Gerly Watermelon's GALLERY!~

Ok, i know from the beginnin' that i'm better in making cute and happy posters than angsty ones ;__; But i'm still tryin'.

This poster isn't THAT cute but i see it's so much betterthan the FIRST CUTE POSTER i EVER made 


Such a disaster!!!;___; (oh yeah if u wanna know, P.Linh is my real name for short :P)

Anyway, back to the EXO poster, i think the biggest mistake is i didn't move Baekhyun's picture frame to the girl and Luhan's side :( At first i thought it wouldn't fit so i moved it to the right and now i'm regretin' ;___; I shouldn't have done that, now it looks so...messy you know *le cry*

Well i'm still have alot to improve .___.

Pls leave comments below, tell me what you think, give me some advice, thanks!^^~ See you next time~~

*throw hearts like Woohyun*


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anyahe #1
Chapter 4: I love BangSong too! These posters are good! It's good that you've tried to make angst posters :) it'll be better and better till you'll be expert by time ~ hwaiting!
Actually I can't make any poster, I'm really bad in editing I guess hahaha
Love your art :) hwaiting!
Chapter 2: Are you Vietnamese? I think the poster's good! I'm not the best at cute/comedy (I'm better at angst) but having the character skin tone matching would be good. ;)
Chapter 1: This poster is really good for your first time in making angst! Can't wait to see your other works :)