



After 3 years of sticking with each other, it was time for them to face a big challenge to their relationship.  Yonghwa was leaving Korea to further study in Japan for the next 2 years. As Seohyun leave for the airport, she finally realized the amount of time that has just flew past her for the past months.


Seohyun has never actually thought that this would happen this soon. As she sits behind him in the car, she looks at Yonghwa as all the memories that they have been through the past 3 years flashed in front of her. She was on the way to send him off to the airport as he leaves for Japan. Even though she was extremely sad at his departure, the thought of facing a long distance relationship made her very anxious. But the thought of not seeing him in real life for years to come made her even sadder.

The car that Yonghwa’s dad was driving came to a halt as his family as well as our best friends bustled out of the three cars. Heavy silence was in the air. No one really knows what to say, as they walk slowly to the gate as to drag time.

We left him to talk to his family as first, his mom being the first the shed her tears as to see that his son was leaving her. Yonghwa’s smile was forced as he too held back all his emotions. He knew that he would be able to come back in the term-breaks that his university gives. However, he was sad to know that he would not be seeing his family every day. He also knows that his dad and brother is proud of him, but also sad as he’ll be leaving them.

As Yonghwa’s family turned and walked away, we - as his best friends – walked towards him. One by one we hugged and said good luck. The guys being themselves joked around, and talked about playing their games as he arrives. The girls pretty much reminded him to not forget about everyone, as well as giving him ‘good ’. Seohyun was in the end of the line. Nothing was said between them as they locked their gazes at each other, while the others moving away as to give them privacy.  

Seohyun’s eyes starts to blur as tears filled her eyes. Yonghwa seeing that hugged her tight and whispered “don’t cry, if you cry I will not be able to leave”.

Seohyun sniffled and wiped her tears away. Yonghwa leaned back as he held her hands tight.

“We’ll see each other in half a year, its not going to be forever. I will come back very soon and we’ll spend every second we have with each other. We can also talk to skype.” Yonghwa smiled.

“I’m going to miss you so much, Yong~” her voice came out as shaky.

“I’ll fight for us. We can face this together.”

“ If you want you can always come to Japan..” Yonghwa said jokingly.

Seohyun’s lips formed a slight smile. Yonghwa poked her cheek, being the choding that he is. He gave a peck on Seohyun’s lips.

“Just remember my lips if you miss me” Yonghwa smiled as Seohyun hit his chest, a smile formed on her lips.

The announcement for his plane rang through the airport as they let go of each other, but gazes never leaving each others’ eyes. Seohyun leaned towards Yonghwa. Giving him a peck on his cheek and smiling at him.

“that’s for you, if you suddenly miss me.”

Yonghwa grinned. “Only that, my lovely Hyun~?”

Seohyun nodded as the others came towards them, as they give their last hugs and farewells to Yonghwa. Yonghwa then grabbed his hand luggage and moved backwards.

“I’m going to miss everyone so much” he sighed.

His steps were heavy as he entered the gate. Through the glass he can see everyone waving goodbyes at him, giving him thumbs up and ‘fighting!’ as well. He waved back and didn’t turn back after passing the metal detector, worried that he might not be able to leave and end up being late for his flight.

Seohyun still held her tears back as she saw Yonghwa waving at everyone. She caught the wink that he sent her and smiled back at him. He didn’t look back, and she understands that.

Her other half was no longer next to her, but 1155 km away from her. She believes that they will fight together, still being happy and honest to each other, making sure that they will always have faith in each other, trusts each other.

Yonghwa knows that he and Seohyun will be able to go through this. He may be 1155km away, but his heart will forever be where his other half is. He rummaged through his bag pack to find his earphones. However, his hands touched a soft book instead. He took it out.

“Letters to our Yong-choding” was written in the cover. He quickly knew that it was his friends’ doing and smiled. He didn’t care of others who is looking at him weirdly as he smiled by himself. Opening the cover, he saw all the pictures that they took ever since they started. Pictures from school events, to trips, to random pictures were compiles in the small scrapbook. As he reached the last few pages, it stated to contain words and not photos anymore. Everyone from the gang wrote a small message to him. However, the last page contained of the handwriting that he has always loved.

“We may be apart but, I hope that, our hearts will forever be together. Yong-oppa, I really hope that you’ll comeback quickly, and successfully as well. Everyone has been together for so many years that we have become attached to one another. You being away will leave an empty spot for everyone and for me as well. We’ll wait for you to come back~ Fighting! Saranghaeyo oppa”

With that, Yonghwa smiled. His eyes started to become wet as the gift touched his heart. He turned to the last page. It was a picture of the both of them together. He caressed her face and whispered “I love you too, Hyun” and kissed her forehead. Even though it was just a photo, he hoped that she can receive his feelings. 

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seororo312 #1
Chapter 2: The "booo!" part was hilarious! It really remained me of their choding moments in WGM =D
cnsdGirl #2
Chapter 1: Wah~ I suddenly missing their own moments. Aigoo~ such a cry baby. Well, I don't care. I willingly crying for both of them no matter how much time. X3
But, can you make another one? >.<
luxubu #3
Chapter 1: Is it all? I want more!!!! Plz add 1 more chapter for YH's comeback