Take Four ►

Beyond Fiction {Hiatus}

The scene was supposed to end where Jaejung dialed his manager's number into the phone and hang the call. The director was supposed to call for a break but something unexpected happened. Sumin had stopped Jaejoong from calling 'Jaejung's' manger and it wasn't on the script. He waited to see what Sumin was up to.

Sumin pulled away from Jaejoong and supported herself up by her arms before she stated confusely, "Wait, I'm Sumin, not Minjung." She thought about it and nodded her head. She smiled widely at Jaejoong whose eyes got so big it could drop out of his socket any moment.

What the hell was she thinking?! What the hell was she doing?! What the hell was she saying?! "What are you saying?" Jaejoong laughed awkwardly as he looked at the people at the side nervously.

"I know you think that I am drunk." She hiccuped and looked at Jaejoong with half closed eyes. "But I am still sober enough to know my-" She hiccuped again. "-name."

"CUT CUT CUT!" The director waved his arms in the air and the camera stopped rolling.

"You're seriously drunk." Jaejoong stated as he held her by her arms.

"I'm not!" She argued and pulled away. She started standing up and took small, wavering steps. "See! I can walk properly!" She cheered and even turned around to walk backwards.

Since they were no longer acting, Kris got up from his position. Sumin took another few steps back and she stumbled, falling to the ground. Her impact to the floor wasn't that much though because Kris caught her in time, his arms acted as a shield for her. Jaejoong wanted to catch her but he wasn't on time.

Though her upper body wasn't hurt, she sprained her ankle and she winced, grabbing her ankle. She rubbed it a few times and she started sniffing before she cried out loud. "My ankle hurts! I'm going to die! I'm going to die! I'm not going to bring pride to my parents anymore! I'm dying!" She wailed.

Her manager who finally came over after hearing the commotion she made, face palmed at the scene. That was why Sumin could never drink, never, ever, for as long as she lived. She would become a child at the age of eight. Whose clever idea was it to let her drink real alcohol anyway?!

"Excuse me, excuse me," Her manager squeezed through the staff. "Excuse me, make way please!" She finally reached Sumin and she crouched down to Sumin's level. "Let me see." She pulled Sumin's ankle towards her and check on it. It was starting to swell and she sighed. "Look what happens when you drink! Didn't I tell you never to drink?!"

Sumin pouted and hung her head. "Mianhae.." She mumbled. "Omma." Everyone in the crowd gasped and stared at Sumin's manager.

Temporarily ignoring the stares she was getting from people around especially the shocked faces of Kris and Jaejoong, her manager lifted her off the ground and hung Sumin's arm over her shoulder. However, Sumin didn't want to move and started dragging her weight down, wanting to stay where she was.

"No! I don't want to go! I like it here!" She insisted and started bending her knees. She was getting heavier and heavier and her manager couldn't hold on to her, letting go before Sumin landed her on the floor. "I'm not going anywhere!" Sumin folded her arms despite the fact that her hurt, a little.

"Be a good girl and listen to Omma!" Her manager scolded and Sumin turned her head away. Everyone watched as the scene in front of them unfolded itself. "Or you're not going home! You're a shame to our family now!" Her manager set her hands on her hips, frustrated.

"Fine then! I'm not going home! Never!" Sumin stuck her tongue out at her manager. Jaejoong and Kris continued watching, not believing that the calm and hyper Sumin who put respect and image first would be acting this way now.

"Don't make me resort to my last warning!" Her manager pointed at Sumin.

"I can't hear you~" Sumin laid down on the floor.

"That's it!" Her manager hit her back and she was instantly knocked out. Her manager huffed once and pulled her up, slinging her one arm over her own shoulder. With all the strength she used to drag Sumin out just now, she was a little exhausted. She looked over to the two guys and smiled meekily. "A little help?" She asked and they snapped out of their daze, moving over to help her.

They brought her over to her van and slid the door closed. Sumin's manager sighed heavily and leaned against the door, panting hard. "Mianhae, she gets a little hard to handle when she drinks, which is why I never let her have any Soju or alcohol."

The two guys shook their heads as they continued staring into the van and over to Sumin's manager, unsure whether or not they should pop they question. Making up their mind, they spoke at the same time. "Are you really her Omma?"

Her manager chuckled and shook her head. "No, I'm not."

"Then why.." Jaejoong pointed to the van.

"She gets this idea that I am her mother whenever she's drunk. I'm just her cousin, that's all. The first time I worked as her manager, I didn't know she had this habit when she was drunk. When we had a few drinks the first time, she started calling me 'Omma' and became like a child. I didn't know what to do then. But then, I've gotten used to it and now I learnt that the way to make her 'listen', sometimes. Is to act like her 'Omma'. She do listen most of the time but... this is exceptional." Sumin's manger rubbed the back of her neck.

"Man.." Kris mumbled while staring into the van at Sumin's body. "It must be tiring being her manager." He spoke softly.

Sumin's manager heard him and laughed. "It does get tiring but she'll make you forget it all the moment she talks to you, she does have this aura around her that just makes people happy, despite she herself being unhappy."

"Unhappy?" Jaejoong asked.

"Don't tell her I told you guys this. She was brought into this industry against her will when her parents needed the money. Her real dream is not to be an actress, she wishes to travel the world. She wants to see all the famous tourist spot of every country. But she gave that dream up and stuck to this career because it made her parents happy, one way or another. She knows it'll make her parents feel proud if she was famous. Her parents liked the attention they received with their daughter being Korea's top 10 most best actress. So.. she'll be happy and all but sad when she thinks about what she has to achieve to make her parents approve of her." Sumin's manager shrugged her shoulders.

"Oh.." The guys nodded. Jaejoong never knew of this. He never knew this past of Sumin, and he called himself her fan.

"So anyway, I gotta drive us back to the house before she wakes up." She looked down at her watch and back to the guys. "She'll be awake in an hour and a half so I've only got an hour to bring her to bed before she starts stripping herself off her clothes, complaining that the weather is too hot." She waved at them. "I'll see you guys two days later!" She got into the van and started the engine.

Before the van drove off though, she rolled the window down and shouted at the guys. "And ask the director not to give her real alcohol next time! Tell him we're sorry but we have to leave first." And the van went off.

Jaejoong and Kris turned around and started to walk back to the shooting location. Jaejoong chuckled when he remembered how she turned into a kid when she drank too much. "I wonder if she'll have a bad hangover the next morning." He whispered to himself.

Kris frowned. Just hearing the way Sumin's manager spoke about Sumin's parents, it made him angry. How could any parent force their child to do something they don't want to? It amazed him how Sumin was able to smile and keep calm, doing her job with a positive attitude. If it was him, he'll probably throw a fit and leave to do whatever he wanted to do.

"Where is she?" The director asked, concerned.

"Oh, Sumin's manager left with her. She apologised for the inconvenience she brought and also, she asked me to tell you not to give Sumin any alcohol the next time." Kris explained.

The director nodded his head, "Okay. I'm just concerned about her. Remind me not to let her drink any of the alcohol next time." And the director walked off, clapping his hands and telling the staff it was a wrap for the day.

Everyone later left the venue and went back to their respective places. Jaejoong was exhausted and when he went back, he took a hot shower before slipping into his bed.

Kris had other schedules with EXO and he had to sleep in the car while driving to his next location in order to catch up on sleep. But he was glad that he didn't have any schedules the next day. He could probably sleep in the entire day.


Sumin's manager finally brought Sumin to her bed and she tucked her in, making sure to clean her first. Sumin started giggling and she sat up all of a sudden, shocking her manager.

She turned to her manager and beamed. "Omma," She said in a sweet voice. "How I wish you weren't so strict so we can have our girls' talk now." She pouted and played with her fingers. "But anyway, since you're here," She lay back down on the bed and closed her eyes. "I just wanna share with you." And she opened her eyes, staring at her cousin now, not her manager. "I miss you and Appa.." Her eyes started closing again. "A lo-..." And she fell into a slumber.

Her cousin shook her head, brushing her hair back. "Have a good sleep, Sumin-ah." She kissed her cousin's forehead before getting up from the bed and turning off the lights, slipping out from the room quietly.

"I do miss you guys.." Sumin muttered in her sleep.


Author's Note:

So.. no one expected Sumin to be this... childish when she's drunk xD


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Forever_without_love #1
Chapter 7: /don't worry...waiting...don't rush yourself.
LuckyJune #2
Chapter 7: A month.. I'm gonna be dead haha lol XD I LOVE THIS STORY SO FREAKING MUCH!!! And poor Kris taking the blame. While waiting for a month, can you tell me the adree of Sumin's parents so I can go and kill them? lol jk!!!
Chapter 7: Alrightyyyy i'll wait for you authornimmm
secret-lover #4
must this great fanfic kill me? gawd i hate you, for writing such a good fic. haha not to sound too stupid, but it sound so real me and my stupid self even searched it up to see if it was a real movie otl. /slapped. me and my stupid self
Chapter 6: woot the poster is nice!
I still trying to portray everything in mind and, well, you're doing great! ^^
Chapter 6: Sumin actually seems to be thinking about a relationship? 8O
And poor Kris... his manager was kinda harsh on him. D8
Jaejoong's reactions are cute! He really needs to make a move! XD
Chapter 6: oooooohhhhh~
Chapter 6: more T^T pleaseeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 6: more T^T pleaseeeeeeeeeee
K-PopAddict72 #10
Chapter 6: So all of JYJ were shopping for soccer balls. That's just perfect for Junsu. Kris' manager was kind of harsh. It was just a slip of the tongue.