

"The plane is about to land, please go back to your seats and put on your seatbelts." Yonghwa was excited to go back to his homeland, for good, mostly wanting to see his other half in real life, not from a screen. It was great that they are still able to maintain their happy relationship even through the one year that they have been apart. With that, he grinned to himself and prepare for the landing.

The twinkle in his eyes shone through the rows of people who are waiting to get off the plane and have their holidays, work, and also to reunite with their loved ones. As the plane come to a halt, his heart start to beat faster, and he could not stay still. As soon as the sign turns off, he unhook the safety belt and reach up to grab his things just so that he came get off the plane faster. 

He always look forward to having his love in his arms, and stare at her doe, innocent eyes. He wasn't walking through the airport anymore, he skipped through the exit gate.

"Jung Yonghwa!" He ears caught his mother's voice as he sees his family holding up a paper with his name on it just to . he ran and hugged his mom and dad as well as his brother.

"I missed you all"

He really missed the scent of his homeland. However, he realised something - someone to be specific- is missing.

"Seohyun fell sick. She's at home waiting"

His mom caught the curiosity in his eyes and informed him.

There was an odd feeling, however, but he just chose to ignore it. It seemed as if his family was hidng something from him. Well, he became worried and wanted to see her as quickly as possible.

"Just put your bags in the back" his dad said. "Hmph! I just got back from Japan and I get no help!" Yonghwa said, causing everyone else to laugh. He opened the door, and he saw an oddly shaped object being covered by his favourite keroro blanket - given by his beloved. He reached for it. When he almost touch it, it moved. Giggles came from the "object".

"Yah! Hurry Yonghwa-ya!" His dad told him. However, his mom and brother are just looking at him as if they're waiting for something to happen.






Yonghwa stumbled backwards and almost fell on the floor of the parking lot while the others are laughing at him. Seohyun moved her hair away from her face and laughed along as well. She got out of the car and jumped into Yonghwa's arms. Circling her arms around his neck.

"Yah! What was that! I thougt mom said you're sick!" His actions though, betrayed his words and held Seohyun tightly.

"Oppa~ its a surprise~ we need something so you don't suspect anything" Seohyun said with aegyo. His lips form a wide smile that shone so brightly "Aigoo, I missed you so much" Yonghwa said and buried his face into the crook of Seohyun's neck.

"C'mon kids! You can continue this later" Yonghwa's mom shouted from the passeger seat of the car. Even though she love to see her son happy and all, they still have a lot of things to do. Both of them just laughed and grabbed each other's hand tightly as they entered the car. Not saying anything, but knowing what each other are trying to convey.



Sorry.. this is so darn short.. and late..

 I was running out of ideas.. >.< 

Hey everyone! This is my first time writing in AFF... Even though I have been a member for quite a long time. Finally got the guts to post my stories up! What did u guys think of this? I am willing to receive critisisms. I am an avid fanfic reader. And a Yongseo shipper.. XD Also an ELF, BABY, EXOtic(even though its not official yet), and wonderful as well. Hmm... I guess that's all... If you have any other questions about me or suggestions, please to comment!:D

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seororo312 #1
Chapter 2: The "booo!" part was hilarious! It really remained me of their choding moments in WGM =D
cnsdGirl #2
Chapter 1: Wah~ I suddenly missing their own moments. Aigoo~ such a cry baby. Well, I don't care. I willingly crying for both of them no matter how much time. X3
But, can you make another one? >.<
luxubu #3
Chapter 1: Is it all? I want more!!!! Plz add 1 more chapter for YH's comeback