Take Six ►

Beyond Fiction {Hiatus}

Sumin beamed happily as she hooked arms with her cousin. Yes, cousin and not manager. Today, she was going to spend some quality shopping time with her cousin and not her manager, some girls bonding time. They left the house and locked the doors before taking a lift down to the lobby. Sumin exchanged looks with her cousin as they counted the money they had in their wallets, grinning. They were gonna shop the entire mall down, like how her cousin said. It's been a long time since she had last spent some time with her cousin. They've been busy without any vacation for the past three years and her cousin too, was exhausted at the manager's job.

"So, where are we going today? Times Square? Star City? Or.. COEX Mall?" Sumin asked excitedly.

Sumin's cousin stuck her tongue out at her. "Not gonna spoil the surprise, you're gonna have to wait and see!" Sumin cringed her face and scoffed.

"Whatever, you can hide all you want but I will still know where you're going!" Sumin stuck her tongue out too. They both walked towards the car park and Sumin waited as her cousin unlocked the doors.

"Are you excited?" Her cousin teased, not unlocking the doors as she made Sumin wait.

"Yoonhee!" Sumin stomped her feet.

"What? I can't hear you~" Yoonhee cupped her ears.

"Lee Yoonhee!" Sumin screamed as she pulled at the handles of the door.

"Oh alright, alright." She rolled her eyes and unlocked the doors.

They both got into the car and drove off, anxious and excited to spent their money, mainly Yoonhee. Sumin wasn't one to spend money on clothes as she always got them from sponsors but she wanted to go out for two reasons. One, she wanted to spend the day with her cousin, as said and two, she wanted to forget everything that happened back in the house just now and play around.

They drove and as they got closer to where Yoonhee had planned, the bigger Sumin's smirk went. She got an idea where they were going now. But she was worried. Today was a Friday and there would be many people in that mall on a Friday. If people recognised her.. She shuddered.

"Y-yah." She took Yoonhee's hand and the latter turned to her. "I think.. let's just go to another mall. Times Square will be having a crowd today." She said and her cousin gaped at her.

"Are you hearing yourself? Who cares if they have a crowd! Times Square is where I will be going and you will be too! They have tons of pretty clothes there!" Right when Yoonhee said that, she turned into the car park of Times Square mall.

Sumin sighed and slumped back in her seat as Yoonhee searched for a slot to park the car. She couldn't deny what Yoonhee said, Times Square really had many pretty clothing there. She just hoped.. no one would recognised her there. And even if they did, they'll not pester her or anything. The sad life of a celebrity.

Once they parked the car and took the lift down to the ground floor, they stepped out and was greeted with a bunch of screaming fan girls running past them. Sumin even had to back away a few steps to prevent herself from getting bumped into.

"OPPA!" Those bunch of fan girls screamed as they ran and queued behind a long line. Sumin and Yoonhee looked at one another.

"What's going in here?" Sumin asked and Yoonhee shrugged her shoulders.

"Let's just go searching for our things." Yoonhee said and dragged her away. Sumin couldn't help herself but glanced back at the long queue behind her as she was dragged away. Her eyes caught sight of a blonde hair and she tilted her head.

"Where have I seen that hair.." She mumbled to herself.

Yoonhee turned around and looked at her. "You said something?" She asked and Sumin shook her head, catching up to Yoonhee's side.


"Curse manager-hyung to death! Why didn't he tell me that we suddenly had an extra schedule today?! And I was thinking of sleeping in today!" Kris hissed under his breath. He continued to smile to the cameras in front as he and s took their seats on stage.

He was sleeping soundly early in the morning when he was woken up by his manager, telling him that he had an extra schedule today with s. When asked why he didn't said it earlier, his manager told him that it was a sudden 'fan meet'. He had no choice but to give up his sleep and changed to go to his schedule.


"Sumin, what do you think of this?" Yoonhee asked as she put the pink cloth of satin and cotton in front of her, swirling around in circles.

"The best!" Sumin approved and put her two thumbs up. Along with her by her side, there were many paper bags, all consist of accessories, clothes and other girly stuff they bought. They had around twenty bags and Yoonhee still wasn't done with it, she was going to have more paper bags in their hands.

"I'll get this then!" Yoonhee beamed and shoved the dress into the staff's hands.

Sumin got up from the couch she was sitting on and took the bags into her hands. Just as she stood up, her eyes caught two familiar people along with one other guy walking at the male section of the store. She squinted her eyes to make sure she was seeing right.

A finger snapped in front of her face and she looked to her right. "You alright?" Yoonhee looked at her and she nodded.

"I thought I saw Jaejoong and Yoochun Oppa." Yoonhee shook her head.

"You're starting to see things. Why would they be at Times Square today? It's crowded like hell." Yoonhee laughed and pulled her out.

They walked a few rounds on the third floor before Yoonhee sat down on one bench, massaging her aching legs. Sumin laughed silently when she saw Yoonhee pouting. She was the one who said they would shop the entire mall down yet, she was here complaining how tired and jelly her legs are.

"-and I'm hungry too!" Yoonhee whined. She brightened. "I know! There's a bistro on the ground floor, let's go there!" She didn't wait for another word from Sumin and pulled her along again.

They took the escalators down and was greeted with the screaming of fan girls once again. Yoonhee and Sumin had to cover their ears as it was too loud and piercing for their ears, it was hurting. Sumin turned to her side and glared at Yoonhee.

'I told you it would be crowded today!' Sumin mouthed and Yoonhee meekly smiled.

'Sorry.' She mouthed back.

When they were on the ground floor, Sumin sighed and pulled her navy blue cadet cap down lower so no one would recognised her. Yoonhee pulled Sumin along as they walked towards the bistro. However though, while they were walking halfway, Sumin's cap got pulled away and she gasped, turning around to see who took her cap off.

She was met with a smiling Jaejoong right behind her. "I knew it was you!" He cheered and beside him, Yoochun grinned.

Yoonhee stopped in her steps and stepped back a few steps, stopping by Sumin's side. "Jaejoong-ssi!" She smiled brightly.

Sumin blinked at the three guys right in front of her eyes and flushed when she was reminded of the scene she made at the filming set the day before. Just let the ground swallow me up now! She thought. Her face got beet red and her cousin nudge her. "Y-yeah?" Sumin looked up at the three amused guys. "Oh! My cap! Return it to me!" She reached for her cap in Jaejoong's left hand but before she could reach it, Jaejoong tip-toed and the cap was even further.

He chuckled at her attempt to reach the cap. "You won't be able to get it~" He mused.

"Return it to me!" She pouted and stepped on his left foot, making him bend over in pain as he groaned. "Hah! Got it!" She beamed when she got hold of her cap.

"Curse the cap." Jaejoong muttered to himself as he used his right foot to rub over his left foot, an attempt to make it feel less pain.

"You got owned, Jaejoong." Yoochun mocked and Jaejoong sent a glare to him. "Learn." Yoochun told him and got Sumin's cap in a second.

"Hey!" Sumin protested and reached for her cap. However though, the cap was passed on to his other hand before she could grab it and when she tried going for his other hand, he flung it into the air and wore it over his head. "Return it to me! People will know it's me without the cap!"

"You want it?" Yoochun asked and she nodded her head.

"What should you say? What's the magic word?" Yoochun leaned in and she pursed her lips.

"Do I have to?"

"Not again.." Yoonhee face-palmed.

"What do you think?"

Sumin bit her bottom lip, a gesture Jaejoong never got to see. Her cheeks turned slightly pink and she swallowed.

"I'm waiting..."


"Please who?"

"Oh come on! Just return her the cap! She makes me shiver with her acting like this!" Jaejoong cut in and grabbed the cap from Yoochun, putting it over Sumin's head.

"Thank you." She smiled at Jaejoong and he waved it off. To be honest, he didn't know if it was because he was her fan or because something within him didn't like the idea of her acting differently to other guys. It made him jealous and mad. Somehow, he wished her weird behavior would only be displayed for him to see.

"Sumin?" All heads turned over to the source of voice and was met with EXO on the stage. Sumin's eyes widened when she saw Kris. So it was him just now whom she saw?

All the fan girls scowled when they saw her. Who was she to Kris for him to call out her name? Kris himself didn't even know. He had been hearing to the MC as he spoke when his eyes caught Sumin along with Jaejoong. His eyes slit into a thin line and he felt himself watching every move she made. Without knowing, her name slipped out from his mouth and he was shocked as well.

"What is he doing here?" Yoochun asked and they all shrugged.

"Ah yes! Sumin! Jaejoong! I'm glad you came!" A voice shouted from the crowd and they scrutinized the sea of fan girls for the one that was calling them. Finally, EXO's manager appeared and they were confused. Glad that they came? "Kris was afraid you guys couldn't come! It's a very important day for him and he wanted you guys to come over! Now that you're here, let's go to the back and wait till he's done, okay?" What? What was he talking about? They got it when they saw the manager winking and they nodded.

"Ah! Right! I wanted to introduce a very good hoobae of mine!" Jaejoong said, purposedly loud.


They were soon led to the backstage, apparently 'waiting' for Kris. The area they were sitting in were directly behind the tent and they could hear what every fan girl was saying. Yoonhee sighed inwardly. It was good enough that one guy had to ruin their girls' bonding time. Then, a second guy had to come in. Just how great could this get? She glanced at Sumin. She felt that this time, Sumin somehow wouldn't be able to stay professional. The first warning was already made when she got drunk on set. Just how deep will this relationship go with the two guys, Yoonhee did not know. 

"Oppa, is Sumin unnie dating any one of you?" A fan girl asked and Sumin's ear perked up at her name.

"Haha, no, she isn't."

"Then why did you call the both of them here?"

"We're just friends."

"Or is she dating Jaejoong Oppa? It's okay! I won't tell anyone!"

"W-what? N-no-" And Sumin heard nothing after. Probably, the fan girl had already went away.

Oh great, how good can god be? Arranging for the three of them to be in the same mall, at the same day, at the same time. And now, things will get worst if that fan girl spreads rumors around saying she's dating Jaejoong. What her parents would do to her.. she shivered inwardly.

"Hey, you okay?" Yoonhee asked when Sumin's face turned pale.


"Hyung, what the hell are we doing here? I thought we were going to find some balls for soccer." Junsu asked as he looked around the big tent.

"Junsu, not now." Jaejoong replied as he kept his eyes on Sumin, observing her from his spot. He noticed how her face went from bright to gloomy, what was she thinking?

Applause could be heard from outside and footsteps became louder and louder. They saw shadows outside the white big tent and they stared out.

"What the hell were you thinking Kris?! It's fan meet! You're supposed to be composed! Why did you call out for Sumin-ssi? Yes, I know you're excited to see her but this event isn't something you take easily!"

"What? I wasn't excited!"

"Look at your face when she turned your way, it's written all over!"

"Manager-hyung, it's just a small mistake, everything is alright so calm down!"

"What if the fan girls gets crazy and starts to think you're dating Sumin-ssi? Chaos would happen! You have to understand EXO is still new in the industry and that you're forbidden to have any relationship now! You do know that your fan girls are obsessed with you and that if you're in a relationship, you'll be deep soup, right?!" Sumin swallowed. Obsessed? She'd heard of fan girls sending death-threatening letters to the female party of the relationship. Were they jealous and obsessed? Did she want that to happen to her?

"No! Of course not!" Sumin shouted to herself softly. Jaejoong cocked an eyebrow. Of course not what?

"Yes, I know. I'm sorry, it won't happen again." She saw a tall figure bowing low.

"I hope there won't be any 'again'." And one of the shadow walked off. She saw many of the figures patting that tall figure before they left.

Kris sighed and went into the tent.


Author's Note:

Sorry I haven't updated in 11 days. I had been busy, one thing or another. But I updated:D I hope you liked this update ^^

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Forever_without_love #1
Chapter 7: /don't worry...waiting...don't rush yourself.
LuckyJune #2
Chapter 7: A month.. I'm gonna be dead haha lol XD I LOVE THIS STORY SO FREAKING MUCH!!! And poor Kris taking the blame. While waiting for a month, can you tell me the adree of Sumin's parents so I can go and kill them? lol jk!!!
Chapter 7: Alrightyyyy i'll wait for you authornimmm
secret-lover #4
must this great fanfic kill me? gawd i hate you, for writing such a good fic. haha not to sound too stupid, but it sound so real me and my stupid self even searched it up to see if it was a real movie otl. /slapped. me and my stupid self
Chapter 6: woot the poster is nice!
I still trying to portray everything in mind and, well, you're doing great! ^^
Chapter 6: Sumin actually seems to be thinking about a relationship? 8O
And poor Kris... his manager was kinda harsh on him. D8
Jaejoong's reactions are cute! He really needs to make a move! XD
Chapter 6: oooooohhhhh~
Chapter 6: more T^T pleaseeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 6: more T^T pleaseeeeeeeeeee
K-PopAddict72 #10
Chapter 6: So all of JYJ were shopping for soccer balls. That's just perfect for Junsu. Kris' manager was kind of harsh. It was just a slip of the tongue.