this story is so cute and adorable. thank you for sharing :)
Mingsshi #3
Chapter 4: thanks for shared this sweet fic ^^ i would like to read the sequel
Mingsshi #4
Chapter 3: welcome barobunny \O/ thanks for distracts sandeul's attention from that love bird
Mingsshi #5
Chapter 2: too immersed staring at piggybunny *pats kyu*
Mingsshi #6
Chapter 1: nurseMin >< and
adorable sandeul. oh that was nice idea sandeul !! uncle Mingsshi literally
do somersault rite now XD
ayachi_casey #7
Chapter 3: Sweet story.
I live it so much.
Simple but so touched.
Cupid Sandeul is so adorable and cute.
Happily ever after for KyuMin~
Thanks for shared authornim.
I'm sorry just leave comment on last chapter.
Chapter 3: BARObunnyyyyy~~~ kyaaaah! i hope there would be a slight badeul on the sequel~~~ hihji
Chapter 1: you cutie little patootie ducky! wae so cute deullieeeee~~~
hanie1 #10
Chapter 3: So nice! Sandeul is really naughty! And I love the rainbow trick. It really worked well. The ending was so cute! Love it!