L♥ve Cruise? Part 2

In L♥Ve With My Roomate Boyfriend


Chapter 25 - L♥ve Cruise?  Part 2.



“Wow… Big…” Miri said amazed running her eyes around the big fancy cruise. The others were looking at the cruise too, amazed but not as amazed as her.

(okay... epic fail of mine... i know the ship says  "Liberty of the Seas" so think of it as "The Sweet Mary"  (sh*t i should have googled for this ship first and then give its name because it sounds SO much better... Okay... and this is just to give you a clue of how the cruise is supposed to look like...)


“Let’s go.” The manager called giving the clerk their tickets. They nodded and grabbed their bags. There were many people to enter the cruise. Everyone using summer clothes as, shorts, cotton shirts, slippers and hats. Among women there seemed to be a fashion contest. Each dress was more beautiful than the other, each hat was more flamboyant than the other, had also the brave ones who wore huge heels.
As they approached more to enter, there is multilingual conversations I mean, there were people of various nationalities. It seems that this cruise attracts many people.

Coming upstairs, the manager came first followed by Miri, Taemin, Jonghyun, Onew, Minho, and finally Key.


Those steps wobble a bit because of the slight agitation of the sea. Taemin firmly gripped the railing with both hands, his gaze stared at the ocean beneath their feet. A slight feeling of vomiting came on him.

Miri turned back when Taemin hit her. She looked at him and then turned that look to his hands. Miri gave a nervous little sigh, and without thinking twice she grabbed his hand.
Taemin lifted his gaze to her startled, his eyes fell on their hands that were firmly grasped.
A warm wave of security and trust washed his body. The feeling was strange though. At the moment the two hands touched looked like the moment when their lips touched. But this time the feeling that was incomplete just completed.

And now more than ever he had the absolute certainty that he loved her deeply. He loved her more than anything. More than himself ...
In her eyes he was weak and yielded to her smile. Because it was the most amazing, stunning, beautiful thing he has ever seen. And now more than ever he wanted her. He wanted her by his side. The one who brought him the most beautiful feeling in the world. The one who stayed with his gaze and his air.


* Love you, Love you, Love you...
Only you... *


  "Wow..." Key said joining the other five amazed faces. "A-Are we really inside a cruise?"

 “Ye-Yeah…” Onew answered and then turned to Miri who was still startled by her side was Taemin. And… they were holding hands…

 Something just stabbed Onew straight in his heart. That sight was, for him, somehow unexplainable agonizing.

 Not feeling his gaze Taemin and Miri were still there holding hands, but not sensing that they were holding hands. Big walls formed around them separating them for a while from the world. Both were feeling wonderful inside but none mattered about what caused that.

 “Why are you two holding hands?” Jonghyun asked fishy.

 Taemin and Miri turned to Jonghyun confused and then they turned to each other. They were too close to each other, so that made them look down… To their hands…

“I-I…” Miri stammered as soon as they parted their hands. “I was helping him climbing the stairs cause they were so shaky…”

“Yah Are you a little kid or what? And why were you still holding hands?”

“Waah this huge sight of this cruise just astonished us!” Taemin replied trying to make a point.

“Hm… Okay I believe you…” Jonghyun started to tease. “I won’t tell Eun Mi nothing…” He winked.

Taemin, who was looking at the sight of the pools and bars of the cruise, let his eyes fall in the ground winning a heavy weight in his entire body.

Miri sighed and looked away avoiding of showing her sad eyes.



Miri's P.O.V


Like... i'm a little Never-seen-that-before-and-gets-easily-surprised-with-eyes-glowing-for-something-espectacular...


But i gotta say... OMFG TO THIS CRUISE!!! It's BREATHLESS... well for me... that never seen or been in this beauties before...

Well, me and the boys planned on leaving our stuff in our room and then do a tour around the cruise and see what else :)

So we got to the dorms corridor. And when reaching our rooms each one entered their respective rooms. Myself and I in one room. The manager ad Jonghyun, Key and Onew, Minho and Taemin.

But one of the things that impressed me the most in this cruise was the bedroom...!!! I was like O.O

I mean... is a cruise supposed to have all of this???

Thank you god for letting me experience this at least once in my life!

As my smile became wider I dropped my bag onto the floor and i jumped into the bed!


As i feel the sweet vanilla perfume around the sheets, instantly my body relaxes. My mind plunged a little more over the smell. My eyes were half closed and my mind was calm and feeling so light...


The first thing that pops into my mind...

All times are at him smiling and laughing inside my little head ... I bite my lower lip when the moments of our kisses jump into my mind too. Why do I get so weak and melancholy at the thought?? My little heart beats so freely ... I can't give up on him ... on this feeling ... Don't blame me ... Heart is weird ...

I take advantage that I'm here and I change clothes. Unhurried and slowly I take off my shirt and then my jeans. As I undressed, a flashback hits in my head.


I don’t like this one… Let’s take it off.

OMG… It’s not getting out!


OMO! I ripped it! AAAAHH! How much it cost….?

“WHAT! 3000500 wons??? You must be kidding!!! It’s like almost 2000 euros” I whispered, well that was more like a yelling whisper” and I started to panic.

“Miri-ah…” Someone called me from outside.

“Unnie!!! “ I opened the curtain when I saw that it wasn’t Eun Mi… it was TAEMIN! …

We exchanged glances, he stood with his mouth open as I was. I was so stunned! I couldn't think... Then he looked at me from bottom to top. He shivered all over. After that i quickly covered myself with the hands and he turned his head away. He dropped the clothes into my cab and ran. I closed the curtains in a crash. And I fell to the ground with my eyes wide at what had just happened….

I couldn't believe! Taemin just saw me ! (technically)



A slight smile forms on my lips. I remembered really well that episode...

Long time ago... Almost a month...

I'm happy to have memories... They might be just few but that stills makes me smile.

Without noticing here I am in front of a mirror looking at the whole me. I don't really like to look at my body in the mirror... because after a while I see faults all over it... So i quickly grab my cute and simple yellow dress and black flat shoes and i put them all on. I'm going simple nothing much...



And I add my sunflower necklace...Yeah my favourite flower since kindergarten... The name of the kindergarten that I attended was "Sunflower"... So I got a bit influenced by this place... They showed us so many beautiful things about sunflowers and they talked everytime about sunflowers... So i was a little girl fascinated for that long, big and beautiful  flower... well i still am fascinated by it... And another reason that i got to like sunflower is because it overflows my favorite color, yellow. And that flower somehow just by looking at it, it makes me smile... But that's another story... ;) It was kind of strange though when I heard about Taemin's sunflower type of girl...



Well I don't blame him. Sunflowers are bright and they always look at the sun... 

Well I’m not saying that I’m bright, but that I always look at him... yeah…




“Taemin, are you feeling better?” I asked him, I’m still worried because he gets seasick and the ship has already left the port.

“Hm-“ He started but was cut by Key.

“Of course! Well he should be. I gave him medicine earlier… It should help him from throwing up often and feel dizzy…”

“Yeah much better.” He said, I smiled.




Taemin’s P.O.V


While we were walking to the deck, I couldn’t take my eyes of her. Yellow was her color. She looked beautiful in that dress and with that necklace. The sunflower necklace that she wore just simply combined with her bright smile. How can she do this to me?

“Taemin, are you feeling better?” Miri asked me dragging me out of my thoughts.

“Hm-“ I was going to reply but Key cut me.

“Of course! Well he should be. I gave him medicine earlier… It should help him from throwing up often and feel dizzy…”

Yeah thanks Umma.

“Yeah much better.” I said and she smiled. She smiled. I love her smile. I love it deeply.


* Is it possible to fall deeper for her?

When will my heart stop and settles?

How in the world can this love grow more? *



No One's P.O.V



While visiting the cruise, they all chatted happily. Even Minho accompanied the conversation more than before. I mean, before he followed the conversation, but now he fells much more comfortable with her. Miri appreciated his politeness and gentlemanly, but also loved his funny and comfortable personality.

Jonghyun and Key were funny together. Whenever one did something stupid the other commented wryly. Jonghyun was big joker and enjoyed doing pranks to Key because he was an easy target for him. Onew was sometimes incomprehensible. Whenever the opportunity arose he let out a joke about the situation and the only one who laughed at all times was Miri. Sometimes the boys turned to Miri, and laugh just because the things she laughed weren’t funny. Taemin sometimes behaved like a child. When he saw something funny, he ran and went to play. Miri,another child, also went and played.
Sometimes, between them, they wondered with whom Miri looked like the most.

Because she was a chicken lover and as clumsy as Onew, as child as Taemin, she and Jonghyun liked to “flirt” with each other, in joking way and she helped Jonghyun with his pranks. And she was kind of Umma like too because she worries about everyone easily. 


“Look!” Key pointed walking to the bow of the ship making the others follow him. When they reached there he gave a smirk and then he couldn’t take it and started to laugh.

(Click on the link pleeease! : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWDPrEn-IbI&feature=related)

“What does this reminds you?” He walked up more and opened his arms as if he was the king of the seas. Jonghyun smirk and walked towards him.

“One person left!” He grabbed him like in Titanic. (A/N: JongKey Moment!!!) Key turned and found Jonghyun and then slapped his hands.

“Yah! Why do I have to be the girl??” Key yelled.

“Stop acting like one ,I’ll consider.” He joked winning a death glare from Key.

Everybody threw weird glances at them and then they just started to laugh.

“Miri-ah! Come up here, you’ll be my Rose and I’ll be your Jack!” He shouted due the strong wind. Miri blushed and then Key grabbed her hand.

“She’s not going! Let’s go Miri!” He dragged her from there. Miri with wide eyed looked back and saw Onew making them a “wait for me wave” and the others following them.

Taemin’s eyes unconsciously stared at the sea. His head started to some light spins and his stomach was feeling a bit dizzy too. He shook his head trying to put himself together and with his hands he rubbed his face.


“How cute is this???” Miri pouted at the cute bunny necklace. Now they were in a Jewellery Shop

(Ok, u may stop the music now!!!)


Miri stirred on all jewelery admired because they were so beautiful. Jewelery was anotherthing she loved to buy. But today she had no money. So she was admiring them from afar. She liked colorful bracelets. The colors have always fascinated her, she liked all the colors and especially the yellow and green.


When observing and discussing with the boys, she suddenly hit her eye on something different from the style of this store. That certainly stood out from the other jewelery. Itsdelicate design, the sweet but sophisticated image. The rounding of the sides that were supposed to be sharp. The cover made ​​of glass pebbles that looked like diamonds in the corners. And the little moon-shaped inside was interesting. One of the nicest things she ever saw. Her eyes glowed in fascination, her lips smiled gently. It was just beautiful. Her hands slowly touched the thing with a little fear, and retreated a little later. But they did not gave up and moved closer and touched again.

"It's beautiful, huh?" A store employee came out of nowhere with a big smile. Miri noddedtaking a quick look at the girl and then returned to the beautiful necklace. The boys noticed the two interested in something and approached. "They say there are only 10 such programs worldwide. And this is one of them. It's real. "


* Only 10? * She thought admired. * Well on a cruise like this ...*

"It's beautiful!" Onew admired too. Miri turned to him and smiled in agreement. Taemin that was a little behind the group a approached a little and saw Miri fascinated looking at something. His gaze shifted direction to the necklace.

"It costs 900 U.S. dollars. I mean in this shop that is the discount that we do. "

Miri was disappointed. Her smile dropped. But what should she do? That money wasn't going to appear. It was beautiful but ...
She lifted her body and instantly looked at the clock.


"Let's go ... It is already seven, you have to go get ready. "


Onew  her head to comfort her and she responded with a smile. They went out first and then followed by others.

"Taemin, kaja." Minho said seeing his there alone maknae still looking at the necklace.

“N-Ne hyung.” He ran towards him.




“Oppa you are the first to sing. Hwaiting!” Miri smiled to Onew. He smiled back.

“Cheer for me okay?

“Yeah.” She hugged him. Onew’s eyes widened and his heart started to race. Her gentle touch and sweet fragrance made ​​him nervous.





“Why would Taemin do such thing if he has a girlfriend?”

“I don’t know…”

“We got to talk with him…” Key suggested. “No... You are going to talk with him…”


“But you know more about this then I do!” Key commanded. “What was about that hug of you and Miri earlier???”


Onew looked at him nervous because he brought that topic up.

“She is just going thru some issues. And I am his friend. I was there to comfort her…”

“Just don’t go too deep in this friendship thing... because you can fall for her…”

“No. That is not going to happen… She is like a little sister to me...”

“I hope.”




*Key-ah...I think I’m falling for her...*


Onew started to sing this song -----> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFtzQY30YmU

The atmosphere was splendid. Because it was a cruise for couples the mood was romantic .

They were out there near the swimming pools, and under a magnificent moonlight. Full moon. 

It was a perfect summer evening for couples. Couples holding hands or linked arms while enjoying the music. All dressed in light clothes not too formal. The womens even had flowers in their hair and the men wore shorts.

It seemed that everyone loved Onew's voice. Who would not love it? His voice was sweet and relaxing. And his English was very good in music.
Miri sometimes doubted whether Onew was just kidding with her whenever she tried to speak English with him.

Miri turned to the audience and saw the Walkers, the couple from earlier today.

The other performances were;
- Jonghyun with "Nothing Better" - Music in Korean but had great responses from the public.His voice was something to give value.

-SHINee singing "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz.

and etc etc...

After the perfomances the SHINee boys were thanked by a wave of aplauses. People complimented a lot their singing skills and their looks.


"Miriam!" Someone called. Miri turned back and saw the Walkers coming in their direction.

"Oh, Hi!" She smiled nicely. "So did you enjoy the show?"

"It was fantastic!" Olivia started to talk smiling widely. "Such talented boys and handsome! Where are they from?"

"Seoul in Korea. Actually they are singers in Korea! They are pretty famous around Asia and now a little in the world..."

"Really? Celebrities? No wonder they are so cute!"

"Yeah... Do you... want to meet them?" Miri asked.

"Thought you'd never ask!" Olivia got excited. Miri walked up to the boys and talked to them. And then she came back with the boys.

"Hello!" They all said in unison smiling and they did a small bow.

"Olivia, this is SHINee" She started in english and then said in Korean. " SHINee this is Olivia and Anthony Walker! We met at the hotel."

And then she returned to english.

"This is Onew, Key, Minho, Jonghyun and..."


"Oh, yeah that's right you remember." Miri said admired, Taemin smiled and did a small bow.

"Hi nice to meet you again!" Taemin said in english with a cute accent.

"Hi~! How can i forget this cute little thing!" She pinched his cheeks. (A/N: :P she is getting to close) Taemin´s cheeks reddened and he gave a shy smile. "I thought that you two were a couple! Isn't it Anthony?"

"Yeah. She kept saying that it would be nice if you were one!" He replied and she nodded. The boys glared them weirdly. Miri and Taemin sweatdropped and they looked away trying to avoid those glances.

"Miriam, where are you from? I see you're not Korean but you speak Korean!"

"Oh me? I'm from somewhere near france." She replied. (A/N:okay weird answer :P)

"Good! And you speak english so well!" She praised. Then her husband called her saying that they have to go.

"Oh I'm sorry... We got to go! Bye~!" She said and the others waved at them. And they left.


"So! let's eat??? Bae neomu geopayo! (trans: I'm very hungry)" Miri pouted cutely with her hands covering her belly.

They smiled and like good friends, one her hair gently, other placed his arms around her shoulders and they walked to their table.






"Onew hyung´s face was EPIC when i stole him his chicken!" Minho laughed at Onew's frowning face.

"If you weren't going to do it i was going!" Key laughed too. Everybody was laughing so hard remembering the scene. "He was taking so long to put it in the mouth that i was starting to get impacient!"

"Do you know something called enjoying the moment???" He said angry. And then he did a baby voice and pretended to be crying. "Miri-ah~ snif snif.... They stole my chicken!" He pouted with a lost and betrayed puppy face.

"Oppa sorry but, I think i would do he same thing." She merong"ed" him. "But you know, I totally understand you! The last chicken leg is always special... It somehow tastes diferently, much better than the others..."

"Ooohh~ IT WAS!" Minho teased and then watching Onew's gaze he burst into laughs.

"Onew... maybe next time!" Jonghyun patted his shoulder joking. "Be careful..." He whispered.






Taemin was lying on his bed staring at the ceiling. He was not feeling very well. His stomach was spinning and he was dizzy. An urge to vomit gave him from time to time. Not taking it anymore, Taemin got out of bed.

"What's going on?"  Minho asked with a sleepy voice looking at the restless Taemin.

"I'm going out for some air..." He put his shoes on and left the room.


At the other side Miri was watching TV. She sleeps late. She hasn't yet accustomed to jet lag, not even in Korea because Sidney and Korea as only one hour of difference. So at night she would open the TV and watch some cartoons or fun shows.

While whatching Phineas and Ferb on a diferent channel other than the disney channel. Someone knocked at her door. She heard it but she didn't get up to go answer. The cartoon was just to funny and she thought that if the person really needed her he would knock twice. And so it happened.

She got up and opened the door.

No one.

She looks right to left. No one. She walks a little to stairs and she sees no one. So she was going back to her room when she spotted Taemin by a glass door outside.

Slowly she approached the boy. She had her slippers on and she was wearing a jacket with her pijamas beneath it.

He was leaned at the door watching at nowhere. His face expressed confusion and sadness. It's easy to guess who he was thinking about. But no easy for Miri. She didn't had a clue but yet wanted to approach him. With her eyes staring at his gorgeous back figure her steps felt as she was flying. Somehow Taemin just turned around their eyes met. 

It was like in movie. Time stopped, the backround music only on their ears, no one around. And their heartbeat loud sound. Though they were separeted by a glass wall their gaze, that showed the love they had hidden for each other was true...



Hi everyone! 

Sorry if i disapoint you in this chapter or if you liked it 'im happy :)

This is going to be my last update for a long time. I'm going to travel and i'll be back in 3 weeks. 

well sorry :( 

In this story is going to happen somethings....

What do you think it will be the reaction of EunMi when she finds out that Miri likes Taemin?

And Onew? What will happen?

Taemin and Miri's story will not be that easy. Because unexpected and maybe bad things will happen to them... (am i spoiling too much?) 

Oh! there is going to appear a new character in this story. 



So see you in 3 weeks! (or more... I dont know...) 

Make sure you guys eat healthy food! And be happy!


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I'm sorry. I'm having a HUGE BLOCK here


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Chapter 43: Please update! is beautiful story!!!
Chapter 39: I just start to read yesterday this story and I really fall in love! It is so funny, cute, sad and emotional... It feels so real.. My first thought was after reading the synopsis was: this is my story! Haha I am planning to go to Korea to meet him (but hope he doesn't have a girlfriend u.u)! Haha okay, maybe I'm talking to to much ;)
I was touched at the moment when Taemin appeared at the airport.. My eyes were tearing :'( haha And I loved Taemin's performance at immortal song, because it really suits to your story! Wow! ^.^
Many thumbs up!
Chapter 42: Please update soon! :)
Roxanna123 #4
Chapter 42: I can't wait for the update! You did an amazing job! Keep up the good work.
Silver9311 #5
Chapter 41: update soon T.T
MelodySovarez #8
Helo Lila1414, how are you doing? I really miss you and your writing. I apologize to have not been able to comment for so long. This great website was blocked in my area and I was so upset for it. I miss reading your story so much because I love it! <3

:) And did you use the "You tag" or did you really type my name on the Author's note? :)
Thank you... :)
*I feel happy*

Remember, I will always support you! Always be there for you! Feel free to communicate with me. Take care Lila1414! =D

I will look forward for your updates.! ^.^ But you don't need to be in much hurry because it is very good to think things out first and use your imaginative and creative ideas for your story...
Hwaiting! ^O^

OHMYGOD i cracked up when key said "No im not ready to be a grandma" and dont compare to the dinosaur to a frog Ahah LMAO Gotta love that diva btw update please :)