Who Is She?

Never Let Me Go


Your P.O.V 

- Dreaming -

 You open your eyes and appear to be standing in the middle of an everlasting field, with grass knee high “What… Where am I?” you mumble to yourself, for no reason in particular you start running, running where? You only run further into more grassy lushness until finally a large figure of some sort is visible to your eyes ahead. As you continue running the figure becomes clearer and you realise you’ve been running towards an old manor, you reach the door step of the manor and quietly knock on the door, nothing happens so you place your hand on the door handle ready to open it, only to blink and find yourself already inside “Huh? What just happened...?” you look around and see dust and cobwebs everywhere, you notice a staircase and decide to investigate upstairs first. As you reach the top you look forward and see a long hallway with doors on both sides of the walls, you open the door to your right and step in, the first thing you notice is a large portrait of a handsome man hanging on the wall above the king-sized bed “Gee, someone’s vain” you mumble, then continue looking around the room, there doesn’t appear to be anything interesting in the room so you move on to the next room.

 You step inside the room noticing a large dresser with a huge mirror, you see a small jewellery box on the drawers and open it up and see what looks like a heart-shaped emerald necklace, you gently pick up the delicate item and hold it to your neck and look up to the mirror to see how it looks, however that’s not the only thing you see, you drop the necklace in shock and quickly turn around to face the figure now walking towards you. “I- I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be looking in the jewellery box!” you look more closely at the man making his way towards you and realise he’s the handsome man you saw in the portrait in the other room. “Hey wait a minute… You’re the guy from the picture in the other room” you laugh nervously in attempt to cut the tension, you also step back as he continues to move closer “Ah… Do you own this lovely place..? Who are you? WAIT, WAIT NO!! DON’T COME ANY CLOSER PLEASE!” your attempts in getting him to stop failed he’s now got you cornered. It’s not like you to be running away from such a handsome looking guy, but he’s got killer eyes that draw you near but also send shivers down your spine, and as if to be in a trance you step towards him despite the fact that your mind is telling you to run away.


Handsome guy’s P.O.V

 I just went outside to get some fresh air but then I sensed something, no not something but someone- A human and when I came back inside I noticed that one of the doors in the hallway upstairs was open and so went inside the room to investigate only to find a girl picking up the heart-shaped emerald necklace which was in the jewellery box on the drawers. She holds the necklace to her neck and looks at herself in the mirror, she also notices me standing here staring at her, for some reason I just start walking towards the girl. As I near her, getting closer and closer she becomes more scared and starts saying things in attempt to get me to stop, I don’t mean to scare her, I mean that’s the last thing I want to do but I don’t know what’s come over me. I notice that she’s a really pretty girl and as I get her cornered she yells at me one last time but then begins stepping towards me. We’re now inches apart but suddenly there’s a flash of bright white and blue light and the pretty girl disappears.

 Who was that girl and why did she just disappear like that…? Maybe she was the one sent to help me, help me get back to my true home that is, where ever that is, I’m not even sure. I’m sick of living in this old manor, I never see anyone and don’t even know why I’m here, what I do know however is that I’m not human I can sense things that humans can’t. The only memory of my past that I have is of a beautiful woman- My mother I think she was, she looked after me until one day she too disappeared, but before she disappeared she told me that I was to escape with the help of someone,  but I will also have to give something up if I escape. I always wonder about what it is that I’ll have to give up, considering I have nothing really important to me here in this manor I just think that it won’t be something meaningful to me.

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xxBigBangVIP #1
First chapter you're dreaming
lovis89 #2
oh a dream...or not..