The Letter

Dear Yongguk Oppa, I'm sorry this is in English and you probably won't understand a majority of it, but Korean is really hard to learn. Your music has really changed my life, and I don't know what I would do without it. Music isn't as meaningful in the U.S. as it once was, and that's what really attracted me to BAP; there's a meaning to every song. Everything is so meticulously thought out and I appreciate that. You've created a new kind of music that will one day rock the world, and I'm glad to get to be a part of it. Without hesitance I can happily say that I'm a Baby, and a fan of k-pop. Yes, I get a few judgemental looks, but I've learned that I'm not alone. There's so many Babyz world-wide it's crazy! We've become a family, and will support you for the rest of our lives. I'm a Baby and I <3 BAP Lori
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Elflower017 #1
Chapter 7: Cute. Though I wish the conversations were a little longer. Please update soon! :)