Gerly Watermelon's GALLERY!~

I made this not very long time ago, by the time i finished this, the author told me she decided to cancel the request so....i left it hangin' in there.

The title of the story was really "Untitled" and it's a poster for a BangSong fanfic :)) 

This was the first time i ever done an angst poster so it wasn't so good, what do you think about it??:))

P.s: If anyone out there is intending to write a BangSong story, tell me, i'll fix the title and author's name for ya!!:D (If you really like to make this poster yours). And btw, i'm also a HUGE BangSong shipper right here!!xD~

They're so real!!!!*sob sob* T.T~

The way they smiled to each other while jumping like 2 little bunnies~ <3


OK, bye~


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anyahe #1
Chapter 4: I love BangSong too! These posters are good! It's good that you've tried to make angst posters :) it'll be better and better till you'll be expert by time ~ hwaiting!
Actually I can't make any poster, I'm really bad in editing I guess hahaha
Love your art :) hwaiting!
Chapter 2: Are you Vietnamese? I think the poster's good! I'm not the best at cute/comedy (I'm better at angst) but having the character skin tone matching would be good. ;)
Chapter 1: This poster is really good for your first time in making angst! Can't wait to see your other works :)